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to the explaining away, with extraordinary evasions and ingenuity, the plain declarations of the Gospel on the subject of the crucifixion; but it is needless to multiply examples of this style of reasoning. It has rather been our object to give specimens of the more sensible and less unreasonable portions of the book.

In 1847, Pfander published a treatise called HALL UL ISHKÂL, or Solution of Difficulties; being a reply to KASHF UL ASTÂR and KITÂB I ISTIFSÂR The Kashf ul Astâr has already been noticed at some length in this Review. Pfander's rejoinder is brief and pertinent. It is followed by a translation of the remarks on the Kashf ul Astâr which appeared in this Review. Then follow ten questions put to Pfander by a Maulvi Syad Abdallah Sabzwari of Lucknow, with their replies.1 After these comes the reply to Ali Hassan's Kitâb i Istifsâr, the work we have just been reviewing. The chief points of the Maulvi's desultory attacks are ably noticed and well refuted. The book concludes with the whole correspondence which passed between Pfander and Ali Hassan, and which has been previously described in the article referred to above. Dr. Pfander has not, since the publication of this volume, entered into any further written discussions with the Mohammedans. But although this

1 A translation of these appeared in the Christian Intelligencer, and was the cause of some correspondence in that journal.


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