believers, but turned to stones in the mouths of those who believed not. He gave camels
and other creatures, even pebbles and trees, the power of speaking to him. He healed
leprosy and blindness, and once he cast out an evil spirit from a child by rubbing its
chest and praying, when the spirit ran away in the shape of a puppy. Muhammadan works are
full of such legends as these. Yet in the Qur'an itself Muhammad, when asked to work
miracles, plainly declared his inability to do so,1 saying that he was sent as
a warner and a preacher and that only. Again and again he asserted that the Qur'an itself
was a 2 miracle, the greatest that could be desired, and by its very beauty of
composition and literary charms sufficient to prove his prophetic character and to
establish his claims. Educated Muslims are coming more and more3 at the present
day to adopt the same line of argument, and to deny the truth of the many absurd marvels
generally ascribed to him.
§ 12. We have already spoken of the main doctrines taught in the Qur'an, and of the
Composition and Preservation of the Qur'an.
method in which the Angel Gabriel is said to have revealed it verse by verse to Muhammad
as occasion required. It is known to all of us that the whole volume is by Muslims said to
have been written on the "Preserved Tablet" in Heaven, ages before the