The world's counseling systems

Ordinary Christians make better
psychiatrists than psychiatrists, better psychologists than psychologists and
better councilors than councilors!
- We have
pioneered "The
free, three session, Biblical counseling system". If you need
help, get started right now.
- Detailed study on
the Biblical pattern of counseling
- "Is
therapy effective? Is it any better than friendship? Do high-paid professionals do
a better job than minimally trained counselors? Does training and experience
improve a therapist's skill? Is therapy always safe? Do professionals know
more about human nature than the rest of us? Would people naturally get
worse without professional treatment? They say yes to all of these
questions while scientific studies that address them are coming to a resounding
NO! ... This "NO" is a warning - an invitation to look more
closely at the claims that psychotherapy works." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 114)
- "the psychiatrist's
special training is said to equip him "no better . . . than any other
human being of similar age and similar experience of working directly with
disturbed people".
Werry sees psychiatric training as largely irrelevant to the work he must
pursue. (John S. Werry's "The Psychiatrist and Society,"
Dis-Coverer, Vol. 5, No. 3, August 1968, p. 8, quoted in Competent to counsel, Jay
Edward Adams, p36)
- "Another
important figure in the early history of the medicalization of malingering
was Ernst von Feuchtersleben. A graduate of the University of Vienna's
medical school, Feuchtersleben practiced and taught surgery, was active in
educational reform, and was also a respected poet. He is the author of two
books on "mental illness." The first, a major treatise, Lehrbuch
der tirtzlichen Seelenkunde (Textbook of the Medical Cure of Souls),
translated as The Principles of Medical Psychology, was published in 1835.
The second, Zur Dieitetik der Seele, a slim volume, appeared in two
different American editions: one titled The Dietetics of the Soul (1838),
the other titled Hygiene of the Mind (1933). Feuchtersleben deserves to be
better known than he is: he coined the term psychopathology and recognized that mental
illnesses are not "like other illnesses" but that, unavoidably,
they play an important role in the every-day practice of medicine and in
the expanding field of "judicial psychology" (forensic
psychiatry). In The Principles of Medical Psychology, he memorably stated:
maladies of the spirit [die Leiden des Geistes] alone, in abstracto, that
is, error and sin, can be called diseases of the mind only per analogiam.
They come not within the jurisdiction of the physician, but that of the
teacher or clergyman,
who again are called physicians of the mind [Seelendrzte] only per
analogiam. The maladies of the body alone in abstracto, for instance, of
the brain or nerves, without mental alienation, are not diseases of the
mind, but of the body." (see: Feuchtersleben, Principles of Medical
Psychology, 1847 AD, 74-75) (Psychiatry:
The Science of Lies, Thomas Szasz, 2008 AD, p20)
A. Counseling styles
illustrate the differences between the various counseling methods, picture a
poor fellow sitting on a tack suffering from severe pain. He has come in for
help with the pain.

- First he sees a counselor who holds the chemical
Hearing the client's complaints, he immediately pre-scribes tranquilizers
or pain killers. The solution is to anesthetize him. Surgery may be
suggested to sever the nerves where the pain is coming from. This will
knock out the symptoms and give the client relief.
- Next he sees a Freudian psycho-analyst who looks over the
situation and says:
The pains you feel are located near your sexual area. You have some
repressed memories and I think we'd better go back into your childhood
experiences and learn about some of your early sexual experiences at age 1
year old. Then, perhaps we'll be able to alleviate your pain when we bring
it all out in the open, though of course no assurance can be given. We
recognize that you has been wrongly socialized and your superego is a
cruel tyrant. If you can be resocialized, perhaps you will get better.
- Next, sees a counselor who is a disciple of Carl Rogers: The Rogerian psychotherapist notices the pain but says:
"I'm not going to advise anything. I'm sure that you have all the
resources within yourself to solve the difficulty. I'll reflect your
questions back to you and help you clarify and gain insight. Now, how do
you feel and what do you think is the solution to your pain?
