Success Stories from this Website

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Running total as of Nov 1, 2008

Baptisms: 63
Visits by seekers to services of local church: 31
Major changes in doctrine: 19








03 Oct 2008

Great news! Last night at 10 PM Nick Romzek made the good confession and was baptized into Christ for the remission of sins (Rom. 10:10; 1 Tim. 6:12; Acts 2:38; Gal. 3:26-27). Nick found us through Steve Rudd's web site. He is our "Philippian jailor" since he is in charge of the jail here in our county.

We would also like to thank Greg Gwin, Jimmy Mickells, David McPherson, Eddy Richardson, and Ryan Thomas who all assisted us at our recent gospel meeting and helped Nick see his great need to obey the gospel (Mk. 16:15-16; 2 Thess. 1:7-9). We have also gained another contact from those gospel meeting efforts that we hope to meet with soon and help come to an understanding of God's will.

Craig Thomas

Sandusky, Michigan



16 Sep 2008

I have been a fan of Steve Rudd's fresh evangelistic techniques since learning of him in the mid 1980's while we were living in Mississippi. We had good results with Bible Correspondence courses there. Later when we lived in California, our small congregation of 5-6 families at one time had over 350 students enrolled in courses. One convert is now a preacher in Bogota, Columbia.) I added "token discussion of evangelism" to the Men's Business Meeting agenda, They seemed to go along with my suggestion to start using Steve's materials for local outreach.

Mark D. Horton




19 Jun 2008

Hello Mr Steve Rudd,

My husband, I and one of our daughters just recently have left the baptist church and joined Christ's true church (1017 SW 84th Street, Oklahoma City). I wanted to write and tell you thank you for your website. It has helped us a lot when looking for certain scripture passages, and when we thought we might be the only people reading the Bible for what it is, we came across your site to help confirm our new beliefs we'd found in God's word. Now I use your studies to help me when sorting out which passages to help lead others the same way. Thank you for all the time you've put into the site.

The Cummins Family

Oklahoma City, OK



6 Mar 2008

Steve, I spoke to a young man from New Haven, Connecticut who was reading in earnest. He contacted me with a question, and we have exchanged phone numbers to facilitate further discussion and study. That is the reason I looked over your site again recently and saw the need for updated information. I am thankful that the young man was able to find a current number to contact, and I thank you for providing this service.

To God be the glory.

Thank you,

Richard Glatz



April 29, 2008

Hi Mr Don Patton,

I watched the video on your site on the fossil record and was blown away by the evidence you prevented which is conclusively in favour of creation - unbelievable.

Thank you so much.





July 9, 2007

Hello, I don't know who to address this email to, A few months ago probably late last year or earlier this year, I came across the Interactive Bible and looked around and did some of the quizzes and even read a lot on what you had. I emailed someone from this site asking for more info on who you really were. I was hooked up with someone from the St. Robert Church of Christ, named Randy Duvall. I then contacted Lynn Huggins after one bible study with Randy Duvall. I have been visiting Lynn Huggins church for several weeks if not a couple of months. I have been in bible studies with members of the St. James Church of Christ where i live. I have been loving what i have been learning and what they are teaching. I love the fact that they preach the truth and say it like it is and that the Church of Christ does not do what the Pentecostal churches have done for so long. I have had many of my questions and suspicions answered. I just wanted to say thank you for putting this website on the Internet. I will always continue to search for the truth and always trying to be closer to the Living God. If I never had come across this website i would have still been taught false doctrine.

Jeffrey "Frey" Marlow

St. James, Missouri


5 May 2008

I just wanted to let you know that i first found your website a year ago. I found the interactive bible questions and answers full of truth and I was seeking truth. After passing all the quizzes you had on your site i asked about who you were and what faith you were. Someone from this site called Randy Duvall in St. Roberts, Missouri and that in turn led to me contacting Lynn Huggins in St. James, MO where I still live. I wanted to tell you that i am still attending St. James Church of Christ to this day an I wanted to thank you for leading me to where i need to be. At the time I found your website i knew truth but all the churches around me and the one I was attending at the time wasn't teaching truth as you show on your website. Thank you for still having your website for people like me to find a place where true worship and truth still reigns in people's hearts. Just wanted to let you know...

Frey Marlow



11 Jan 2008

After contemplating suicide and finding this site through results on Google, I have changed my mind and wish to rely on Christ. The root of my desire for suicide was my struggle with homosexuality, but I have read through many pages on this site and, after being told time and time again that I cannot change, that God "made" me this way, etc. I despaired but now have found hope through God's Word. I know homosexuality is a sin, and I pray continually that God will remove my lust toward women from my life. It [the sin] has made my life miserable, but tonight I am filled with hope and the promises from God's Word are giving me strength.

I apologize if I am making little sense. This site has opened my eyes to so much, and I am grateful that God led me to it, as I have been taught both from others and myself many perverted interpretations of the Bible, especially regarding salvation. I will be careful as I read the Bible in the future, and pray that I read It for what It is and not as men would have me believe.

This site has shown me that God's Word truly is filled with hope, and that while these feelings are wrong, God can and will change them if I let Him.

If it's not too much to ask, please keep me in your prayers, that I will truly love and obey Christ and stop perverting the truth in my heart and mind and words. I am going to purchase a KJV Bible ASAP. Please pray that I will trust in God's spiritual healing, and please pray for my loved ones as well.

