are digging up Bible stories!

Our approach at this archeology website:
- We take the Bible as the inerrant,
inspired word of our creator. It is the only 100 % accurate record
of history and the key to unlocking all archeological mysteries.
- We accept the witness of history,
but history was rejected when it contradicted the Bible. We accept the
witness of genuine and valid science of archeology.
- We support archeology and
archeologists. However when the personal opinions of archeologists
conflict with the Bible, we reject archeology. For example, most
archeologists do not believe man learned to farm or herd domesticated
flocks of sheep until about 1000 BC, yet the Bible says that the children
of Adam and Eve did both. Cain was a farmer of grain and Able was a
shepherd of sheep. "Abel was a keeper of flocks, but Cain was a
tiller of the ground." (Gen 4:2) Enoch, the son of Cain, built a city!
(Gen 4:17) This notion that there was a time when man was so primitive he
was merely a "hunter gatherer" roaming the earth with clubs and
sleeping where ever he was when the sun set, comes strait from Darwinian
evolution and is false. The idea that the "Iron age" follows the
"Bronze age" needs to be viewed in light of the fact that men
before the flood began forging both bronze and Iron at the same time,
thousands of years before the “Iron Age”: "Tubal-cain was the forger
of all implements of bronze and iron." (Genesis 4:22). We also find
men before the flood invented and played "modern" instruments
like the lyre and the flute: "Jubal was the father of all those who
play the lyre and pipe." (Gen 4:21). This is all dismissed as false
by most archeologists. So lets not overlook the fact that Noah built a
huge boat 515 feet long with three decks. The ratio of dimensions of the
ark were 30 to 5 to 3. This ratio has been demonstrated by modern science
to be the perfect ratio for stability, (but not for speed) on water. In
fact, the ark is the largest boat ever constructed in history down to a
150 years ago. Archeologists may dismiss the Ark as a myth, but they
cannot explain this perfect ratio. We can: It came from God! We never find
any conflict with the facts of archeology and the Bible. We accept the
discovery of a buried village in an ancient tel, or bones or tools are
pottery or writings. It is the interpretation or opinions of the very
archeologists who sometimes invent some rather wild theories that we
reject. The problem is not between the facts of
archeology and the Bible, but the opinions and theories of archeologists
that contradict the Bible.
- Many archeologists suffer from a disease called, "Hittitus".
- The purpose of this website, is to offer for free, a unique,
Bible based view of archeology.
- We have created a set of updated Bible maps that are
internally consistent and are in perfect harmony with scripture with a
view to the latest that modern archeology has to offer. Almost all Bible
maps today are riddled with errors, contradictions and confusion in regard
to the Exodus, Mt. Sinai, Kadesh Barnea, the wildernesses of Zin, Shur,
Sinai, Paran. Even commercially produced map sets that cost money, like
those at and are full of errors and contradictions
regarding the exodus route.
- We began by ignoring all archeology and existing Bible
maps and studied in detail where the Bible locates various places. Then,
only as a secondary, non-authoritative witness, we introduced archeology.
If there is a conflict between the Bible and archeology, we side with the
Bible. There is no contradiction between the Bible and modern archeology.
The conflict is with atheistic Archeologists who trash the Bible, deny the
Exodus ever happened, teach David and Solomon were mythical figures. They
are bent over backwards in bias to come to any conclusion THAT DOES NOT
verify the Bible record. They are losing this battle to truth and being
A. The archeological time scale: Oldest possible archeology on
planet earth: The Flood

- Oldest possible trace of human existence that
archeologists can find must be younger than 3069 BC.
- As of AD 2018, the earth was created about 7572 years ago
(5554 BC). Since the earth is less than 7000 years old, it is rather
impossible to find any archeology older than the age of the earth.
- The world-wide flood of Noah happened in 3298 BC. The Noahic
flood that wiped off all traces of humanity off the earth and buried it in
what is now called sedimentary rock. The flood occurred flood 2258 years
after creation. For example, there is a 1.5-mile-deep layer of fossils in
the Grand Canyon that was laid within the year of the flood of Noah.
Within these sedimentary layers is a mix of all the living things before
the flood. We are not aware of any documented man-made buildings or tools
that have ever been found in the sedimentary, but then is is so vast in
size. Human occupation on earth is historically is unknown. Clearly there
are remains of pre-flood human activity, in this 1.5-mile-deep layer, we
simply have not found any yet.
- Noah's Ark (and the contents), is only one man-made,
archeological item that is from the pre-Noahic flood period.
- The oldest possible evidence of human existence that
archeologists can dig up must be younger than the time of Noah, or 3298
- Archeologists love to come up with time scales based upon
assumptions that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. The Bible says the earth is about 7500 years
old. The scientific data
supports a young earth.
- Keep in mind that when you read about archeological ages
that date back to 12,000 - 16,000 years ago, that it is wrong! Common
archeological ages are: "Kebaran": 14,000 years and older.
"Mushabian": 13-14,000 years old. "Natufian":
10,500-13,000 years old. "Pre-Pottery Neolithic" 7,500 - 10,500
years old. Pottery Neolithic: 7,500 years old and younger. We know from
the Bible that all of these "archeological ages" are in error,
because the world was created at the same time as the "Pottery
Neolithic" age began.
