of Gedaliah son of Pashhur
Bullae from Israel and Judah

of Gedaliah son of Pashhur
are digging up bible stories!!!"

of Bullae and Seals:
The Exhibit: On-line
Museum of Bulla and seals
Security: How
bullae are made to seal papyrus
Forgeries: Known
fake bullae and seals
Archaeologists are digging up bible stories!!!
is an important science that confirms the historical accuracy of the Bible. Since
the Bible refers to hundreds of cities, kings, and places, we would expect to
find evidence from on-site excavations. And this is exactly what we have
found. The Bible is the most historically accurate book of history on earth.
Read the Bible daily!

of Bullae and Seals of Judea and Israel

Bulla "belonging to Gedaliah son of
Gadaliah and Jucal: Two Seals from City of David Excavation: 2008-2010 AD
Jucal son of Shelemyahu son of Shovi

Gedaliah son of Pashhur
Of all the seals featured on this page, these two are the most important
because they were found in situ during and official archeological dig and were
therefore fully documented and provenanced.
In one of the most spectacular archeological
finds, Eilat Mazar found two clay seals naming two different men named in A
SINGLE BIBLE VERSE!!! What is more
spectacular, is that Eilat Mazar found the two clay bullae in the same
archeological excavation two years apart (2008, 2010) only a few meters from
each other!!!
- Both names on the two seals are found in one Bible verse:
"Now Shephatiah the son of Mattan, and Gedaliah
the son of Pashhur, and Jucal the son of
Shelemiah, and Pashhur the son of Malchijah heard the words that
Jeremiah was speaking to all the people, saying," (Jeremiah 38:1)
- These clay seals are both featured in the Israeli Museum
in Israel.
- "The object that was perhaps our most startling find
dates to the last period of use of the Large-Stone Structure—from the
period just before the Babylonian destruction. It was a seal impression
(called a bulla) that once sealed a document, which has long since
disintegrated. Like bullae generally, this one is like a flattened ball of
clay about the size of a fingernail. The credit for its discovery goes to
the hawk eyes of Yoav Farhi, the supervisor of our Area A. He spotted it
at the exact moment when the sun’s rays illuminated the letters. Without
this particular lighting, you can see nothing. Even when the bulla is lit
from various directions, only letter fragments are visible. Lighting from
a certain specific direction, however, suddenly illuminates all of the
letters as if by magic. The bulla contains three lines of ancient Hebrew
script. Yoav quickly deciphered part of a name in the second line—S?LM
(Shalem). I took the bulla home that night. Well into the night, when the
children were asleep and the house was quiet, I began to study it. Slowly,
I deciphered the name in the first line: Yehuchal. Could it be a Biblical
name? I did not recall any Yehuchal in the Bible. Perhaps my reading of
the name was wrong. But just to make sure I pulled from the shelf a
Biblical encyclopedia. There he was, as large as life—in the book of the
prophet Jeremiah: King Zedekiah sent Yehuchal (Jehucal in English Bibles)
son of Shelemiah to the prophet Jeremiah to pray for the people (Jeremiah
37:3). In the following chapter, we learn that this same man, who was a
royal minister, heard the decidedly unwelcome predictions of disaster
coming from Jeremiah’s lips. When I opened the encyclopedia and saw the
same name in the Bible as was on the bulla, I let out a shriek of surprise
that rang out through the still house. Fortunately, the children slept
soundly. I felt as though I had just “resurrected” someone straight out of
the Bible. There is something else unusual about this bulla. It read: “Belonging to Yehuchal ben (the son of) Shelemiyahu ben
Shovi.” Thus we now know the name of Yehuchal’s grandfather, as
well as his father. Why did Yehuchal mention his grandfather on his seal?
This was hardly the standard practice. Perhaps his grandfather was a
distinguished, well-known figure in his own right. In Yigal Shiloh’s
excavation in the 1980s, adjacent to our site, he found 45 bullae in the
destruction layer of one of the rooms. But none of the bullae Shiloh
excavated mentions the grandfather, only the father." (Did I Find
King David’s Palace?, Eilat Mazar, BAR, 2012)
By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or