Sorry this is so long, and again, sorry if I'm incoherent. Thank you so much.

Canyon Country, California




Wed, 2 Jan 2008 12:42:31 -0500

Your website,, is one of the most useful websites on the internet!

It has been of unspeakable usefulness to me in my debates with Muslims and atheists, and has been instrumental in helping to affirm my faith. (although our Biblical interpretations differ slightly)

I wish more Christians I know could be like you guys, if they were, I could easily see a 90% increase in Christians at my High School.

Keep up the excellent, marvelous work!



December 12, 2007


I just wanted to let you know I have received questions through your site. We even had one lady visit as a result of your site and she studied with me for a while. Unfortunately, her husband was a major discouragement and she gave up on attending. However, we are enjoying the opportunities your site provides.

Joshua Welch




11 Oct 2007

We had one of our former members, who was converted after contacting us through your website, visiting with us this past Sunday. You are doing a great work!

Blue Ridge church of Christ

Roanoke, VA 24012

Brent Paschall




June 2007


Just A note of encouragement for you... My buddy Jonas at the congregation in Racine got a phone call from a contact on your site. She was studying on your site for months. After two and a half hours of study with her, She was baptized into Christ. Just wanted you to know your site is doing good work.

Robert. Giesbers

Mount Airy, North Carolina




8 Oct 2006

I don't know exactly who you people are, or where you are, but I'd like to thank you. Your website showed some passages to me that caused me to reach a wonderful and yet frightening conclusion: my Christianity as I've been practicing it is not what I thought it was, and I need baptism. I feel led by god to do this, and I feel that it is necessary for my salvation.

I'm a senior in high school who has been attending a Methodist church my whole life. This means, I was baptized as an infant, but had never put any serious thought into baptism as an adult. I've been feeling rather cruddy spiritually for a long time, and have found it extraordinarily hard to stop committing the same sins regularly. I came to the conclusion, when thinking back in my memory, that I had never really been born again. Did I believe in Jesus? Yes. Did I believe in his sacrifice and accept him? Yes. Then why did I still feel wrong, why wasn't I born again?

I've concluded that I must do what I should have done four years ago. I talked to my pastor, and he has agreed to overstep a denominational rule that forbids re-baptism. I'm getting baptized as soon as possible, in a near by stream. In Maine. In October. Brrrrrr...... But, somehow, I think it will be worth it, don't you? Thank you for presenting the information on you site to spread the truth. I write this not to give you pride, but so you know of a concrete example of how your work has touched others

God bless, and much love,

Alex Yates




16 May 2006

As you are aware I assist in answering queries from a website - Most times there is little or no response after I have distributed a correspondence course, thus when I was contacted to baptize someone as a result of the course, I was delighted. Peter was baptized at Brother Fred Liggin's home during the afternoon of Saturday 15 April. (It was not a good idea for me to try baptizing - I think my wheelchair would have sunk while I floated aimlessly around.).

Stephen Buys




11 Apr 2006

I would very much like to know how I can start my own "Christians Meet Here" Church here in Denmark... I am truely fascinated by the website and wish very much to begin such a "Church" movement here in Denmark!!! Can you Mail me by Post or by Email careful instructions and help... maybe some manual how to get started?! I am a former Pentecostal and Seventh Day Adventist... and I so grateful I have finally found the 100% true information and accurate truth about the New Testament Church!!! Is there anywhere on the Internet I can any further information besides your Website? I would appreciate very much much if you could help me to get started building this new Church in Denmark... I live presently in Nakskov... some 2 hours drive from the capital of Copenhagen... I have included my Mailing address as well as Telephone number... please Email me or Post by Mail any materials or guides on how to do it right from the beginning here in Denmark... Thank you very much!!!

Henrik Holben

Riddersborgvej 21 St. Th.

4900 Nakskov, Denmark

+45 60845109




02 May 2006

Hi Steve!

Anyway, I just got an email from someone. They have a daughter here (Tampa) and they live somewhere in Canada. I thought you would like to see what she wrote....

We have a new brother and sister in Christ. Don't know if I told you about her. Catherine comes from a deeply Catholic church. She had had some questions but when the church she attended wanted to spend $70,000 for an overhead projector to put up words for songs being sung, she wasn't happy. She started looking on the internet and ran across . They help you locate congregations and she found us. She is so enthusiastic—she has the Bible on tape and listens in her car and devours books and articles about the church and the difference between the Catholic church and the church of Christ. We have a study session each Monday night. Her family includes 4 or 5 priests and a higher ranking official so she wants to know everything she can so she can talk to her family. She talked a lot with her husband and gave him things to read as he is on the road a lot. He was baptized on Sunday and joined us in our study last night. She is a very out-going friendly person and I believe she will bring a lot of people to Christ. Our God is wonderful! He uses us and our technologies... Keep up the good work!

Beth McNabb


8 May 2006


It's not an earthshaking story but very beautiful. She was RC and was disgruntled and had not attended for a long time. For some reason she was surfing the internet and looking at different sites. She stumbled upon and found the truth. She compared the teaching to others and could see clear distinction. She showed up at services one day and we studied briefly with her but it was evident that she understood. After baptism she has voraciously consumed literature, tapes and vcr - dvd debates & preaching. Barbara and I study with her once a week. Her husband Tom was baptised two Sundays ago and she is working hard on her 4 Boys, 3 of whom do not live at home, one of her sisters and her sister-in-law. She is about 47. If we get a couple more like her we will convert the whole world.

