Child Development charts with age:

A. Mental, Emotional, Social Development Of Children By Age: Chart








-attention span 3-4 minutes longer when he enjoys

-short memory

-Actions & objects much easier to understand than words

-Confuse real & imaginary

-Believes all you say

-Able to choose between two possibilities Can follow two different directions

-Extremely curious

-Ritualistic: needs order in daily routines Repetition

-Doesn't understand teasing

-Meets frustration with crying, kicking, biting

-Meets correction with temper outbursts

-Completely self-centered

-Willing to conform

-With guidance, recognizes others' rights and waits briefly for own turn

-Imitates parents in worship

-Attitudes toward others, authority, parents, & God is formed in these years

-Wants to help & please

-Nervous system sensitive to over-stimulation by noise and confusion




-Have attention span of between 5-10 minutes

-Reasoning is based on appearance, observation powers not accurate

-No understanding of cause and effect

-Unable to consider the motivation behind action

-Fantasy is at its height Has a great imagination

-Learns to develop attitudes concerning right and wrong

-Tries to sort out real from what is pretend

-Aware of what people think and say about him Fears people laughing at him

-Enjoys obedience and thrives on praise

-Imitates adults

-Leadership is beginning to show and tends to be bossy

-Can learn to share with one or two others

-Learning to understand fairness




-Have attention span of 15-20 minutes

-Are concrete and literal minded

-Have little realization of chronological sequence

-Tells you exactly how he feels: sick, happy, or miserable

-Thrives on praise and acceptance

-He exercises his feelings rather than self-control

-Self-confidence in his ability to know what and how things are done

-Are concerned about group acceptance

-Likes to assert himself. Wants to be first, best, biggest and to win

-Can begin to give of self. Starts to demonstrate generosity and kindness

-Protective attitude toward younger children




-Have attention span of 30-45 minutes

-Likes to be challenged

-Can learn abstract concepts like sin

-Growing understanding of principles behind rules

-Self-righteously & rigidly applies his code of rules

-Sensitive to his own failures and shortcomings

-Able to see own actions & motives objectively

-Able to analyze failures & makes plans to act change

-They want to join, to become affiliated with the beliefs and values of the important adults in their lives

-Can begin to sacrifice self-interest for others

-Can learn not to compare himself with others


B. Age/Behaviour chart in church services:

See also: How to survive a church service with [your] small children!


What To Do And Expect


Focus on food, rocking & movement, a soft toy will provide eye and touch stimulation. Clean up any mess. You are setting a good example and are encouraging many.


Continue with above except for food. Begin practicing to sit still. Don't let them wander around reserve soft toys for assembly time only. Remember your actions are teaching your children!


Can learn to sit quietly, sing, pray & give. Teach to face forward. Teach your children that we are here because we want to be.


Can learn to go to washroom before assembly. Bring less toys & more books. Teach them to keep their hands to themselves. Teach them 'we' are here to learn about God.


A clipboard with a pen that clicks closed will keep them occupied. Don't allow them to draw until the preacher begins his sermon. Teach them that 'they' are here to learn about God.


Buy easy read Bible as they begin grade 1. Child can start listening to the preacher. Have them check each time a certain word is used in sermon. Ask the preacher for this word. Teach them that they can only learn about God if they will listen.


Can be taught to listen. Ask questions after service about what they learned. Talk about lesson with them. Be positive & encourage them. Teach them they need to learn how to use Bible.


The children can be expected to pay full attention, even taking notes. Teach them that they can find out the answers to their questions and their problems from God's Word.


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