Mark 5:19,20
"However, he did not let him, but said to him: "Go home to your relatives, and report to them all the things Jehovah has done for you and the mercy he had on you." And he went away and started to proclaim in the De·cap'o·lis all the things Jesus did for him, and all the people began to wonder."

This interesting verse has led some to conclude that Jesus is Jehovah because the demon possessed man was told to report all the things "Jehovah" did for him. Yet, the man went to Decapolis and reported all the things "Jesus" did for him.

This verse is interesting, because this line of reasoning can only be used, for the most part, if one uses the NWT. This is because the NWT is one of the few translations that have restored God's personal name, Jehovah, into the Greek text. Thus, trinitarians that use this verse must first accept that the translation of Jehovah in verse 19, is indeed correct for their line of reasonings to have any merit. However, is this the case? Well, it is the observation of this author, that very few trinitarians that I have ever personally spoken with, ever readily accept that the divine name of God, Jehovah, should be used in the Greek scriptures. In fact, most argue that the name Jehovah should not even be used in the Hebrew/Aramaic scriptures. Why? Well, that is another subject that will be discussed under its own heading in the near future. But the fact remains: In order to use these verses to promote the trinitarian doctrine, one must first accept the use of the divine name "Jehovah" in the Greek text of Mark 5:19.

Let us resume our discussion now, and see just what is meant by the verses found at Mark 5:19,20. Do these verses prove that Jesus is Jehovah?

Let us look at a few Bible examples that contain similar sentence structures, that allow us to properly understand this verse.

Deuteronomy 31:3 is where we shall first go, it reads: "Jehovah your God is the one crossing before you. He himself will annihilate these nations from before you, and you must drive them away. Joshua is the one crossing before you, just as Jehovah has spoken."

Now, are we to conclude that Joshua IS Jehovah because FIRST, the verse says that "Jehovah" is the one crossing before you, THEN, in the third sentence of the same verse, it goes on to say that it is "Joshua" who is the one who is crossing before you? NO! But then question is "why?"

For the very same reason we cannot conclude that just because the man was told to report the things Jehovah did for him, but instead, he went and reported the things Jesus did for him. It is because just as Jehovah was indeed the leader and protector of God's people, and Joshua was God's appointed leader, or representative, so to Jehovah was the actual source of the healing by Jesus, who was God's appointed representative.

It seems obvious that the man understood Jesus' words found at John 10:37,38 where we read: "If I am not doing the works of my Father, do not believe me. But if I am doing them, even though YOU do not believe me, believe the works, in order that YOU may come to know and may continue knowing that the Father is in union with me and I am in union with the Father."

Notice here that Jesus did the "works of [his] Father." Jesus did NOTHING of his own initiative. (John 5:19) Jesus received his power to do miracles from his Father. Just as the disciples did miracles by God's power. Thus, Jesus fully represented his Father, just as Joshua fully represented Jehovah by taking the lead to cross the sea into the promised land.

We might recall the many miracles the disciples did while they were alive. They raised the dead, cured the blind, healed the sick, just to name a few. And in who received the credit for these things?

Acts 3:6,8 tells us: "However, Peter said: "Silver and gold I do not possess, but what I do have is what I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Naz·a·rene', walk!" and, leaping up, he stood up and began walking, and he entered with them into the temple, walking and leaping and praising God."

Yes, God did the miracle through Peter, and yet, the man praised God. Now are we to understand that Peter was God because the man praised God when, in reality, it was Peter who was actually used by God to perform the miracle? Of course not.

So then, in reality, the demon possessed man in Mark 5:19,20 was correct. He did report all the things Jehovah did for him, as manifested THROUGH Jesus Christ. For Jesus did those miracles or works by means of his Father, just as Peter and the disciples performed miracles by means of the Father as well.


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