Brian Guilbault

Calgary, Alberta


Hello Steve,

I found the truth on your website late last year, and was baptized at the Northside church of Christ on Jan. 24 2006. My husband followed suit in April. (both converted from Catholicism)

I want to thank you immensely for the great work you do on What I learned on that site has proven to be a springboard to faith for me, and I am happy to direct as many as will listen to the site.

Catherine Hebert




14 Feb 2006

I used to think that the RCC was just another church. Like most Christians, we all had some strange beliefs, but if we held to the historic Christian faith, they & me, were all still Christians. Thanks to your site, I am here to say that I was wrong. So, thanks! I am not winning any arguments with Catholics, they don't seem to care about anything Other that what they know, much like a Jehovah's Witness. Wait, that is not a good one to use, because as you know, witnesses really use the bible. (joke, niether Catholics or JW's use their Bible.) anyway, I use your site so much, I thought I'd thank you!

J. Wayne Johnson

Portland Oregon




23 Jan 2006

Steve, you and I have never met to my knowledge. I know nothing about you, your beliefs or convictions. All I know is that you are associated with the web site you listed. I have no knowledge of how has put us in contact with any seekers. When it comes to "how has assisted your local evangelism" -- I personally would have to say it has not. I would agree with some other people who choose not to link to your site due to the tone / attitude, for instance, the dominant and obvious link to "false doctrine" with then icons to studies about Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. I do not see that as the best way to open doors of dialog with people, by directing them right off to the material that says they are going to hell because they believe the wrong things. This slams doors shut.

My web site is intended to portray love and spirituality.

I do not see the present format of as being geared toward evangelizing the lost though.

Steve Wallace
Church of Christ
Gainesville, FL




Jan 22, 2006

A lady will attend the congregation where I preach part-time tomorrow evening (she promised) because she wrote to me (via having questions about baptism, her salvation, etc. I am preaching a sermon that hopefully will answer some questions of hers.

I have answered many dozens of other questions over the past several years, and while I don't have any firm results to show, I am nonetheless "sowing the seed" and hopefully somebody else will get the harvest. All due to

Don Newcomer




20 Jan 2006

Steve, Your web site is rubbish and hogwash! It is so sad to read your obvious non-understanding of either the Catholic or Orthodox faiths.





13 Jan 2006

I'm looking for a study group to meet with. I live in Athens Al.





December 18, 2005

Seekers request or message to Bible Correspondent: i just wanted to write and say how thankful i was to find this website..i got involved in a oneness church this last was horrible...the info that was provided explaining the trinity verses modalism helped sooo much. it just reaffirmed that i made the right decision in leaving the apostolic church.

Debbie Sanders

Bedford, Indiana




15 Dec 2005

I, Glenn Jones from Kiel, along with several other English-speaking brethren in Europe have expressed their appreciation for your rich source of Bible study material, which has helped us ascertain many technical facts of Bible and church history pertinent to important religious questions. Thanks.

Glenn Jones




The WWW.Bible.CA site has been a source by which I have had opportunity to teach more clearly on some issues of concern to others. It has been a good tool by which others have been able to contact me and receive answers to questions they were struggling with. It has also been the source by which some have contacted me regarding questions others have asked them which they themselves could not answer.

Nathan Fritz

Lubbock, TX




I have received both questions and sent our Bible Courses as a result of your efforts on

James Yopp
Gainesville, Florida




15 Dec 2005

Steve, several times someone has got in touch with us through your site. Also I have used your Bible Correspondence Course you wrote for years and over 800 persons have enrolled in the past 7 years mostly through putting up the posters at walmart, Kmart, Kroger, and any other available place in town. We have had several baptized due to the courses. And alot of contacts. Thanks, Danny Holton




15 Dec 2005

When I was preaching in Yakima, Washington (1997-2004) on a number of occasions I received calls from people who had searched out the location of the church from the web site. Equally it should be noted that two women had been put in touch with me direct from the web site. We engaged in an on line Bible study, which led to an in home study and eventually they responded to the Gospel and are faithful members of the body of Christ. I also believe one of my former (for want of a better term) patents in my counseling practice came to me as a result of the web site.

W. Bruce Evans




29 Nov 2005

Steve. I'm still getting studies every couple of weeks. Put a lady in touch with a church in another town recently.

Randy Hohf




25 Nov 2005 

Today I was confronted by a Mormon, and I realized that I did not know what it was that they believed, so I turned to this site. I was just now thinking that this site has always been able to answer the questions I have had about the Bible. I was baptized into Christ a month ago now; I have been attending the Church of Christ for nearly a year.

Andrew Oakland




15 Nov 2005

I did the search on your website to find an "Assembly of Christians" in my local area (which is Jackson, MS). The match gave an address and telephone number, but no other information. What sort of building would these people be meeting in? Is it what one would consider a somewhat typical "Church" structure? Is there a sign outside? If so, what does it say? I would be very interested to know these things. Thank you very much.




10 Nov 2005

I have been reading your website due to a Jehovah's Witness who keeps coming back to "talk" with me. I just wanted to know the history of their organization and some biblical arguments for their UNBIBLICAL beliefs. I wrote down where the meeting places are in my town for your organization and I look forward to getting more info on your worship group.





