
Please do not link any internet home pages to the "Mission Control" room. It is a private site for use of Christians. If you do, search engines will index it and the world will be able to search for and find these pages.



Your purpose and mission as a fellow internet evangelism worker:

First and foremost: The design behind www.bible.ca is such that people respond to the closest Christian, rather than the author of the materials hosted. This is a design feature was pioneered to take advantage of internet evangelism and is unique of any other website, the we know of, in the world.

  1. If a seeker contacts you through the website, your role is to use their contact as an opportunity to make further personal contact for a one on one Bible study, local church attendance and conversion.
  2. Seekers might contact you in a number of various ways including email, phone, postal service or just show up at church out of the blue.
  3. Sometimes they will take issue with some thing that is said at www.bible.ca making reference to material you did not write. Reply to them, in the same way, as if you had actually written the article. (For example they may reject the truth on baptism, or be Catholics who think infant baptism is in the Bible etc.) I have had brethren write me and say: "This guy is asking me to defend something I didn't write on your website." I reply, "You are missing the point. If what is said on the website is true, then defend it, using the opportunity to gain personal contact with the seeker! What value is there if the author defends it, but lives 1500 miles away! You defend it and get together and discuss it further over coffee,"
  4. Engage seekers in a loving and educational two way dialogue.
  5. If they request specific Bible materials you don't have (like a specific Bible correspondence course), substitute it for what you do have! The Bible course offered at bible.ca is available for free download and printing at: www.bible.ca/bcc.
  6. Remember, "your mission Jim", is to either get them into a study, or into the worship service.
  7. If you have any conversion stories, or other success stories from bible.ca as a point of initial contact, let me know! I love to hear them!
  8. May the Lord richly bless you as you seek the lost and shine like the stars in the sky forever, guiding the many to righteousness. 

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Links for Text base browsers:

  1. Control Room Help: What does each section mean?
  2. Soulwinners edit your own personal information in the database
  3. Basic information about this website
  4. Edit the world-wide directory of churches
  5. Input and read exciting stories and news as a result of the Website
  6. Statistical data summary of hit on www.bible.ca
  7. Daily individual page demand (hits) accessed
  8. "Spreading the Word" Evangelism ideas and helps website
  9. Personal suggestions and ideas to make the website better!