Textbook Fraud

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Inherit The Wind: Intellectual Pornography!
Click to View"Inherit the Wind" Drama; 1960; 128 minutes; B & W.

Shown in classrooms as an accurate historical account (docu-drama) of the Scopes Trial to deceive students for over 50 years. The film is full of lies and deception and very anti-Christian. The film is a deliberate misrepresentation of the trial and designed to sway the audience against Christians and towards evolution. This film is intellectual pornography and quite unsuitable for any classroom! What value is there in distorting history? Another typical Hollywood movie where good Christians are portrayed as bigoted buffoons and the devil is the hero! Amazingly, all of the proofs of evolution used in the actual Scopes trial have now been discarded as fraud by evolutionists!

Click to ViewFraudulent pro-evolution arguments used in the movie now discarded
Click to ViewOverview of the deception in the movie
Click to ViewDetail of the deception in the movie by David N. Menton, Ph.D.






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