7 Nov 2005

I just wanted to say thank you for such a great site. It was this site that lead to my conversion to Christ 3 years ago. Its easy to navigate, well organized, the content is coherently laid out and most importantly the information is rich with truth from God's Word. So thank you and please keep it up.





31 Oct 2005

Wanted to let you know that we have had a visitor to church and I have had a two hour talk with someone who first contacted us through your web page.

Darrell Hymel

Longmont, CO




24 Oct 2005

A friend of mine is holding a study in his home on Monday mornings with a group of Calvinists from a local Presbyterian church. I did a quick Google search for some scriptures to explain the tenets of Calvinism and your excellent site was first on the list. Well done! Then I used the congregation search engine, and it turned up our congregation (Embry Hills, Atlanta). I should have known! I just wanted to drop a quick note and let you know your site is doing some good.  

Mike Kercher




11 Oct 2005  

I have had studies with some of the contacts from you. One almost obeyed.

Ricky Shanks




25 Aug 2005

From, I put one lady in contact with a church in southern Idaho and she fell in love with it. 

Randy Hoff




May 3, 2005

When I've came across your page entitled "Find Christian Assembly near you", I've managed to obtain the E-mail of the preacher of the Church of Christ in Toronto Ontario, David Dann. I was baptized and added to the church.

Leo Nikoladze

(Leo is a nineteen year old recent immigrant from the former Soviet Republic of Georgia)




28 Jan 2005

I am a gay woman of 38 years and recently started going back to church to once again try and make things right. At any rate....was glad to read what you had to say and think your right on the money! Any thoughts on how one would go about changing their orientation. I am already femme on the outside, however inside is a different story!

In Christ love





 27 Jan 2005

THANK YOU, it is wonderful that we can attend that church in confidence! This has been a long, rough road. We also found a Church of Christ in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Next we drove out to a church in Gulfport. Do the churches listed on your site know that they are listed? That would be GREAT if they do because then we will know that our thinking is aligned.





January 25, 2005

I love your website so much I sent it to all my charismatic friends and I pray that they see the truth.


Vancouver Canada




 24 Jan 2005

I would like to first thank you, the maintainers of your website, as it has been an invaluable resources to me in breaking free from the misleading ways of the Jehovah's Witnesses. I did not become one myself, but was very close to being "baptized" by this group. 

M. Crawford




30 Dec 2004

On, the closest congregation to me was in Redwood City, CA. I contacted a man at the number listed and he told me he was the pastor at a "church of Christ" but he had no idea about the Interactive Bible where I found the listing.

Paul E Popiel

Pacifica ,California




9 Dec 2004

I think I have told you we baptized three in the last couple of years from their contact with your website. A couple of weeks ago we were travelling and stopped to worship in Florence, SC. A young man was preaching who had been a Christian only 6 weeks. I asked how his conversion came about and he said it started on the Internet. I asked, "" He beamed and said, "Yes."

Dale Smelser




29 July 2004

A babe in Christ, (who got my address from asked me to pray for him to have strength and I eventually set up a one-on-one Bible Study between the two of us. He is only 18, but is so fervent to study and understand God's word. It warms my heart. We studied every week for almost a year, and he finally decided to leave the International church of Christ (ICOC) and place his membership with the non-institutional congregation where I worship. He is still amazed how God worked through a website to bring the 2 of us together.

Don Newcomer




19 Jul 2004

I've been studying this site on and off for almost a year now. And because of it, I've learned a whole lot! When I first came across this website, I was doing a search on the false teachings of the Catholic church. And then those bizarre video clips of the Toronto Blessing services.....WHOA! Those clips scared me! Your site also got me more curious about end-time prophesy. Before, I was premillenial. Now, I lean more toward the partial-preterist view. I also love how you explain how church is supposed to be set up and how we are to worship. Not to mention, this site is very easy to read and navigate. So, to wrap it up, let me say your site changed my life for the better! I left my Pentecostal church about two months ago (would've left sooner if I didn't feel I was bound to a commitment I had made to serve as a deacon) and am now attending a church very similar to the way yours is set up. It's led by four elders (who meet biblical requirements), worships without musical instruments ("a Capella"), and takes communion every Sunday.

Thanks for speaking the truth! Keep up the good work and God bless!





13 Jul 2004

I've just turned 18 and am homosexual. Thank you so much for your articles on sexual preference changing! They really are a life ring sent by God, showing me there is hope! I've read some material on the web before, but it was mainly about how trying to change your sexuality is doomed to failure.

Henry Gratwick





31 May 2004

I am a person who has long struggled with many questions and fears about religion. I never could understand the divisions or reasons for them. I was almost a 7th Day Adventist after completing the Discover Bible Lessons. Thank you so very much, not only have you answered many questions about other beliefs, but you helped my very soul.

Jennifer Black




 25 Apr 2004

I just wanted you to know that today a couple were baptized into Christ today, and God used your website to bring them into contact with us, via Graeme Offer. The wife had previously been with the SDAs and lately the JWs, so there's plenty of teaching still to be done, but they show the fruit of open and honest hearts.

Brett Christensen

Melbourne, Australia.




 16 Apr 2004

I have just read about sola Scriptura on your site and would like to know where to find a church please. I live in S. Wales United Kingdom,





13 Apr 2004 

Hello. I read your article in about NARTH. How do I contact a psychiatrist in my area that could help me recover from homosexuality? I live near Jacksonville, Florida.

Scott W.




April 13, 2004

Dear Wilson Copeland, I would like to schedule an appointment for bible study.

