Psychiatry is a vicious enemy of Christianity and the Bible.
Psychiatry is Anti-Christian |
believe... Psychologists are so viciously anti-Christian they even call Jesus a mental patient and a paranoid schizophrenic! |
Psychiatry wants to replace the church with itself: Psychology is the "new religion" imposing their own personal atheistic and humanistic value system upon unsuspecting individuals. Psychiatry has positioned itself to replace the church and Christianity for guidance and life's answers! |
Psychiatry believes that faith in God, spirit and soul are trick played by the brain. Now that Casper has learned he doesn't exist, will Casper have to go into psychotherapy? |
The "Chemical view" of modern Psychiatry Modern Psychiatry takes the anti-Christian view that man is nothing more
than chemicals and Neurons, |
Invented in 2002 AD by psychologist Michael Persinger to induce a spiritual experience into the brain with magnetism. Psychiatrists, already adherents to evolution, believe the prevalence of religion in all cultures is because of a malfunctioning part of the brain! Even atheist Richard Dawkins embarrassed himself by flying 7000 miles to try it on and experience God for himself! |
Bad Advice: Remembering and getting angry is better than forgiving and forgetting Psychologists use therapy methods that are opposite to what the Bible says! |
High Self-esteem is a sin Psychologists promote high self-esteem rather than Biblical selflessness |
Deny personal responsibility Psychiatry blame shifts and rejects personal accountability. |
Psychiatry's rejection of morals, judging, advice giving, mentoring, is opposite to Christianity Psychiatry opposes the idea of absolute right and wrong, but advocates a moral relativism. Psychiatry's rejects mentoring, judging and advice giving. All this is opposite to what the Bible says we should do. |
Answers lie within self, rather than from God, is opposite to Christianity.
Psychiatry believes the solutions to problems are within the each man himself. This of course proves that going to such a councilor for solutions to problems is irrelevant, since he will refuse to offer his own opinion or solutions to anything. |
Knowledgeable Christians make councilors than Psychiatrists with 11 years of university.
By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections.
Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry