LINK YOUR HOME PAGE TO THE INTERACTIVE BIBLE WEBSITE: ==================================================== HOW TO ADD THE INTERACTIVE NAVIGATION GRAPHIC TO YOUR OWN HOME PAGE: Greetings! Several have requested to put the main navigation graphic for the "interactive Bible" website, on their own home page. YOU CAN HAVE THE SAME FULLY FUNCTIONAL NAVIGATION GRAPHIC ON YOUR OWN SITE! Details on how to add the main graphic to your own page: ================================================== 1. You do not need to download anything to your own website except the updated page that has the code below. 2. You do not need to save the actual "false.gif" image on your own home page, it will be called for remotely from your site to this one! 3. When you add it, it will be fully functional on your own site just like it is at 4. Here is the code: =======copy below and place into source HTML code of your home page.

Description: Click to View

The Interactive Bible
======end copy 5. Add this text by copying and pasting into your home page. 6. Save the home page 7. down load the new revised home page onto your server.