 Sherry Mays




After so many emails some sincere, and some cranks, this young man (Mike) was baptized tonight by the preacher at the South Macomb church near Detroit.

Ed Smith

Flint, Michigan




6 Apr 2004

I was contacted through e-mail by a man in Roanoke, VA who had read through some of your website. He told me he was looking for the one true church and listed 8 criteria for the church he was seeking. Most of points were correct and where he was in error. I pointed out the error. He was very pleased. He attended Wednesday then Sunday, then Wednesday, then the next Sunday he was baptized. His wife was there on Sunday when he was baptized and plans to continue coming on Sundays.

Alan Moeller

Roanoke, VA




19 Jan 2004

I found your site while looking at the false practices of the Holy Spirit gifts. I read with immense interest your take on a lot of doctrines. Your conclusions and doctrines are incredibly similar to that of my belief. I am a Christadelphian a firm believer in the truth of the 1st century. I've got the number of the local church in Adelaide... a bit of a drive, but I'll go there.

Brent Hill




02 Jan 2004

I have received two contacts from One wanting to challenge me on Seventh-Day Adventism. The other contact I was able to correspond with in good length and warn her away from digressive churches of Christ. has helped to that extent in the Northwest.

Steven J. Wallace




02 Jan 2004

Most of the contacts that I have had (probably 50%) have been Sabbatarians who are strongly critical of what is on the site. They are not interested in learning, and most of the correspondence that I have had is like casting our pearls before swine. There have been a couple who have had open minds, and although the contact has been somewhat aggressive, at least they have engaged in some active dialog.

Graeme Offer Australia




02 Jan 2004

I have had many contacts via the internet. Most however just write open ended letters trying to "set me straight." I am currently in the midst of an e-mail debate with a gentleman proclaiming baptism unnecessary. I also was able to be a useful contact for a preacher out west who had a relative here he was teaching via mail. She has unfortunately not attended our services nor allowed a personal visit from me. Over all I believe the internet is a very useful tool.

David E. Rishell




1 Jan 2004

I've been a contact for our area for a couple of years and have had many e-mail discussions with folks who write after visiting No baptisms or visits as yet, but the opportunity to discuss God's word is welcome.

Zeke Flores

Belen, NM




20 Dec 2003

Brother Steve:

Via your listings on of myself and the local church I attend, some have attended as they found the congregation through your information. Thanks.

Michael J Davis




19 Dec 2003

Because of, I have had some good discussions with a woman who is apparently in an adulterous marriage. Also had a question about Halloween in October and ended up having a brief discussion on baptism with her, though it didn't change her mind. Anyway, keep up the good work! Thank you,

Christie Atkins




5 Dec 2003

To the Author of these articles.

I want to express my highest thanks to you for doing the body of Christ such a huge favor in writing meticulous refutations to these attacks by Jehovah Witnesses on the true body of Christ.

Edgar Hayes




23 Nov 2003

I saw that there is a church in Round Lake Il. its only 25 minutes away so I think I will go this Wednesday.





21 Nov 2003

A co-worker who had 'provoked' me in the scriptures. He also told me to go to for more information. I used the website a fair amount gathering scriptures first on 'once saved, always saved' then baptism. Was a very useful tool as I went down the path toward obedience in baptism.

22 January, 2006

The best success story about your website overall that I know of is my own conversion. I was a Baptist, and about five years ago I became a Christian. I was an IT consultant living in Pennsylvania, and while on a short contract, I worked with one of my co-workers from Virginia who was a Christian. He engaged me in discussion on the scriptures and eventually included a URL to the TULIP area on your site. As I studied on my own and eventually converted, I used your site routinely as a source of study material.

Mike Cox

Note: Mike is now preaching in Newark OH and is one of the Email helpers for




1 Nov 2003

Thank you for your excellent portrayal of SDA'ism. As a former SDA Pastor I can attest to the accuracy of your assessment. Praise God! Could you please refer me to a group that meets in the El Cajon, CA area.

Steve Rudd called Paul directly on his cell phone Saturday night. Providence was playing a role because he was in the car with His wife and was looking for the church building as I called and parked in the church parking lot during our call. He indicated he would attend the next morning service!




16 October 2003

My family and I are deeply concerned about our baptisms since reading the website. We feel our teachings, worship and baptisms have been in vain. We are eager to attend a true church and have a proper baptism since all of us have been mislead. Thank you Steve for providing a contact in England. The church is only 10 minutes drive away from where I live. I attended this morning.

Rebecca Griffiths South Wales UK

Jan 5, 2004:

Following your advise I did get baptized on the Lord's day. (4th Jan). Now I am truly a child of God.

Rebecca Griffiths




19 Aug 2003

I found your website through a Google search for information on Mormon claims of archeological proof of the Book of Mormon. You had excellent, politely-worded information about that subject and I was further surprised and delighted to find the links at the bottom of the page leading further explanation of truth.





September 2003

Deb was searching the internet through and has been attending for the past month. Yesterday, Deb requested to be baptized into Christ. Deb is a very intelligent woman of 26 and has a responsible position with the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Peter McPherson, Ontario




19 July 2003

My wife and I used to be JW s. Without your site and your point by point refutation of the brochure, Should You Believe in the Trinity? I'm sure there is no way that it could have happened! I can t thank you enough for giving the INFORMATION required to accomplish a task like this! This is by far the most thorough and sound treatment I've ever seen on a subject like this; truly awesome! THANKS!!! God Bless you and your ministry!

