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the story of Halima, the Prophet's nurse. This legend, in its earliest recorded form, is given by Sprenger with a sufficiency of fabulous matter; but Ghulâm Imâm's version advances incomparably further. A few of the marvels of the Prophet's childhood may be added here:—

There is a tradition, that the Lord of the universe, the blessed Mohammed, used to advance as much in one day, as other children in a year. When two months old, he made himself understood by signs and beckonings; in the third month he arose of himself and stood upright; in the fourth he began to walk, taking hold of the wall, and in the fifth, without assistance; in the sixth month he could walk fast, and in the seventh he could run; in the eighth month he could talk, and in the ninth speak with the most perfect eloquence. After the tenth month he contended with the boys in archery, and when in his second year he appeared like a full-grown youth.

Halima adds, that the first words which issued from his blessed mouth were the Creed: that he never took up anything in his hands without saying, "In the name of the Lord": that his infantile gear was never dirtied as is usual with children, nor ever required to be washed, etc.

Mohammed himself, in after years, related to his uncle Abbas that when an infant, his nurse happened to tie his hand rather tight, and that he wept sorely. But the moon addressed him thus, "If a drop of thy tears falls to the earth, it will never again be green and fresh, until the judgment day; so for the love of my people, I refrained from crying, and the moon talking with me kept, me engaged with her in prattle, lest I should cry." Abbas expressed his astonishment that his nephew should remember incidents that occurred when he was six weeks old, when Mohammed only added to his wonder, by telling him that he perfectly recollected events which happened when in his mother's womb, as the noise of the eternal pen on the tablet of fate, and the sound of the sun and moon making obeisance before the Almighty

After a long description of the Prophet's person and manners, this curious passage follows:—

Mohammed Husein, manager of the Mohammedy press, respectfully urges upon all those who love the Prophet of the Lord, that they transfer to the mirror of their hearts, this ennobled description of the personal appearance of the Prophet, which is a literal translation from the traditions of Tirmidzy; 


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