upon thy Lord." Many explanations are given of the verse, but none seems
satisfactory, and hence every Muhammadan has to face the terrible prospect of going once
to hell, even though he may ultimately be delivered from it. For, although it is very
frequently asserted in the Qur'an that the lost shall endure eternal1
torment in hell, yet it is believed that all Muslims, even those guilty of the most
terrible crimes,2 after a period varying in proportion to their guilt, will
All Muslims
ultimately be in some manner delivered from hell-fire3 and admitted into
Paradise, there to enjoy in varying degrees that peculiar kind of pleasure most in accord
with their carnal nature.
of Delights
of Paradise.
We must confess that many learned and pious Muslims4 have endeavoured to
explain away the sensual colouring of the Paradise described by Muhammad. Al Baidhawi,5
for example, endeavours