Christopher Hinton




20 April 2003

I received an email from "Annalie" in Ottawa Ont. She researched a lot of the "false doctrine" section, and then contacted me, one of her nearest study partners as suggested by your search engine. We traveled to Ottawa, and did a 4 part study with Annalie, her husband, and her teenage daughter. Annalie obeyed the gospel, and a seed was planted in her loved ones. Annalie reports that her daughter is growing in spiritual knowledge, and she is confident that she will obey the gospel.

Larry W. Fuller




11 April 2003

Just about three weeks ago someone who had visited contacted us. She was a Baptist in her mid twenties and the daughter of a doctor. She obeyed the gospel and has not missed a service since, including our meeting this week.

Dale Smelser




18 Feb 2003

Hi there, I Got on to your site by accident by mistyping another site. I read all the material in one sitting and the information explains why I have being living with certain doubts for a long time. (I know this might sound silly but I was only partially submerged and baptized only after two or so months after saying the 'sinner's prayer'. If there is a Church of Christ anywhere in Toronto, Ontario I would appreciate being baptized properly.

Elizabeth Pereira




17 Jan 2003

2 Weeks ago I was asked to come a speak for the Bellaire flock in Houston TX. A man walked in that had been studying the Bible and sought out a group that follows just what the Bible says. He looked up the closest flock and attended that morning. I guess it was providence that I happened to be there that morning being they did not have a preacher at the point. I met with him during the Bible class time and he was immersed into Christ following.

Ricky Shanks




20 Dec 2002

Just recently a man visited a Sunday morning service (via and agreed to a Bible study on Monday. He came, much to my surprise, in a white t-shirt, white shorts, white socks, and white sneakers, ready to be baptized.

John Guzzetta




03 Nov 2002

July 16th I got a question from a young local Honolulu catholic man via your web site. I asked him to join us in worship and he has been there every time the doors have been opened ever since. October 11, he was baptized for the remission of his sins and placed membership two weeks later after some more study. The seeds were planted and God gave the increase, Is He not awesome to those who seek?

John & Linda Seltenright




31 Jul 2002

First I wanted you to know that we've baptized two young men (in their twenties) as a direct result of your website. They found you... and you listed us here in West Campus Church of Christ in Federal Way. THANKS

Second-- I was preaching down in Hillsboro Oregon (just outside of Portland) a week ago-- and they had one young man there baptized as a result of finding your website. Keep up the good work.

Paul Hawthorne




20 May 2002

I'm not sure if you are Steve or if he is the person responsible for this site, but whoever you are thank you. I found your site maybe close to two years ago and after studying on it for several months I clicked on the Assembly location and visited the "South Jacksonville Church of Christ" (Florida). After a few months of studying with them I obeyed the Gospel as did my wife. The congregation has just recently started to support me as a full time preacher. Two weeks ago a young man called us having found us on your web site too. The next week he obeyed the Gospel and I baptized him (my first baptism). I just wanted you to know how much your site has done for me and I continue to rely on it. I hope you are able to continue this work.

Keck Lynn




17 May 2002

Today Paul Saunders was baptized into Christ. Thanks Steve for your website ( where Paul found out about us and thanks to those of you who helped to teach Paul the truth. Most importantly, thanks be to God in Heaven for giving the increase. All heaven is rejoicing.

Jared O'Neal

7 Jul 2002

Good news again. Tonight (7-7-02) Paul's wife, Anne Saunders, was baptized into Christ Jesus.

Dexter O'Neal




16 Mar 2002

I have just finished speaking to a young man who called me after looking at your website. He then looked for a congregation close to him and, thank God, I had requested our group be listed. He intends to visit with us this Sunday.

Noel Malan

10 Apr 2002

A couple of weeks ago I received a phone call from a young man who had found our contact information. He had a few questions which were bothering him, but those were soon settled, followed by the statement: I would like to be baptized as soon as possible.

Noel Malan

14 Apr 2002

I'm very happy indeed to be a part of the family and must say I'm overwhelmed by the response I've received from so many caring people from all around the world. So thanks again Steve, and particularly thanks for your website which has led me to Noel and his church and for the great teachings you have there about the truths of Christianity.

Your baby brother in Christ,





6 Mar 2002

Dear Steve,

Here in Brooklyn, NY, I was contacted by a young lady who was disturbed by things she read at work from your site regarding Catholicism. From that we studied and thanks to the Lord both she and her younger brother were baptized into Christ.

Gary Hunt




25 Feb 2002

I wanted to tell you that yesterday we baptized Wayne Warren into Christ, that found us through your web site.

John & Linda Seltenright, Hawaii




21 Nov 2001

Michael Bui, upon his good confession, he was baptized into Christ at 4:30 p.m. today. Your site is very helpful.

Bryan Matthew Dockens




November 20, 2001

I used to be a cult member (unbeknownst to me), and after toiling through scripture, I ended up embracing the doctrine of Calvinism. As I "stumbled" onto your web site, I see that I'm in a cult all over again! Please send me what you guys have on the subject because I'm open to hear what you guys have to say.

Kenneth L Soriano
Henneth/Houston, TX




12 Nov 2001

Thought you might be interested to know there are eight men in Oklahoma State prison taking your "Your Eternal Salvation" Lessons. One wants to be baptized when it can be arranged.

