Personality Disorder (BPD) is pure "classic" Junk science.
Psychiatry is Junk
No scientific data that Psychiatry works!
Snapshot: |
A. Snapshot summary:
1. Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is a behaviour choice not a disease.
2. Borderline Personality Disorder, BPD is not caused from chemical imbalance theories of unproven Junk science.
3. Treating Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) with drugs is like smashing a computer because of a software virus.
4. These sinful behaviours are the basis of someone getting diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder:
a. A spoiled, selfish, violent, entitled brat who lacks self-control.
b. inappropriate, intense, or uncontrolled anger;
c. impulsiveness in spending, sex, substance use, shoplifting, reckless driving, or binge eating;
d. recurring suicidal threats or self-injurious behavior;
e. marked, persistent uncertainty about self-image, long term goals, friendships, and values;
f. impulsivity, mood instability, aggression, anger, anxiety, and irritability
5. Borderline Personality Disorder, BPD is best treated in different ways depending on the age:
a. Age 1-5: a wooden spoon on the rear end.
b. Age 6-10: the time out bench
c. Age 11-13: grounding to the bedroom, house chores, writing lines "I will be good" 100x.
d. Age 14-18: rebuke, extra house chores, grounding, no cell phone or allowance, read the book of James 10 times.
e. Age 19>: send the kid to university and let the professor's deal with him.
6. Jesus commands us not to behave in sinful ways.
B. What biopsychiatrists, drug companies and governments say:
Notice they admit they have no idea what causes the plethora of personality disorders in the DSM-4. However it is clear they are learned sinful behaviours:
1. "Recent Research Findings: Although the cause of BPD is unknown, both environmental and genetic factors are thought to play a role in predisposing patients to BPD symptoms and traits. Studies show that many, but not all individuals with BPD report a history of abuse, neglect, or separation as young children. Forty to 71 percent of BPD patients report having been sexually abused, usually by a non-caregiver. ... NIMH-funded neuroscience research is revealing brain mechanisms underlying the impulsivity, mood instability, aggression, anger, and negative emotion seen in BPD. Studies suggest that people predisposed to impulsive aggression have impaired regulation of the neural circuits that modulate emotion. The amygdala, a small almond-shaped structure deep inside the brain, is an important component of the circuit that regulates negative emotion. In response to signals from other brain centers indicating a perceived threat, it marshals fear and arousal. ... Serotonin, norepinephrine and acetylcholine are among the chemical messengers in these circuits that play a role in the regulation of emotions, including sadness, anger, anxiety, and irritability. Drugs that enhance brain serotonin function may improve emotional symptoms in BPD. Likewise, mood-stabilizing drugs that are known to enhance the activity of GABA, the brain's major inhibitory neurotransmitter, may help people who experience BPD-like mood swings. Such brain-based vulnerabilities can be managed with help from behavioral interventions and medications, much like people manage susceptibility to diabetes or high blood pressure." (Borderline Personality Disorder, BPD, National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH, 2006)
2. "What causes personality disorders is the most enigmatic and challenging question pertaining to this group of complex disorders. As was described in the section on the history of personality disorders, various hypotheses have been formulated over the years. Psychoanalytic theory has tended to emphasize the contribution of develop-mental and environmental factors, such as pathological or inadequate parenting, whereas neurobiological perspectives have emphasized genetic, constitutional, or biological factors." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 808)
3. "The etiology of oppositional defiant disorder is not well understood." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 863)
4. "What causes Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)? The causes of BPD are unclear, although psychological and biological factors may be involved. ... How is BPD treated? A combination of psychotherapy and medication appears to provide the best results for treatment of BPD." (Borderline Personality Disorder, NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness, S. Charles Schulz, MD May 2003)
5. "borderline personality disorder: Etiology: Psychoanalytic theories have emphasized the importance of early parent—child relationships in the etiology of borderline personality disorder. Such reports have emphasized maternal mismanagement of the 2- to 3-year-old child's efforts to become autonomous (Masterson 1972), exaggerated maternal frustration that aggravates the child's anger (Kernberg 1975), and inattention to the child's emotions and attitudes (Adler 1985). A consider-able body of empirical research has embellished these theories by documenting a high frequency of traumatic early abandonment, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. These traumatic experiences appear to occur within a context of sustained neglect from which the pre- borderline child develops an enduring rage and self- hatred." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 817)
