Searching for ... the Bible Pattern!
New Testament Christianity |
Origin of Church:
Defining the Church (Major study)
When & Where Did The New Testament Church Begin?
What is the "scriptural name" of the church in the Bible?
Church Kitchens: Worship center or Social club?
The origin of the one true church from Old Testament prophecy and its beginning on the day of Pentecost. |
The origin of man-made denominations. |
Finding the New Testament church today. Learn how to become a member of the church of the Bible. |
Organization of the church
First Day Worship (Sunday)
Weekly Church Attendance is Essential!
Attending church for 24 wrong reasons. Also 12 excuses people use for not attending church.
Is Sunday the "Christian Sabbath"?
Sunday is the day Christian's worship NOT SATURDAY!
Early Christians 100 - 300 AD, speak about Sunday
Sunday worship because of Sunday Resurrection!
Early Christians worshipped in houses, later "church buildings"
Singing |
Does God Approve Instrumental Music in church?
Prayer |
Major study on Prayer
How to Pray Acceptably
Praying to Jesus
Lord's Supper |
The Lord's Supper
Is it OK that My church doesn't have Communion every Sunday?
The "Last Supper" was NOT a Passover meal
Refuted: The false doctrine of "transubstantiation"
Giving Money |
Weekly freewill contributions every 1st day of the week (Sunday)
Must I give my $$$ Money $$$ to the church?
Self Study Course |