- Finally, broke and still in pain, he discusses the problem with
a Christian: The
Christian looks around and finds a tack stuck in his rear end and says,
"Get off that tack. Now that you're up, sit down on a chair over here
and we'll talk about how you can avoid sitting on tacks in the
future." (modified from: Competent to Council, Jay Adams, p104)
B. Most counseling today is
- You can
tell if you are paying for a "Rogerian counselor" because they
never offer any definite advice. They believe that advice giving or
moralizing is wrong, which makes them essentially useless as councilors!
You come to them for advice and information they my supply, but instead,
they only work within your own personal reservoir of knowledge and morals
you possess.
- Typically
"Rogerian style counselors" will tell you that they will need to
see you for 10 sessions before they can really help you. One lady ran out
of money after spending almost $900 for 8 sessions and never got any
actual help or advice at all! Of course no actual advice was ever coming,
no matter how many sessions! Rogerian counselors don't give advice or tell
you to start doing this or stop doing that!
- "The
Echo" style of counseling: subjective, passive, non-authoritarian:
The person seeking help uses the helper as a mirror to reflect back their
own feelings and perceptions to solve their own problems without any real
help, opinion, judgment of the helper. The one being helped is the
authority and the helper is a tool or machine to be used for self help. It
is like a person seeking help by yelling into a canyon whose echo is a
restatement: "I am very sad.... I understand you are very sad".
No information of expertise or advice is offered by the helper. The
advantage of this style of counseling is that you do not need to buy
liability insurance, (increasing profit margins) since the helper never
actually gives any advice.
- "let
us never
allow ourselves to make any moral judgments, judgments concerning the moral worth of a human
being." (Rollo May, The Art of Counseling (New York: Abingdon Press,
1939), p. 176)
- "This
is a crucial point. The counselee asks for advice. If the counselor succumbs to the temptation with
its implicit flattery and gives advice or even specific instructions, he
short-circuits the process and thwarts the real personality readjustment
of the counselee . . . Rather, he must seize this request for advice as a
means of making the counselee accept more responsibility for
himself." ... "You wish rules on the matter. You want these rules
to compel you from the outside and you follow them with the same strain
and tension which you manifest now. That will make your problem all the
worse. Your desire for rules, you see, rises out of that same basic
mistrust of life."
(Rollo May, The Art of Counseling (New York: Abingdon Press, 1939),
p. 139)
- Bogus
Rogerian Psychiatry used against common workers in the 1930's as a way for
corporations to keep wages low: "An
example of this co-opting power comes when a worker makes the general
statement that the piece rates on his job are too low. In the interview, he reveals
that his wife is in hospital and that he is worried about the doctor bills
he has incurred. The interviewer is able to refocus the complaint so that
it consists of the fact that his present earnings, due to his wife's
illness, are insufficient to meet his current financial obligations. Such an
inner-directing approach was enthusiastically adopted by industry, and the Rockefeller and Ford
foundations generously funded Carl Rogers to refine this human-relations
technique, which would later, through similar use with university
students, emerge as Rogerian psychotherapy." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 244)
- If you
are paying for a "Rogerian counselor", fire him and find a
C. Contrasting three counseling
The pastor
The girl talk
The Echo (Rogerian)
1. "The Rogerian Echo":
subjective, passive, non-authoritarian: The person seeking help uses the helper
as a mirror to reflect back their own feelings and perceptions to solve their
own problems without any real help, opinion, judgment of the helper. The one
being helped is the authority and the helper is a tool or machine to be used for
self help. It is like a person seeking help by yelling into a canyon whose echo
is a restatement: "I am very sad.... I understand you are very sad".
No information of expertise or advice is offered by the helper. The advantage
of this style of counseling is that you do not need to buy liability insurance,
(increasing profit margins) since the helper never actually gives any advice.
