The Supernatural
Hell |

The Tragedy of Disbelieving in the supernatural God!
Early Christians view on the TRINITY
Is Jesus an
actual or mythical Historical person?
Was Christ
Actually Raised From The Dead?
Jesus does not have a human, flesh and bone body now?
God, the Holy Spirit
Personality & Deity of the Holy Spirit
Everything you ever wanted to know about angels!
The Devil and Demons The Devil |
The dual nature of man (body & soul)
Heaven, what will it be like?
The Nature of Heaven
amazing photo-gallery of heaven and hell!
Click here and feel heaven "Tugging at your
The Nature of Hell
What Is Hell Like?
amazing photo-gallery of heaven and hell!
Is there Reality a place called Hell?
Early Christians On Hell & Eternal Punishment
Eternal conscious torment or annihilation?
duration of conscious torment proposed by some Universalists.
Debate: Truth vs. an annihilationist! |
Christians view of HADES: the temporary two part
receptacle of the conscious dead
Objections to conscious life after death refuted!
Definition of death |
Why would Jesus use pagan false doctrine? The suggestion that Jesus used Jewish Fable and Pagan false doctrine in Luke 16 is inconceivable! Arians, who believe Jesus sided with the Sadducean view of extinction, simply cannot explain Luke 16. They are forced into falsely accusing Jesus of promoting what He knew was pagan false doctrine! The only reasonable conclusion, is that conscious life after death IS NOT pagan false doctrine, but the very truth Jesus chose to convey by simply reading Luke 16! Paul condemned using Jewish myths and fables in 1 Tim. 1:4; 4:7; 2 Tim. 4:4; Tit. 1:14; 2 Pet. 1:16! Rather than call themselves false teachers, they call Jesus the false teacher! |
Bible Miracles and Modern day impostors!
Bible Tongue Speaking and Modern Impostors!
Will Spot greet you with a loving, welcoming lick the moment after you die?