Tongue Speaking of today is not the tongue speaking of the Bible. |
Compare the genuine in the Bible with the fakes of today!
First century |
Today |
Spoke a known language. Acts 2:8 |
Today don't even claim to use known languages. |
Were understood. Acts 2:6; I Cor. 14:19 |
Don't claim to understand today. |
Were edified. I Cor. 14:26 |
No such claim today. |
Confirmed the word. Acts 10:46;Heb. 2:3-4 |
Today, they don't accept confirmed word today. Add to and deny it. |
Spoke by turn. I Cor. 14:27 |
All speak together today in Mass confusion. |
No interpreter? - Silence. I Cor. 14:28 |
Don't want to be interpreted today. |
Sign to unbelievers. I Cor. 14:22 |
Used today for excitement. |
For use of edifying I Cor. 14:26 |
Show, entertain. |
Spirit subject to speaker. I Cor. 14:26-31 |
Today - "Don't stop me, I'm getting a revelation. |
Spoke to profit the church I Cor. 14:6 |
No profit today. |
Prayed for interpretation. I Cor. 14:13 |
Today - pray for tongue speaking. |
Spoke to instruct. I Cor.14:13 |
Revel in confusion - no instruction. |
Believed Gospel. Mark 16:16 |
Deny gospel because getting new revelation. |
Spoke to benefit hearers. I Cor. 14:9 |
No so today. Benefit in glory of speaker. |
Interpret so unlearned understand.; 1 Cor. 14:16 |
Interpretation not done today. |
No accusation of madness. I Cor. 14:23 |
Today confusion rampant. |
No confusion allowed. I Cor. 14:33 |
Today, all in confusion. |
Women kept silence. I Cor. 14:34 |
All speak today. In regulating usage of gifts, women had not abilities. |
Holy Spirit Baptism audible. No mistake in knowing H. S. came upon them. Acts 2:2 |
None will say so today. |
Holy Spirit baptism visible. Not mistaken in seeing. Acts 2:3 |
None will say so today. |
Holy Spirit baptism heard. No mistake in hearing. Acts 2:4 |
No so today. |
Compare the truth with the fake:
Simon The Fake Vs Apostles the truth: Acts 8:5-13
Purpose of the gifts |
Bible |
modern pentecostals |
To confirm god's word |
word confirms gifts |
Bring About Unity Of Faith |
Many Different Churches Claim To Have Gifts Confirm False Teachings |
Miracles |
Bible |
modern pentecostals |
Dependent On Faith Of Healer Acts 3:7 |
Dependent On Faith Of Person Healed If Not Healed- "No Faith" |
Truly Supernatural Acts 3:7 |
Scientific Explanation |
Healings Were Instant Acts 3:8 |
Healings Usually Take Months |
Healings Total Acts 3:8 |
Partial Improvement, Remission |
Person Healed Known By All Acts 3:10 |
Person Often Unknown |
Miracle Known By Miracle (Obvious) |
Miracle Accepted By Personal Testimony |
Even Enemies Accepted Acts 4:16 |
Highly Questionable, Always Internal and unseen |
tongues |
Bible |
modern pentecostals |
Real Human Language Acts 2:8 |
Total Gibberish And Nonsense |
Max Of 3 In Church 1 Cor 14:27 |
More Than 3 Speak (visitors view as madness: 14:23) |
Each Must Speak In Turn 14:27 |
Many Speak Simultaneously |
If No Interpreter Keep Silent 14:28 |
Rarely Any "Interpreter" |
Only One Interpretation Possible |
Often Interpretations Vary |
Emphasis On Public Demonstration |
Emphasis On Private Devotion |
Considered a childish gift of lesser importance 14:5 |
Stressed As A Sign Of Spirituality |
A Sign To Unbelievers 14:22 |
A Sign To Believers |
Modern Day Tongue Speaking Is Not From God!
In the Los Angeles area which consists of about 12 million people, every kind of religious cult that can be imagined is here. One of the churches, called the Rainbow Revival Church, located at 890 Crenshaw in Los Angeles, sent out an instruction sheet a number of years ago giving instructions as to how one may receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Listed below is the sum and substance of the instruction.
