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About this website

Basic information about this websight

Simple additional information about the website.


View and Edit Bible Specialists (you) data base

Soulwinners edit your own personal information in the database

This is where the data about you as a soul-winner/helper/participant in the "Interactive Bible" website actually can be viewed, modified, updated.


View and Edit world directory of local churches

View the world-wide directory of churches

Edit the world-wide directory of churches

The website will contain a directory of conservative/non-institutional churches world-wide. This is the place you view, modify and update your home congregations listing information.


News, stories & baptisms from Website

Input and read exciting stories and news as a result of the Websight

If you are put in first-time contact via this websight, with someone who has been baptized you can input the story here. Others can read these stories. Any news directly related to the successes and failures of this website are welcome. Perhaps you were put in contact with someone who studied for 6 months, then rejected Christ. We want to hear about these stories too!


Website Access by domain and User

Daily statistcal data of anyone who accessed the website by domain

Daily statistcal data of anyone who accessed the website by individual user

Server bandwidth stats for computer buffs!

A graphical display and listing of every other server and user who connected to the "Interactive Bible". If you put an add into the newspaper and advertise the websight, you can check here to see if anyone from your own local area connected!


Evangelism Helps and Ideas

"Spreading the Word" Evangelism ideas and helps websight

This is a major website with all kinds of ideas, helps and statistics on how to save souls.


Your suggestions

Personal suggestions and ideas to make the website better!

If you have an idea that will make the website better, tell us about it. If there is something you do not like, tell us about it.



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