His Life and Doctrines
with Accounts of his Immediate Successors
Arthur N. Wollaston, C.I.E.
PEOPLE, even in learned circles, talk glibly of the Prophet of Arabia and
the religion he founded, yet few are familiar with the outlines of the faith
of Islam; while as to details, fewer still could pass a competitive examination
in that subject. A general lack of knowledge of the facts was excusable in the
past owing to the absence of any work embodying the needful information, which,
albeit replete with interest, was scattered throughout a considerable number
of volumes - some of which were out of print, and inaccessible to the general
reader. The present compilation was designed to meet this want by bringing
within a limited compass extracts from the pages of the best known original
authors on the subject of which it treats. It is hardly within my province to
say how far it has fulfilled its mission, but perhaps I may be allowed to refer
with pride to the testimony of not a few who have found the information it
contains accurate and useful. Its merit, if such can be claimed, is that all
that is necessary to be known on a very interesting topic is collected into
a few hundred pages, and presented for acceptance in a form which should
attract the many - the few I leave to their own researches.
6th May, 1904.