- The solution for the wise and discerning Bible student is
to take this time scale and squish it down to fit between the Flood and
the time of Abraham. This means that Kebaran cannot be any older than 3298
BC and Neolithic Pottery would date to about 3000 BC.
- We call this the “Accordion time scale solution”:

Accordion time scale solution to
current archeological dates
Suggested archeological time
scale of Bible believers.
Fictitious archeological time
scale of Bible trashing Ph.D. archeologists.
14,000-50,000 years old
13-14,000 years old
10,500-13,000 years old
Neolithic: 7,500 - 10,500 BC.
Neolithic: 7,500 years old
B. The problem of theological bias:
- Theological bias has played a devastatingly negative role
in entrenching errors in all Bible maps. For example, the Roman Catholic
and Orthodox church both accept Constantine's mother's choice of Mt. Sinai
in 325 AD in the modern Sinai Peninsula at Mt. Musa beside St. Catherine's
Monastery. Both these churches take decisions
of Ecumenical Councils and church tradition over what the Bible says.
- Since Queen Helena saw Mt. Musa in a vision to be Mt.
Sinai that settles it. Since Constantine proclaimed it Mt. Sinai in 325
AD, the Roman Catholic church will never look elsewhere. Since the
Orthodox church built St. Catherine's Monastery in 550 AD at the foot of
Mt. Sinai, they won't even discuss the possibility of another location.
- Although we have escaped the dark ages of science, we are
still held in the shackles of the dark ages of Bible geography. While some
Catholic and Orthodox scholars may even state Mt. Musa is not Mt. Sinai,
there is absolutely no chance that the Pope or the Ecumenical Patriarch will
change their view. To do so would call into question their entire
foundation based upon human oral tradition.
C. The problem of sloppy/indifferent Bible students:
- The Bible student knows that in 1445 BC, Kadesh Barnea was
occupied by Israel in the wilderness for about 38 years and is almost
universally located at Ein
El Qudeirat by all Bible maps and today's archeologists. Sounds like a
sure thing! But this location poses several serious contradictions in the
Bible. Archeologists also don't openly tell you the fact that they have
dug up nothing older than 1000 BC and that a full 400 years of archeology
is missing.
- Sloppy Bible students are another source of confusion with
regard to the Exodus route. Mt. Sinai cannot be located in the Sinai
Peninsula at Mt. Musa, because it is in the middle of Egyptian controlled
lands. Kadesh Barnea cannot be located at Qudeirat
because this is 27 km inside the promised land. The Bible
specifically tells us that Kadesh was Transjordan. This is something
that has been missed for the past 200 years.
- When many good Bible students notice that Qudeirat
is inside the promised land, they assume that the people that put the map
in the back of their Bible knew what they were doing. In facts the people
who produce the Bible maps rely upon atheistic archeologists and
university professors who already see the Bible as a book of myth and
- On the other hand, most gospel preachers regard the close
study of the exodus route as irrelevant. They say: "Why does it
matter where they went, its impossible to know. If God wanted us to know
for sure, he would have told us!" You will never learn the truth of
that you care not to seek! It does matter because the geography of the
Bible is wrong, misleading and inaccurate regarding the exodus route.
- Here are a few more examples of typical errors found in
most Bible maps:
- "Palestine in the time of Christ" Fact:
Palestine did not exist in the time of Christ. Hadrian renamed Judea,
"Palestine" in 135 AD.
- Mt. Hor must be directly beside Kadesh Barnea. Often
Bible maps will place Kadesh Barnea at Ein
El Qudeirat but Mt. Hor beside Petra. This contradicts the Bible.
- Exodus route maps that correctly show the Red Sea
crossing at the Straits of Tiran, continue to incorrectly place Etham and
the wildernesses of Shur near the Bitter lakes, 30 miles from Egypt.
Fact: Etham is very near where Israel camped just before the Red Sea
crossing at the Straits of Tiran, and the wilderness of Shur was on the
other side of the Red sea crossing in modern Saudi Arabia. If you are
going to propose alternate crossing points, make sure the stops and
wildernesses correspond.
D. The bias of Atheistic university professors: Red Sea crossing
- Many archeologists suffer from a disease called, "Hittitus".
- Atheistic bias of "university professors" and
"scholars" has also played a devastatingly negative role in
entrenching errors in all Bible maps.
- Take Lake
Serbonis or the Bitter
lakes, for example, as two different candidate Red Sea crossing
points. Both these locations were chosen because they do not require any
- Lake Serbonis stunningly contradicts the Bible in Ex
13:17-18 and should never be even placed on any Bible map as a
possibility. Likewise, we call the Bitter lakes the "Hebrew weekend
fishing hole" being only 30 miles from Goshen.
- It makes logical mush of the Hebrews bitter complaints of
being in the wilderness. Being only 30 miles from their beds in Goshen,
camped beside a huge fresh drinkable water supply and their herds, how
could anyone imagine this is in the wilderness: Exodus 14:11-12?