2. "The girl talk": mutually
subjective active experiential: both engage in discussion where the helper and
the one being helped seek personal growth and learning from the story being
told. They key to success is that the one being helped can feel empowered in
knowing that they can teach the helper something and is therefore on a direct
equal status. Total equality between the one seeking help and the one sought
out for help. There are no absolutes or a right and wrong way. Although the one
seeking help believes the helper can provide real solutions, it is important to
the one seeking help that the dialogue will bring new insights for improved
living for the helper. The one seeking help doesn't really need advice as much
as she needs someone else to merely listen. Although the helper is expected to
give advice, it must not be given in an authoritarian manner. (After all, next girl
talk the roles of helper and the helped will be reversed) The talk is as
mutually experiential as it is mutually beneficial. The advantage of this style
of counseling is that it allows a narcissist to continue the illusion that they
are above the helper, since even the helper learned something from them
3. "The preacher": Objective,
tangible, authoritarian, empathetic: The person seeks solutions from another
who can be relied upon to dispensing the absolute correct advice that should be
obeyed. Once problems are checklisted, there is a clear and simple objective
solution. The one seeks help of an authoritarian expert, because he in unable
to find the solution himself. The preacher as a minister of God, allows God's
opinion to be known. Since there is a long history of empathy displayed in the
preacher, the judgments are accepted in the spirit of love and the genuine best
interest of the one seeking help. The advantage is that it is empathetic, fast,
objective, free and correct.
D. The church is the solution
when it uses the Bible:
since about 1990 has the church entirely abducted its traditional God
ordained role to help those with behaviour problems including mental illness
and insanity.

- "Until about fifteen years ago (1968 AD) psychology was
seen by most Christians as hostile to the gospel. Let someone who professes the
name of Jesus baptize secular psychology and present it as something
compatible with Scripture truth, and most Christians are happy to swallow theological hemlock
in the form of "psychological insights. " Over the past fifteen years there has
been a tendency for churches to place increasing reliance on trained
pastoral counselors.... To me it seems to suggest weaknesses in or
indifference to expository preaching within evangelical churches.... Why
do we have to turn to the human sciences at all? Why? Because for years we
have failed to expound the whole of Scripture. Because from our weakened
exposition and our superficial topical talks we have produced a generation
of Christian sheep having no shepherd. And now we are damning ourselves more
deeply than ever by our recourse to the wisdom of the world. What I do as
a psychiatrist and what my psychologist colleagues do in their research or
their counseling is of infinitely less value to distressed Christians than
what God says in his Word.
But pastoral shepherds, like the sheep they guide, are following (if I may
change my metaphor for a moment) a new Pied Piper of Hamelin who is leading them into the dark
caves of humanistic hedonism.
A few of us who are deeply involved in the human sciences feel like voices
crying in a godless wilderness of humanism, while the churches turn to humanistic psychology as a substitute for the
gospel of God's grace.
(John White, Psychiatrist, Flirting with the World, 1982, p 114-117)
- The
church has completely given up its historic place to atheistic
psychiatrists as this naive
conservative Christian writes:
"The pastor provides the Christian comfort and the psychiatrist provides
the needed therapy and neither conflicts with the other." (Wesley W. Nelson, Baker's Dictionary of
Practical Theology, p. 300)
- What a
mockery! The pastor is doing nothing more than holding a box of Kleenex,
while the atheistic psychiatrist fixes the problem with the soul?
- This
shift must be reversed!
E. The Scientistic Language of Counseling:
- In order
to make themselves sound smart and educated, psychologists, counselors and
therapists have actually invented their own language to describe common,
everyday human behaviours:
Cognitive-Behavioral therapy
(SBPT) Strength
based perspective therapy
(NHAT) Nurtured
heart approach therapy
(GT) Rogerian therapy
(RLT) reflective
listening therapy
client-centered therapy
non-directive therapy
Egocentric decoy information mining therapy (Gathering history and information
interspersed with compliments.)
performance review therapy (being "present with the person" by
asking, "are you getting what you need from me?")
(SFT) Solution
focused therapy
(BF) brief
(FAT) Free
Association therapy
Each one of
these are complex and confusing names for simple human behaviours used to
"diagnose" you with medical and scientific sounding phrases.
- See full
outline on: The Scientistic
Language of Counseling
- The
historic "big names" of the psychiatry industry were atheistic,
evolutionary, humanists who believed that man was nothing but a pile
of chemicals! The tree of psychiatry is rotten down to the root!
- The Bible
is the only source of help for the mentally ill. Christians, who know
their Bible's and have a basic level of experience in life make better
councilors than almost everyone in the psychology industry.
By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or
Send us your story about your experience with modern