Wes Gilbert Muskogee




23 Aug 2001

Here is a list of 37 different questions I have received and given scriptural responses. They vary in number of contacts, but sadly no confirmed baptisms to report, yet.

Edward Perry, Australia




16 Aug 2001

Aloha Steve from Hawaii,

A "baptist" lady from New Albany, Indiana contacted us a few months ago. I started her out on your 3 lesson study. I am happy to report that 2 weeks ago she was baptized into Christ for the remission of her sins at the Lords church in her very own city.

John & Linda seltenright




16 May 2001

A white man in Johannesburg, foreigner to South Africa, contacted me through Interactive Bible. I gave him contacts in Johannesburg, they taught him the truth, baptized him, and he is faithful. A person in Israel (lady, I think) asked for instruction. I sent her the correspondence course, she asked to be baptized, I appealed for a contact in Israel and got one from Mike Willis. I have put the two people in e-mail contact with one another and am awaiting news.

Paul K. Williams, South Africa




Hi Steve,

I worked in Hudson, NY and came to know you through your website. One man was eventually baptized because of the contact you sent me.

Dan Peters




28 Mar 2001

I came upon your website and am so very happy to have found this place! I searched your site to find an assembly of Christians near my home and was even more happy to find that you have one in Timmins, Ontario. I am not baptized and want to be as soon as possible!

Carole G. Tremblay

Carole Tremblay met with us this morning and after the lesson, came to the front and said that she is not baptized and knew she needed to be. We studied with her all afternoon. She was baptized at about 5:00 p.m. and left rejoicing just a few minutes ago.

Larry and Wendy Frost




8 Mar 2001

I was looking for a website that stood out in the crowd. The internet is full of filthy porn, the occult, hate groups and false teachings. When I stumbled upon The Interactive Bible, My eyes and spirit was shaken, especially at the False Doctrines pages. I knew that the L.D.S. , J.W.'s and the Roman Church were not in line with Biblical teaching, for many years. But the Millerite sect(SDA), for a long time were a legitimate evangelical church, because it sounded so in line with the Holy Spirit, or the Twentieth Century Tongues---that REALLY opened my eyes to the Word OF GOD! , because when I took your scriptural correctives and compared it to the teachings of T.B.N type ministers and teachings, and in the "holiness" churches, The Word of God has clarified their false intentions. And your website has encouraged me to study the Bible much more than I have ever before(being from a Baptist background), which you have called it Calvinism--just being a true Christian, and studying to be come a far more effective Servant of Jesus Christ , instead of living carnally while justifying "eternal security". And the proper way to become a Christian!

May The Lord Jesus of Nazareth bless your ministry!!!




22 Feb 2001

Lord willing, a lady I have been having email with over the past 2 weeks is coming to visit our congregation soon. Also, tonight I saw on TV a special show that dealt with deceptions of psychics and others. On that show, there was a segment on Peter Popoff and others. They showed a web site on the TV and it was!

Jeff Gray




Feb 2001

Last week I received a call from a young man by the name of Chris Blair. He had been on your web site and had got "shaken up" from your teaching about the necessity of baptism. He got our address from your site also.

Bob West

Then Chris writes me:

Hello there,

I am not sure I am reaching the right person. I am 30. I have believed in God & His Son, Jesus Christ since childhood. After reading a while, I became concerned that my baptism was not adequate. So, I found one of the contacts in your page and eventually found somebody to talk to. He was a minister at the Church of Christ here in the San Francisco Bay Area I had to be baptized - to be cleaned. And so I was - on Tuesday, February 13, in Milpitas, California. I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. There was no ceremony—just me and the minister alone in the church at night.

Chris Blair





"Dear Steve, Just wanted to take a moment and tell you that a contact from your web site was recently converted here. Terry Campbell contacted Scott Smelser and then myself from your site. After about 3 months of study, I had the honor of baptizing Terry into Jesus Christ, a little over two weeks ago.

Mike Rotz




Jan 2001

I would like to thank you and also let you know I got 9 replies in the month of December alone... 5 of which are currently involved in e-mail studies with me!.. Again, your site is working very well...

Robert Giesbers




Jan 2001

Dear Mr Rudd, first let me congratulate you and your organization on a excellent web site, informative, factual, and somewhat risqué. I had the pleasure of meeting you years ago. We are members of St Stephens and am on the parish council. I come from a JW back ground and still have painful thoughts of how mislead we all were. Perhaps we could have a coffee sometime my number is 318-3987

Donald and Kimberly Henhawke.




I would like to tell you what a wonderful bible page you have, it totally changed my life. I was attending a Methodist church close to where I lived when they closed their bible study night on account of not many showed up. So I got on the web and typed up online bible study. Your page I stopped, because it was so right. Finally I was ready to go further. I found the Hayesville, North Carolina (Shooting Creek) church on your site, and visited it. Everything felt right at last, like I was home. Everyone there was encouraging and helpful. On Jan 20th 1999 I was baptized and now am attending regularly the Shooting Creek church. A very content sister in Christ






Thought I'd tell you that one contact--and I'm not real sure if it was through the site or not--who I studied with through the mail and email was baptized.

Steve Willis




25 Dec 1997

I just learned, the first Web Site that the new converts at Annandale saw was the one by Steve Rudd. He found the address and phone number # of the Annandale church and called us.

