Quotes from Muslim scholars that document the Polytheistic origin of the symbols, rituals and temples of Islam.

Library of On-line Books and Quotes of Muslim Scholars.
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Practicing Muslim scholars that document the Polytheistic origin of the symbols, rituals and temples of Islam
Guide To The Contents Of The Qur'an, Faruq Sherif, 1995, Muslim
A Restatement Of The History Of Islam & Muslims, Sayed A. A. Razway, Muslim
Islam, Isma'il R. Al Faruqi, 1984, Muslim
The Holy Qur'an, with commentary, Malik Ghulam Farid, Muslim 1981
Muhammad the prophet, M. R. M. Abduraheem, 1971, Muslim
The Message of the Qur'an, Translated and Explained, Muhammad Asad, 1980
Makkah And The Holy Mosque, Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Washington DC, website
Al-Milal wa al-Nihil, Muhammad ibn 'Abdalkarim al-Sharastani, Muslim, vol. 2 chapter on the opinions of the pre-Islamic Arabs, as cited in al-Fadi, Is the Qur'an Infallible?, p. 122, Muslim
Bulugh al-'Arab fi Ahwal al-Arab, Muhammad Shukri al-Alusi, Vol 1, p 121-122, Muslim
A Guide to the Contents of the Qur'an, Faruq Sherif, (Reading, 1995), pgs. 21-22., Muslim
Muhammad The Holy Prophet, Hafiz Ghulam Sarwar (Pakistan), p 18-19, Muslim
The Spirit of Islam, Tabbarah, p. 173, Muslim
The Sublime Qur'an and Orientalism, Mohammad Khalifa, p. 140, 1983, Muslim
The Religion of Islam, Maulana Muhammad Ali, p. 448, 1936, Muslim
Legal Opinions, Sheikh Sha'rawi, pt. 3, p. 167, Muslim
The holy Qur'an, text, translation and commentary, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, 1938, Muslim