Why won't my children submit to me and respect me?
How one wife finally put her husbands in his place!!!
Fact: Children treat their mother, the way the mother treats her husband.Cure: |
Mothers complaint: The children don't respect me! Children imitate the way their mothers respect their husband. Its likely your own fault the children don't respect you. Children respect the mother the way the mother respects her husband.
How one wife finally put her husbands in his place!!! |
A Sunday school teacher went over to visit one of her new pupils named Katrine, one summer's afternoon. The family had immigrated only five years earlier from the "home country". The mother was warm and friendly, even her house exuded hospitality. What was most impressive though was the woman's constant references to her husband. Whenever there was a lull in the conversation a little 4 year old boy would ask, "Is it almost time for papa to come home?" Later, the other children came in from school, greeted me politely and went to their chores. The oldest daughter said, "I'm going to start some of Papa's favorite muffins for supper," as she headed for the kitchen. As the teacher got up to leave, Katrine asked, "Can't you wait a small moment and meet papa?" By this time the teacher was very curious about this remarkable man who commanded such love and respect from all his family.
The shock of meeting Papa was almost too much for the teacher. Instead of a well-dressed man of brilliant speech, a small man, twisting nervously at his mustache and talking in the broken accent of his native tongue, greeted "the teacher of his "leetle Katrina." For some time the teacher pondered the mystery of this man's place in his home. Suddenly it dawned on her. It's not who or what the father is personally, but the mother's attitude toward him that makes all the difference. A husband can only take their proper place at the head of the house when wives respect and honor their wishes, thereby giving our children the desire to do likewise.
Children respect the mother the way the mother respects her husband. Want your children to respect your headship over them? Then respect your husband's headship over you!
"Do It Yourself husband!"
In Gen 18:6 Abraham said to Sarah, "Make ready quickly, three measures of fine meal, knead it and make cakes." Can you imagine Sarah answering, "Do it yourself"? This attitude would have been out of character for her because "Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord." 1 Pet 3:6 A wife's big test of faith is if she will submit to her husband when he is unreasonable and selfish, or when she knows she is being wrongs by his attitude. Jesus never asks us to do anything He has not already done Himself! Bible subjection never implies inferiority but rather strength!