Words Of Praise To Receive The Holy Ghost. Jesus who baptized 120 believers with the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost 10 days after He ascended to heaven, is still baptizing Christians with the Holy Ghost today Acts 2:1-4. Usually Jesus baptizes believers with the Holy Ghost while they are praising the Lord, and their words change from words of praise to unknown tongues, which is proof that they have received the Holy Ghost. We suggest these words of praise to use while seeking the Baptism. To try to say words of praise too perfectly hinders the Holy Ghost from speaking in His Heavenly languages through you. SAY THE WORDS OUT LOUD! As you praise God, do NOT try to stop stammering. In fact the more you get the words of praise mixed up, the easier it is for the Holy Ghost to take control of your tongue and speak in unknown tongues through you. Isa. 28:11: "For with stammering lips and another tongue will I speak to this people." To Start Seeking, say the words of Praise in a paragraph below over and over very rapidly for 2 or 3 minutes, then go to the next paragraph, repeating the words of Praise in each paragraph about the same length of time. After you have repeated the words in all of the paragraphs, you may start at the beginning, and use these words of praise over and over. 1. Glory To God, Hallelujah Glory To God Hallelujah Glory To 2. Praise Precious Jesus, Prince Of Peace, Praise Precious Jesus 3. I Love You Jesus, I Love You Jesus, I Love You Jesus, 4. Jesus Savior Save Sinful Souls, Sanctify Saints To Serve Thee 5. Praise God The Father, God The Son, And God The Holy Ghost, 6. I Beseech Blessed Baptizer Bestow Bountiful Baptismal Blessings 7. Glory To Jesus Glory To Jesus Glory To Jesus Glory To 8. While Wholeheartedly Worshipping, Willing Waiting, Jesus Baptize Me With The Holy Ghost. While Wholeheartedly Worshipping 9. Glory To God, Gracious Generous Giver Of Good Gifts. Glory To Rainbow Revival Church, 890 Crenshaw, Los Angeles CA So what Happens? The individual commits a few phrases to memory and begins to say them over and over. His tongue gets twisted, but he must keep on trying. Finally he is muttering, stammering and stuttering and he blames it all on the Holy Spirit ... HOW SHAREFUL! Now I wonder if Peter and the rest of the apostles had this list in Acts 2 while they were waiting in the upper room for the Holy Spirit? Do you reckon that they were practicing all that time? Of course, the above is IGNORANCE GONE TO SEED. But a very remarkable thing happened soon after I received this list. I was in Pampa, Texas in a meeting and watching a religious program from Amarillo. They had a Catholic nun on the program who claimed to have been baptized with the Holy Spirit. Her "testimony" was that she had not been able to speak well because she DID stutter. But, when she received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, SHE QUIT STUTTERING. So, to stutter or not to stutter-that is the question. I hope that we all understand that those who were baptized with the Holy Spirit in the days of the apostles were given languages that could be understood as the Bible reveals in Acts 2:8 -1 1; and they were not the kind of gibberish that would be produced by one who practiced according to the "Rainbow Revival formula." (Contributed by J.T. Smith) |
In the last decade the tongue-speaking phenomenon has been experienced in most religious groups in the United States as well as foreign countries. It is the most talked about religious item of our time. Tongue speaking is automatic speech which consists of utterances without conscious effort or thought with no rational meaning and with no conscious Purpose. Students of the tongue-speaking phenomenon see it as the outgrowth of three things: First, the dryness of religious ritual in the western culture; second, the crisis climate of our time from which people seek escape; and, third, a personal religious void.
The common human phenomenon of tongue speaking is often confused with the New Testament gift of speaking in other languages. They are not the same in content, source, or purpose. Contemporary tongue speaking is often called glossolalia. It is to be compared to laughter which is a type of automatic speech. One laughs not because he has rationally decided that something is funny or because he makes a conscious effort to, but it is an automatic response to a situation. Even so, tongue speaking does not happen because a person wills to utter specific sounds, but it is an automatic response to a situation.
There is nothing harmful or bad about glossolalia any more than laughter. It is a common human experience. It is wrong, however, when it is claimed to be a miracle or is substituted for rational, religious expression. One shouldn't confuse a human phenomenon with a divine act.
Because tongue-speaking comes without conscious effort and cannot be understood, it has often been confused for divine intervention in religion. This was true for ancient paganism. The first written record of tongue speaking dates back more than 1,000 years before Christ. A certain Wen Ammon under stress gave forth ecstatic utterances, and the people thought God was speaking through him. Ecstatic utterances were used in the Greek oracles and in the ancient mystery religions. Even today in Rhodesia there is a sect known as the Apostles' Church which combines certain elements of Christianity with the traditional pagan practices. Tongue speaking is a part of their ceremony.
Spiritualists use the tongue-speaking phenomenon in their claim to communicate with the dead. Mormons have always had tongue speaking as a part of their religious expression. It is thought for them to be a confirmation of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon and other documents which came from Joseph Smith. The most common expression of tongue speaking until recent years was in Pentecostalism which arose around 1900 and developed into a number of denominations.
In the early 1960's neo- Pentecostalism began in Van Nuys, California, and has spread rapidly through the traditional existing religious organizations. It has become very popular, even in Roman Catholicism, and has divided a number of Protestant churches.
The fact that the tongue-speaking experience is found in false and contradictory religions would indicate that its source is not from God but is a human experience confused for divine intervention. The fact that the same experience is known in all religions, ancient and modern, Christian and pagan, and sometimes outside the religious experience altogether would indicate that its source is not from God. The fact that it can be learned and imitated would indicate that it is not a miracle.
The New Testament gift of tongues is a miracle and consists of speaking in human languages that the speaker, had not known or learned by natural means. Contemporary tongue speaking must not be confused with the New Testament gift of tongues. One is a human phenomenon; the other a divine miracle. One is common to all religions, ancient and modern; the other is unique to the church in the first century. One is irrational, ecstatic utterances; the other is human language. One can be imitated and learned; the other is a miracle from God. There is nothing wrong with the phenomenon of giving forth ecstatic utterances, but it is error when it is confused with the New Testament gift of tongues. Ecstatic, automatic speech can bring forth a release of tension and can be therapeutic, but when it is substituted for rational, religious expression, it is a delusion.
Paul was no doubt talking about such a phenomenon as contemporary tongue speaking when he wrote in I Corinthians 12:2, about pagans, "You know that when you were pagans, you were led astray to the dumb idols, however you were led." John was no doubt speaking of counterfeits of miracles when he wrote in I John 4:1, "Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits to see if they be from God."
One major purpose for tongues was to serve as a sign to unbelieving Jews - a problem that was eliminated with the destruction of the Temple and Judaism as a religion in AD 70 by Rome - cp. 1 Corinthians 14:21-22 (it was a testimony against those who had rejected Christ Jesus.)
Tongue speaking today is not of God, it is of man.
J. Hurt, Steve Rudd