- It is an assault on common sense to suggest that the
Bitter lakes was "in the wilderness". In spite of blatantly
contradicting the Bible, Bible maps, under the oversight of
"University Scholars" continue to suggest Lake
Serbonis or the Bitter
lakes as proposed crossing points. The reason is simple: They do not
believe the Bible in the first place, so they look for "natural
explanations" to avoid the obvious miracle of the Red Sea crossing.
They propose Lake
Serbonis because there is an obvious natural land bridge that a
typical storm could expose. They propose Bitter
lakes because it is so shallow, that a "strong east wind"
could blow the water away so they could cross. So we see their Phd, but do
not see their atheism and allow them to continue to suggest Lake Serbonis
or the Bitter lakes as possible crossing points. They must be removed from
all Bible maps as even possibilites.
E. The bias of Atheistic archeologists: Sinai & Kadesh
- Atheistic bias of archeologists has also played a devastatingly
negative role in entrenching errors in all Bible maps. Take the location
of Kadesh Barnea, for example. Before Trumbull first suggested Kades in
1881 AD, Kadesh Barnea was generally located transjordan, often near or at
Petra. Between 1881 - 1916 AD Kadesh Barnea was located at Ein El Qedeis.
From 1916 to the present, Kadesh has been wrongly located on every Bible
at Ein
El Qudeirat. But it escapes the average Bible student's notice as to
WHY they changed from Petra to Kades to Qudeirat in the first place.
- John Rowlands goes down in history as the man who plunged
the search for Kadesh Barnea in to the "Dark Ages" (1881 AD -
present). But Ein El Qedeis
would be just another desert spring without Henry Clay Trumbull who is
responsible for literally deceiving the entire world into believing it was
Kadesh Barnea. The "one-two punch" of Rowland-Trumbull moved the
worlds attention for the location of Kadesh from the Transjordan Arabah to
where it has been presently located on all Bible maps since 1916 AD.
Although in 1842 AD John Rowlands was the very first man in history to
suggest Ein Qedeis was Kadesh Barnea, it became the majority opinion
choice for Kadesh Barnea from 1881 - 1916 AD. Before 1881, everyone was
looking for it in the Arabah Valley area or near Petra as Joseph said it
was. After 1916, Ein
El Qudeirat became the choice and is still to this very day. We
however reject both Qedeis and Qudeirat
as Kadesh Barnea and believe it is located at or near Petra. This
"similarity of name" argument became the most important
"proof" that Kadesh Barnea had been found at Ein Qedeis until
Ein el-Qudeirat dethroned Ein Qeudeis in 1916 AD. Scholars like Keil &
Delitzsch in 1867 AD, William Smith's Bible Dictionary in 1884 AD and the
New Advent Catholic encyclopedia, Cades, 1917 AD all focused upon the
similarity of name. But all this was thrown aside and forgotten when a
larger spring was found 6 km north at Qudeirat. Ein El-Qudeirat means
"Fountain of Omnipotence" or "Fountain of God s
Power". This has nothing to do with any connection with God bringing
water from the rock with Moses, but the fact that Qudeirat is the largest
spring in the entire Sinai Peninsula for a 100 km radius! Not surprising
that they would call it "God's powerful spring." For an detailed
summary of the search for Kadesh Barnea see also: Chronological History of
search for Kadesh"
- Bible trashing archeologists like Finkelstein, Rothenberg
and Pratico are losing the battle of promoting their "low
chronology" (LC): "The deconstruction of the Albright/Yadin
`Solomonic paradigm' began during the 1970s with Benno Rothenberg's and
later by Gary Pratico's demolition of Nelson Glueck's concept of
`Solomon's copper mines' in the Timnah Valley in the Arabah and of his
identification of Ezion Geber with Tell el-Kheleifeh. Twenty years later,
in the late 1990s, questions were raised concerning the core of the
paradigm by J. Wightman (1990) and especially by David Jamieson-Drake
(1991) whose influential book included a frontal attack from an
archaeological standpoint on the very concept of the United Monarchy of
ancient Israel. This work fell like a ripe apple into the hands of
historians and biblical scholars of the European 'revisionist school' who
were inclined to minimize or reject altogether the historicity of the entire
or parts of the biblical narrative. This book also inspired the work of
Israel Finkelstein. ... Thus, Jezreel, Arad, the Negev Highlands, and
Taanach may be taken as 'mini-anchors' in the problematic 400-year
time-span described above. Evaluation of these points of reference negates
Finkelstein's LC (low chronology). (The
Bible and Radiocarbon Dating, Thomas E. Levy, Thomas Higham, Amihai
Mazar, 2005, p16, 21)
- So as we can see, the role of archeology can be helpful
but often misleading.
- We hope you look closely at the things we have said above
and study these matters out for yourself.
- We invite your input, suggestions, criticisms, corrections
- The materials on this site are free, but do not place them
on your own website, use links. You can use them in sermons, church
bulletins and handouts. You can use them as you like with the following
- Source must be credited to
- Not put on another website.
- Not put in books that are to be sold without Permission.
- No alterations without permission.
- This is an open process. Join us!
Steve Rudd: Contact the author for
comments, input or corrections.