Questions that Jehovah's Witnesses do not like to be asked... Because they know the answer proves their doctrine wrong! |
We speak the truth in Love...
"How would you feel if proof is given that what you believe is wrong? For example, say that you were in a car, traveling for the first time to a certain place. You have a road map, but you have not taken the time to check it carefully. Someone has told you the road to take. You trust him, sincerely believing that the way he has directed you is correct. But suppose it is not? What if someone points out the error? What if he, by referring to your own map, shows that you are on the wrong road? Would pride or stubbornness prevent you from admitting that you are on the wrong road? Well, then, if you learn from an examination of your Bible that you are traveling a wrong religious road, be willing to change. Avoid the broad road to destruction; get on the narrow road to life."
You Can Live Forever In Paradise On Earth
, pgs. 32-33
As many are aware, JW's have for years had a two-tier class system in place. In fact, when I was at Bethel, Freddy used to tell us for years they called them "Secondary Christian" aka "second class". According to the boys in writing, God put this second class system in FULL SWING OR place in 1935. So this afternoon I get a call from this non-JW I have known for some years. I told him the next time a JW stopped by to ask them this question: "How do you prove from the Bible that 1935 was the year that the selection to heaven stopped due to being filled?" On Saturday, 2 friends stopped by his house in service. He and his wife invited them in and allowed them to go through their little funky CANNED presentation from this month's KM. After their friends finished, they said, "We have a question," and they asked them to show them from their KJV or their JW Bible where it indicates that in 1935 the door to heaven was shut? We all know what happened. They could not take them to the Bible and show them that, so they asked to return on Sunday with someone who was more INFORMED ON EXPLAINING THE DEEEEEEEPER THINGS IN THE BIBLE so the couple agreed. Today the brother returned with one of the ELDERS. YEP they get to COUNT it as a RV. Anyway the elder prepared himself before they came. JW's have a very up-to-date Kingdom Hall, you see. They have a computer in the Elder's Office at the hall so the elder printed out a ton of WT publications to take over. I guess to show the non-JW that it does states 1935 as the year the door was closed "IN PRINT". Due to the fact that I had prepared him, the non-JW was ready. The elder went into the talk that Rutherford gave in DC, and showed him all the articles that stated the door shut in 1935. The non-JW was ready with his questions. SO HE ASKED HIM a series of questions: 1. Were ANY of the publications that stated 1935 as the year, INSPIRED? 2. Was the Writer of those articles INSPIRED? 3. WAS J.F. Rutherford INSPIRED WHEN he gave that talk in DC stating that 1935 was the date? We all know what the poor elder had to say to ALL those questions 1. NO 2. NO 3. NO. SO THEN MY MAN said he asked the elder again, "Could you take me to the Inspired Word of God using either your Bible or mine and show me where it indicates 1935 as the year the door to heaven was shut? Once again the poor elder couldn't do it. So my friend asked him, "Since you can't take me directly to the Bible and show me this, unlike if I asked is stealing ok then would you agree that it calls for some form of INTERPRETATION?" OUR DEAR ELDER MADE a serious mistake here for he said, "Yes it does." So my dear friend asked him, "Who in the JW religion does the interpretation? In my faith, it's the Pope, who does it for you?" Well, the bro told him the FDS helps us to understand the deeper meaning of things. So he asked him, "Are you saying that they INTERPRET THE BIBLE FOR YOU?" and the elder said, "Yes they do." I had already told him that JW's normally say (if they are UP-TO -DATE): "We don't try to interpret the Bible, the Bible says interpretation belong to Jehovah." So the dear elder opened his mouth and inserted his foot. So the non-JW told him that he had spoken to a former Bethelite who worked at the World Headquarters of JW's aka "1" who indicated to him that, "As JW's, we don't do interpretations since it only belongs to Jehovah." So he said at this point, the poor elder just started to get bent out of shape. He was lost, so the elder told him that what he needed was A BIBLE STUDY. THIS WAY HE COULD LEARN THE DEEEEPER THINGS IN the Bible; but first he needed to learn the basics. So my man asked him, "If I have a Bible study, will I then be able to turn to the Inspired Word of God and find the 1935 date showing that God shut the door?" The poor elder told him, "No, he would not. BUT you would understand how we came to understand that 1935 was the date according to the Bible." You've got to feel sorry for the dear elder and especially the poor publisher who saw an elder bring a ton of UNINSPIRED printouts and couldn't just take the Word of God and answer the man's question. So the next time a JW stops by, ask for Inspired Word of God Bible text that says that in 1935 the door was shut. Don't settle for anything less than the real Inspired Word of God, not some Knock off brand called the WT publications. Is it not amazing how when a non-JW knows just a little about the organization and WT teachings how they can bring your average 20-40 year JW to his knees just by asking a few simple questions. How sad! |
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