Encyclopedia of Islamic Myths!
"Islam ... contains multitudes of wild myths" (The Life of Mahomet, Sir William Muir, 1861,Vol. 1 chapter 1,)
Islam: Truth or Myth? start pageMyths are fantasy/untrue stories that are accepted as reality/truth themselves. |
Index of Islamic Myths:
"9/11 Media Conspiracy Myths":
"Koran Myths":
"Islamic Hajj (pilgrimage) Myths":
"Allah Myths":
It has frequently been pointed out how Muhammad's concept of Allah in the Qur'an falls far short of that of other monotheistic religions of the Near East (Islam: Muhammad and His Religion, Arthur Jeffery, 1958, p 85)
Allah |
Allah is not the God of the Bible but is the personal name for the Islamic God! |
The phrase, "no god but Allah"? proves "Allah" is not just another word for "God" to the Muslims. The transliterated phrase from Arabic reads, "La ilaha illAllah." A word for word translation into English would read: La [no] ilaha [god] ill [except or but] Allah [Allah]. The important thing to note is that the word "Allah" is a name and is not the word for god. If "Allah" were the word for god, then the phrase would read, "there is no allah but allah. Clearly it does not. The Qur'an itself claims that Allah is the personal name of the Islamic god: (017.110) "Say, Call Him Allah or call Him Ar-Rahman; whatever the name you call Him, all His names are beautiful." If "Allah" were the word for god, then Islam's god is nameless. There is also no evidence that the word "Allah" is a contraction of the words "al ilah," which means, "the god." If it were, then again, the phrase would read, "there is no allah but allah." As part of the first "Pillar of Islam," this issue is critical as Islam claims that the God of the Bible (whose name is Yahweh) and Allah are one in the same and that we all, therefore, worship the same god. |
"Muhammad Myths":
There are thus two figures of Muhammad, the Muhammad of history and the Muhammad of faith [myth], the historical preacher who lived and labored in seventh-century Arabia and the mythical figure of the Prophet which lives in the faith of his community. (Islam: Muhammad and His Religion, Arthur Jeffery, 1958, p 3-4)
"Kaba Myths":
According to Muslim tradition, God told Abraham to begin the rite of pilgrimage to Becca (now Mecca). In a rite called tawaf, Arab pilgrims from time immemorial circled the stone counterclockwise seven times and ran seven times between the two promontories in memory of Hagar's seven passages. The historicity of this Abrahamic tradition is difficult to confirm; the first verifiable reference to the Arab people occurs in an inscription of Shalmanezer III dated 853 BC. (The Joy of Sects, Peter Occhigrosso, 1996, p394-397) |
Other Myths:
Islamic belief in Jinn is superstitious paganism. Islamic belief in Jinn is superstitious Arab paganism. Jinn are unique to Arab paganism. Jinn are the "mythical bad guys" of Arab culture. Rather than discarding the wide spread concept of the "Jinn" believed by the Pagan Arabs, Muhammad rubber stamped these mythical manmade creatures and brought them right into the Koran!
Modern Arabs are descendants of Ishmael "Arabian literature has its own version of prehistoric times, but it is entirely legendary." (Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 2:176)
Monotheism existed in ancient times outside of Judaism: Pharaoh Akhenaton
Islam is not the fastest growing religion in the world.
The word "Islam" means "Submit", not Peace. Islam only brings peace to Muslims who blindly submit. To Christians, Islam means war, persecution and death.
Muslim unity? Ya Right! Muslims are divided into many splinter groups who kill each other. (Sunni and Shi'a sects)
Written by Brother Andrew