Studies have proven that married couples have sex more frequently and enjoy better quality sex, than those living common law, or sexually active singles. Sex is much better when married! Bar-hopping singles seeking to "bed" willing strangers, are missing out on the greatest sex experiences!
"The husband must fulfill his (sexual) duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Stop depriving one another (of sex)." 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 |
What you need to know about sex in marriage:
"How beautiful and how delightful you are, My love, with all your charms! "Your stature is like a palm tree, And your breasts are like its clusters. "I said, 'I will climb the palm tree, I will take hold of its fruit stalks.' Oh, may your breasts be like clusters of the vine, And the fragrance of your breath like apples, " (Song of Solomon 7:6-8)
"A garden locked is my sister, my bride, A rock garden locked, a spring sealed up. ... Awake, O north wind, And come, wind of the south; Make my garden breathe out fragrance, Let its spices be wafted abroad. May my beloved come into his garden And eat its choice fruits!" (Song of Solomon 4:12,16)
For example, if a man has a unibrow, and his wife doesn't like it, he must obey his wife and trim it off. If a man likes his wife with long blonde hair, then she must grow it long and dye it blonde. If a wife doesn't likes her husband's choice of cologne or a certain colour of shirt, then he gets rid of them. Each person is to present his body in a way that pleases their spouse, not merely themselves. |
Steve Rudd