6. "As is the case with other psychiatric disorders, the answer is not likely to be simple. It is unlikely that any personality disorder has a single cause, whether environmental (e.g., childhood abuse) or biological (e.g., a single gene). Rather, available data suggest that personality disorders (as well as normal personality traits) result from a complex combination of, and interaction between, temperament (genetic and other biological factors) and psychological (developmental or environmental) factors (Paris 1993)." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 808)
7. "Some theories suggest that paranoid personality disorder originates from having been the object of excessive parental rage or from having been repeatedly humiliated by others. Either type of experience could lead to feelings of inadequacy and vulnerability, followed by projection onto others of hostility and rage, as well as a tendency to blame others for one's shortcomings and problems." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 811)
8. "narcissistic personality disorder Etiology: Little scientific evidence is available about the pathogenesis of narcissistic personality disorder. Reconstructions based on developmental history and observations in psychoanalytic treatment indicate that this disorder develops in persons who have had their fears, failures, or dependency responded to with criticism, disdain, or neglect during their childhood years. Such experiences leave them contemptuous of such reactions in them-selves and others and inexperienced in viewing others as sources of comfort and support. They develop a veneer of invulnerability and self-sufficiency that masks their underlying emptiness and constricts their capacity to feel deeply." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 821)
9. "Avoidant Personality Disorder Etiology Millon (1981), from whose work DSM avoidant personality disorder was derived, suggested that the disorder develops from parental rejection and censure, which may be reinforced by rejecting peers." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 821)
10. "dependent personality disorder Etiology: Abraham suggested that the dependent character derives from either overindulgence or under indulgence during the oral phase of development (i.e., birth to age 2). Sub-sequent empirical data have given more support to the under indulgence hypothesis. ... Cultural and social factors may also play a role in the development of dependent personality disorder." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 823)
11. "conduct disorder: Etiology: A wide variety of etiological factors have been described, reflecting the full range of explanatory models of behavioral causation and the importance of delinquency as a central societal concern. ... Sociological theories focus on the effects of social deprivation, substance abuse, local variations in behavioral norms, gang formation, status seeking, escape from social entrapment, early rejection by peers, and school failure. Researchers in the field of sociology use sophisticated mathematical modeling to determine the role of specific socialization experiences in the path that leads to delinquent behavior and drug use (Elliott et al. 1985). Parent, caregiver, and home microenvironment characteristics are believed to be particularly important in the presentation of conduct disorder. Proposed factors in the etiology of conduct disorder include fathers with antisocial personality disorder, absent or alcoholic fathers, large families, shifting caregivers, parental rejection, parental abandonment, parental role modeling of impulsive or injurious behaviors, inadequate limit setting, harsh discipline, inconsistent or unpredictable discipline, parental overstimulation or understimulation, parental manipulative behavior, separation from parents, institutional care, early onset of unsanctioned use of alcohol, proximity of a delinquent peer group, and chronic poverty." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 857)
12. "conduct disorder: Etiology: Adequate supervision at home, especially when parents are away, has been shown to reduce the risk of conduct disorder. After-school activities, involvement of neighbors and relatives, community centers, and extended school hours can provide this type of supervision." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 857)
13. "conduct disorder: Etiology: Family history studies show an overrepresentation of antisocial personality, substance abuse, addictive behaviors, mood disorders, ADHD, learning disorders, and schizophrenia (Lahey et al. 1999). The incidence of anti-social behavior and conduct disorder is increased in fathers and other male relatives of children with conduct disorder. Although these findings can be explained by familial or genetic transmission, it is apparent that both environmental and genetic factors influence the development of conduct disorder (Goldstein et al. 2001; Holmes et al. 2001; Jacobson et al. 2000)." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 858)
14. "conduct disorder: Etiology: Family studies suggest some inheritable predisposing factors." (Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Hales, Yudofsky, 2003 AD, p 858)
1. Any Christian diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) should be utterly ashamed that their behaviour is so sinful that atheistic Darwinian psychiatrists have been called in to drug them into submission.
2. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is not a disease but a collection of sinful behaviours specifically listed in the Bible.
3. The "cure" for spoiled, selfish, violent, entitled brats AKA "Borderline Personality Disorder" (BPD) is not drugs but repentance.
4. While some Christians have been known to almost boast that they have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, there is no pride to be labeled by atheists as sinner.
By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections.
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