Arian Biased Translations
Schonfield |
Modernists who deny the virgin birth are quoted by Jehovah's Witnesses because both deny the deity of Christ!
Bible Scoffers and Arians make strange bedfellows! |
Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal refuted
Below are the Bibles Jehovah's Witnesses will quote to support their false doctrine. They quote them profusely. The fact is that Anti-trinitarians must scrape the bottom by shopping the world and coming up with obscure, corrupt Bibles written by liberal minded Bible haters, with low grade scholarship, no one has ever heard of to prove their point. Often Jehovah's Witnesses will provide a list of up to 50 translations of a single passage that support their view. We have not discussed them because most of them are not Bible translations, but one man's a commentary where in he translates the single Bible verse. These men are usually anti-trinitarians themselves, so the vast majority amount to self-quoting.
Bibles frequently quoted by Jehovah's Witnesses: