Ellen G. White Prophet? or PLAGIARIST! |
E.G. White: The Inspired Prophet?
Proof Ellen G. White claimed to be an inspired prophet!
Prophecy blunders of Ellen G. White, the SDA prophet!
The single most devastating piece of evidence to the foundation of the SDA church
The Great Controversy: White copied both words and pictures
Proof that Whites "I was shown" visions were even copied!
Order Walter Rea's book: "The White Lie"
The story of a Seventh-day Adventist who grew up in that church, only to learn the difficult truth, that his parents had raised him in a cult!
What is Plagiarism? (copying another's work and claiming you wrote it. Ellen G. White copied directly out of books THEN CLAIMED IT TO BE INSPIRED! Some prophet!)
Overview of Ellen G. White's copying
Prologue: Why is this devastating to the Seventh-day Adventist church? Walter Rea
Chapter #1: How to change History by Walter Rea
Chapter #2: Go Shut the Door By Walter T. Rea
Chapter #3: Say it Isn't So (The early development of how Ellen G. White became known as a prophet!) By Walter Rea
Chapter #4: Gone, But Not Forgotten By Walter T. Rea
Chapter #5: That High Shelf By Walter T. Rea
Chapter #6: Sources from Which White Copied By Walter Rea
Chapter #11 A Matter of Ethics Amazing story of Whites rise to prophet status. By Walter Rea
What earliest SDA leaders thought about White's inspiration!
Chapter #12 Life Has Its Incidents The story of White coping the Great Controversy. By Walter Rea
SDA Church lawyer determines that White was not legally guilty of plagiarism
Who's Who: Index of names and their association to White
Actual Proof that White is a deluded plagiarist:
The Great Controversy: White copied both words and pictures
Proof that Whites "I was shown" visions were even copied!
Canright, once a believer in White, exposes the Plagiarism of White in this concise old document!
White copied "Patriarchs and Prophets" from Adersheim's "Bible History: Old Testament", vols. 14
White's sources for "Desire of Ages" & "The Spirit of Prophecy"
Proof that White copied the pillars of SDA theology She did not get it From God!
The Incredible Robert Olson Letter SDA Authorities tried to cover up Whites copying. They knew about it all along!
White estate suppressions of the White's REAL "Spirit of Prophecy" book.
List of 100 SDA Pastors fired for rejecting White as prophet!
Ellen G. White was a prolific writer of about 10,000 pages of "inspired writings". In the early 1980's the denomination was almost torn apart when it was proven that about most of what White wrote was copied from other works that predated her own. See the 1980 Herald and Review article. The devastation continues today, as informed SDA's learn the truth about their inspired prophet!
E.G. White was no saintly prophet, but a deluded plagiarist: |
Bible Col 2:14-18 |
Comments |
"Having nailed it to the cross...Therefore let no one act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day-things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ. |
Notice that it clearly states that the weekly Sabbath day was done away and was a shadow. |
Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by delighting in self-abasement and the worship of the angels, taking his (HER) stand on visions he has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind" |
Immediately after stating the Sabbath was abolished, God gives us a prophetic insight into Ellen G. White who would claim to see visions and re-instate the Sabbath day from the law of Moses! |
We Speak truth in LOVE
"you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40