being cut in a thing with which a knife is brought into contact, where it is brought
into contact with it, and satiety at eating and satisfaction at drinking. And he who holds
that fire burns by its nature (tab), and water satisfies by its nature, and so on,
is an unbeliever (kafir) by agreement (ijma). And he who holds that it burns
by a power (quwa) created.in it by God, is ignorant and corrupt, because he knows
not the true nature (haqiqa) of Unity.
This is the general proof a knowledge of which is incumbent upon every individual, male
and female: and he who knows it not is an unbeliever, according to as-Sanusi and al-Arabi.
And may God rule thy guidance.
And Priority and Continuance and Difference from originated things and Self-Subsistence
and Unity are negative qualities (sifat salabiya), that is, their meaning is
negation and exclusion, for each of them excludes from God what does not beseem Him.
The seventh Quality necessary in God is Power (qudra). It is a quality which
makes an impression on a thing that is capable of existence or non-existence. So it comes
into connection (ta'allaqa) with a non-entity and makes it an entity, as it came
into connection with you before you existed. And it comes into connection with an entity
and reduces it to a non-entity, as it comes into contact with a body which God desires
should become a non-entity, that is, a not-thing (la shay). This connection is
called accomplished (tanjizi) in the sense that it is actual (bil-fi'l), and
this accomplished connection is a thing that takes place (hadith). But this quality
has also an eternal, potential connection (saluhi qadim), and it is its
potentiality from eternity of bringing into existence. It is potential in eternity to make
Zayd tall or short or broad, or give him knowledge; but its accomplished connection is
conditioned by the state in which Zayd is. So it has two connections; one eternal,
potential, which has been described, and one accomplished, happening. The last is its
connection with a non-entity, when it makes it an entity; and with an entity, when it
makes it a non-entity. And this, I mean its connection
with an entity or a non-entity, is a real (haqiqi) connection. f But it has also
a figurative (majazi) connection. That is, its connection with an entity after it
has become so and before it has become a non-entity, as it is connected with us after we
have come to exist and before we have ceased to exist. It is called the connection of
grasping (ta'alluqu-l-qabdati) in the sense that the entity is in the grasp (qabda)
of the Power of God. If God will, He makes it remain an entity; and if He will, He reduces
it to non-entity. And its connection with the non-entity before that God wills its
existence is like its connection with Zayd at the time of the Flood (tufan), for
example; it also is a connection of grasping in the sense that the non-entity is in the
grasp of the Power of God. If God wills, He makes it remain in non-existence, and if He
wills, He brings it out into existence. And similar is its connection with us after our
death and before the resurrection (ba'th). It, too, is called a connection of
grasping in the sense of what has preceded. So the quality of Power has seven connections:
(1) eternal, (2) connection of grasping (that is, its connection with us before God wills
our existence), (3) actual connection (that is, God's bringing the thing into existence),
(4) connection of grasping (that is, connection with a thing after existence and before
God has willed non-existence), (5) actual connection (that is, God's making a thing a
non-entity), (6) connection of grasping after non-existence and before the resurrection,
(7) actual connection (that is, God's making us exist on the day of resurrection).
But the real connections of these are two; God's bringing into existence and bringing
into non-existence. This is a detailed statement; and a general statement would be that
God's Power has two connections—as is commonly accepted—a potential and an
accomplished; but the accomplished is limited to actual bringing into existence and
non-existence. And the connection of grasping is not to be described as accomplished, nor
as eternal. And what has preceded about this quality connecting with existence and
non-existence is the opinion of the multitude on the subject. But some hold