Myths about Marriage conflict and the Bible:
There is often an innocent party in a divorce. A. Constitutes unscriptural accusation, 2 Cor 13:1-2. B. Condemns the righteous: Hosea was innocent: Hos.3:1; God was innocent: Jer.3:8; Christ was innocent: Gal.1:6; Wife of youth was innocent: ""Yet you say, 'For what reason?' Because the Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant." Malachi 2:14; The innocent Christian abandoned by the unbelieving spouse: 1 Cor 7:15 C. Unlike God's hatred, Mal.2:16 (includes qualified authorization) Catholics condemn all divorce. Rejection contributes to fading societal stigma against divorce (Alive and well in the Church). D. Denies Divine authority for divorce From Moses, Matt.19:8. Same word, I Cor.14:34; Same root, Acts 26:12; Consider H.S.'s description of Joseph's action, Matt.1:19. E. From Christ. Mark 10:2-3. "lawful?...What did Moses command you?" Matt.5:32. Condemned, "except for unchastity." |
(Studies have proven the opposite. Single women experience greater domestic violence than married women. Women living common law have much higher domestic violence rates than married women. Marriage is a safer haven for women than single or common law for a variety of reasons.) |