Floyd Chappelear




23 Mar 1998

Just a quick note to tell you I have 6 enrolled in a Bible Correspondence course. One lady just finished your course and wants more study. One lady who lives in Benton Harbor and I have found a man in South Bend Indiana to handle any followup work. Another lady visited the South Maccomb congregation here and will be visiting again because she found that they taught straight from the Bible. This was a result of a contact from

Milt Smotherman




05 Apr 1998

We, at Valley, just got a phone call tonight congratulating us on what a fine webpage we have. You can imagine our surprise, since we don't even have a webpage. I have spent a brief time there tonight on and am also impressed. Please send me a return email that I may learn more about you - webmaster!!

Glen Erickson, elder

Valley Church of Christ




6 May 1998

And just in the last couple of days, we received a report from a preacher the church here helps support in Green Bay, WI that mentioned a contact he had received through Steve's page. Additionally, I talked face to face with another preacher Monday who had an extremely dedicated member there who had been recently converted... the initial contact again thanks to Steve's page.

Jon Quinn




20 May 1998

I thought I would let you know that we had a visitor Sunday morning who found the church on your web site. He has been doing a considerable amount of private study and was especially interested in the fact that we claim to be a "New Testament church".

Dan Madrigal




May 26, 1998

I have been looking at your website and find it very interesting. I am going to contact several of the contacts in my area.



I went to bible study last night at Keith Greer's church in Beavercreek, Ohio. I will be attending more bible studies.





7 July 1998

Guess what! A woman went on your web page and saw our name and called last night. Her husband is a member of the church but went with the Mormons a couple of years ago. They saw stuff on your page that they had not been taught by the Mormons. He wants to come back home. They live just a little way from our building. They said they'd be there Sunday.

Tina Rae Meade




9 Sep 1998

I just had lunch and a Bible study with a Catholic who stumbled across the site. He found my name here at Auburn U., and contacted me. He is now an ex-Catholic. Continue the good work,

Richard Howe




27 Sep 1998

I have found the assembly of Christians meeting on Fulton Road in Santa Rosa, California from the web site, where it has the option to find the closest group. I found the web site, using the Infoseek search engine. I was intrigued, since all the false doctrines in which I had become ensnared were exposed. I though I knew everything about being saved, so I clicked on the life preserver icon, and was amazed that baptism saves you and is required, that salvation is not by grace through faith ONLY, but that there were additional requirements to be saved. I found the church of Christ in the listing for Christian meeting places. Because I had faith that the Word of God was true, I changed my mind concerning my own salvation, and believed 1 Peter 3:21! Then, I went to the church of Christ, and was warmly received there. After attending the second time (the second Sunday), for the morning service, I went to a member's house to eat some lunch. After lunch I confessed that at the time of my baptism, I had not believed it was part of the salvation itself, remission of sins, but only an outward sign. I decided to be re-baptized, and immediately we went to the church, and I was baptized which saved me for the remission of sins, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

brother Don Ensley




24 Oct 1998

Please let me know if William Branham is a Prophet to the Gentiles and if man's ministry according to biblical truth.

[This man attended two services and several Bible studies. He wasn't converted.]

F. Rolfe

Hamilton, Ont




12 Dec 1998

There are a few families here in Rawlins that long to worship just as Christians, and have only the Bible as our authority. When I read your site along with my husband we both said, "Yes, this is right." We know the word tells us not to forsake assembling together. Do you have any advice for us?

Tami Parsons




19 Jan 1999

I have reviewed your website and would like to attend the church nearest me. My family has come from a "Word of Faith" church and have been spiritually wounded. I now feel comfortable at coming back into a fellowship. What would be the typical itinerary of your church services? I have the address to the one in Richmond, Virginia. West End Church of Christ on Patterson. I use to work in that area, so I am familiar with how to get there. We plan on being there next Sunday.

Georgette Evans




23 Jan 99

I've got some good exchanges going with some folks here in Iowa. Three correspondence courses in progress plus some e-mail exchanges.

Al Sandlin




25 Jan 1999

I got a very lengthy reply from Stacy. She was contemplating suicide and read the Interactive Bible articles. According to her it prevented her from carrying through. I told her I would forward the info to you. I will encourage her to get professional help that is closer too.

Ted Lovell

This was sent to me from Stacy:

DEAR Ted Lovell,

I'd like to thank you for supporting the Interactive Bible. I was seriously considering killing myself. I even had a plan made out. I was waiting for the right time and occupying myself in a chat room. A Christian told me to visit your site. I decided to give it a try. While reading the section about suicide, I realized that even though my life doesn't seem meaningful to mean, I don't have the right to end it.





25 Jan 1999

About three weeks ago I got a note from a woman in the south-western mountains of NC asking about Christmas. She then said she'd been working her way through the Interactive Bible study on the web site and was learning a lot. Net of it is I got a note from her on Wednesday saying she'd been attending a church of Christ close to her and found what they taught agreed with the web site. She'd made the decision to be baptized last Wednesday evening after Bible study. She had also given the web site URL to friends at work plus members of the church where she is attending.

Dick Tidwell




Wed, 3 Sep 1997

I want to report that the page has worked very well in the Montreal area.

Christopher Blackwell




27 Jan 1999

Have you heard about a woman named Val, who recently obeyed the Gospel at Shooting Creek, North Carolina? A friend emailed me about meeting her. She had been a dissatisfied Catholic, and was guided toward the truth by your web site.

Tom Moody


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