IQ testing to cull evolutionary misfits!
Sterilization laws,
eugenics, the holocaust, atheism, Darwinism

Psychiatry is Junk science
Its fruits are IQ
testing to establish Sterilization laws, eugenics, the holocaust, atheism,
Darwinism and culling evolutionary misfits!
- The Psychiatry industry has a long history of inflicting
suffering and destruction upon society. IQ Testing is another page in this
destructive chapter.
- Intelligence Quotient (IQ) has an ugly and dark origin in
atheism, evolution, survival of the fittest, eugenics, Nazi Germany, the
holocaust and the general idea that "evolutionary misfits"
should be identified and removed from society.
- If you have taken an IQ test and are still alive,
congratulations! You are considered smart enough in the eyes of atheistic
psychiatrists to be allowed to live on the earth!
- Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a concept everyone is
familiar with. Chances are, you have taken some form of an IQ test in your
A. IQ Tests are bogus, subjective and inadequate:
- The "Quotient" part of "Intelligence
Quotient" refers to the sum of many smaller tests in different areas
of human excellence. The ideal is that all the areas that humans excel are
identified and tested. The problem is, the identification is narrow and
the tests are inadequate.
- Psychiatrists determine what
"normal" is! "To
create these [IQ] tests, psychologists determined what "normal"
was by measuring the characteristics of thousands of people and then
calculating an average and a normal range. In the same way that a normal
range of temperature or rainfall can be calculated, so a normal range of
intelligence, ability or behavior could be established. But psychologists have twisted this concept of
"normal." Instead of referring to something quantitative
and objective, it now refers to something qualitative
and subjective. The original concept of "normal" as
average has been replaced by the psychological one involving pathology. No
longer does "normal" have to do with the common experience of
people for psychologists have made normal such a narrow range that most
people today are, by some definition or another, abnormal. Today "normal" is how psychologists think the
world should be: how families should function, how couples ought to
"enjoy intimacy," how one ought to "resolve
conflicts.". (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 55)
- IQ does indicate one's ability to see patterns, use
spatial reasoning, 3D rotation etc, problem solving.
- IQ tests do not test for musical instinct, creativity or
social skills.
- IQ tests fail because someone may have difficult seeing
patterns or making mathematical calculations, but be a genius like Dr.
Laura Schlessinger in personal relationships. Someone may fail math (and
the IQ test), but write and play the most beautiful music!
B. Origin of the IQ Test: Darwin's Cousin, Sir Francis Galton
- Before the mid-1800s, psychology
had been the province of philosophers and theologians, carried out
through speculation and inference, intuition and generalization. However,
by mid-century, the scientific method, which had shown modest gains in the
understanding of physical nature, began to be applied to human nature.
Even at this early stage, the foundation for a consumer-based psychology
was being laid. Two interesting examples can be found in the area of
intelligence testing, one of the first entrepreneurial activities of
psychologists. The first provides an example of the misuse of science to
support a psychologist's political beliefs; the second, perhaps more
subtle in nature and profound in its eventual effect, demonstrates the
susceptibility of a psychologist to the dominant values inherent in his
society. Sir Francis Galton, well known in
the history of psychology and a cousin of Charles
Darwin, sought to apply the theory of evolution to that of intellectual
capacity. In 1869 he published Hereditary
Genius, which held that eminent men have eminent sons; that is,
that intellectual greatness is inherited. To "prove" his
assumptions, Galton studied the ancestries of famous scientists, jurists,
physicians and the like, individuals of genius and all members of the
aristocracy. His ultimate goal was to encourage the production of the more eminent or mentally fit and to
discourage the birthrate of those deemed unfit. Galton had not only
wanted to understand the inherited quality of greatness; he also wanted to
use psychology to protect and maintain the power of his social class that
was under threat of change. Britain's position as a world power was being
challenged. The dominant aristocratic class feared being replaced by the
rising class of unsophisticated but wealthy financiers and industrial
barons. In defense of political inequity, he declared: "The average
citizen is too base for the everyday work of modern civilization" and
all citizens are therefore not "equally capable of voting." This
inequality carried with it social consequences which Galton made explicit:
lower-class citizens should be treated with kindness only "so long as
they maintained celibacy," but if they "continued to procreate
children, inferior in moral, intellectual and physical qualities, it is
easy to believe that the time may come when such persons would be
considered as enemies to the State and to have forfeited all claims to
kindness."' Under the guise of protecting
society, he established the Eugenics Laboratory at University
College, London, and founded an organization to promote ideas of racial
improvement and the supremacy of the gifted. Manufacturing Victoms, Tana
Dineen, (Manufacturing
Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 236)
- "In this sick environment, the notion of mercy-killing was put forward in 1920 in a book
entitled The Release of the Destruction of Life Devoid of Value by Alfred
Hoche, a reputable psychiatrist, and Karl Binding, a jurist. The authors advocated killing off "absolutely
worthless human beings," pointing out that the money spent of
spent on keeping them alive thus saved could be better used to better
purpose—for instance, on helping a young married couple to set up
house." (W. J. Federer, Great Quotations, Muggeridge, Malcolm Thomas,
C. The fruit of Psychology: culling evolutionary misfits:
- Sterilization laws: "As Hernstein and Murray note, regarding
the United States: The first wave of public controversy occurred during
the first decades of the century, when a few testing enthusiasts pro-posed
using the results of mental tests to support
outrageous racial policies. Sterilization laws were passed in sixteen
American states between 1907 and 1917, with the elimination of
mental retardation being one of the prime targets of the public policy.
"Three generations of imbeciles are enough,"
justice Oliver Wendell Holmes declared in an opinion upholding the
constitutionality of such a law. It was a statement made possible, perhaps
encouraged, by the new enthusiasm for psychological testing." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 237)
- Eugenics: "Under the guise of protecting society, he [Sir
Francis Galton] established the Eugenics
Laboratory at University College, London, and founded an
organization to promote ideas of racial improvement and the supremacy of
the gifted. Manufacturing Victoms, Tana Dineen, (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 236)
- Marking the stupid: "Psychologists, while appearing to respond
to a call for patriotism, were moving to assert themselves as essential to
their society. By assuming the role of identifying
and weeding out mental incompetents and disruptive individuals,
psychologists were allying themselves with the stronger forces of
government." (Manufacturing Victims,
Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 246)
- Hitler was strongly influenced by Darwin's "survival
of the fittest". The IQ test was a method that had been used before
Hitler to identify these misfits. Hitler merely took Darwin at his word
and exterminated over 12 million souls off the planet in his quest to
create the "supreme race" on earth!
- Everyone has heard of the IQ test, but few realize it was
originally developed to rid society of "Darwin" evolutionary
- The Psychology industry is responsible for the underlying
philosophies and theories of Hitler's Holocaust.
- Psychiatrists provided scientific foundational theory for
sterilization of people with low IQ's,
- IQ tests are highly flawed and only give a sliver of
incomplete information on the true value of human life and real genius.
- Albert Einstein was a Jew and was asked to be the second
President of Israel in 1952 but declined. Einstein would be the first to
tell you that the only IQ test you need to pass, is if you believe in God!

Einstein would be the first to tell you that the only IQ test you
need to pass, is if you believe in God! (Now that he is dead and has met God in person)
Steve Rudd: Contact the author for
comments, input or corrections.
Send us your story about your
experience with modern Psychiatry