The Cure of Mental Illness:
Since mental illness is
a behaviour, not a disease, the whole idea of "curing mental illness"
is flawed at its foundation. Curing Mental Illness is like curing habitual
shoplifting or "chronic lying". A kleptomaniac does not need a
"cure" because he has no bodily disease; he does, however need to
change his sinful behaviour through repentance. All the behaviours associated
with mental illness are not diseases but freewill sinful choices. Diseases of the
body need a cure. Sinful behaviours of the spirit need repentance. Mental
illness is a behaviour choice, not a disease.
Self Help
is a Greek word meaning "doctor of the soul"



Be your own psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist and
"The spirit of a man can endure his [physical]
sickness, But as for a broken spirit who can bear it? " (Proverbs 18:14)
"Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, But a good
word makes it glad. " (Proverbs 12:25)
"A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the
heart is sad, the spirit is broken. " (Proverbs 15:13)
"Words from the mouth of a wise man are gracious,
while the lips of a fool consume him; the beginning of his talking is folly
and the end of it is wicked madness. " (Ecclesiastes
"The hearts of the sons of men are full of evil and
insanity is in their hearts throughout their lives. Afterwards they
go to the dead. " (Ecclesiastes 9:3)
"The heart is more deceitful than all else and is
desperately sick; Who can understand it?" Jeremiah 17:9
"And hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not
those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not
come to call the righteous, but sinners." Mark 2:17
"God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
" (Psalm 147:3)
Introduction to the cure of
insanity and mental illness
- The whole
concept of "curing insanity" is flawed at its core. How do you
cure someone of chronic lying or habitual shoplifting? What disease do they
have? What is wrong with their body? Liars and thieves have no disease and
do not need to be cured of anything. They are engaged in consciously
behaviours that others dislike and find annoying or against the law. How
do you cure an atheist of his "disease of unbelief"? How do you
cure someone who believes they are themselves God? How do you cure someone
who is in an angry rage? What disease do they really have? What is wrong
with their body? A child could answer these simple questions, only someone
with a Ph.D. in Psychiatry would find it complex and difficult.
- Changes
in human behaviour have their origin in the free will choice of the human
spirit. A person is always in full control of their thoughts, words and
actions. Behaviours can only be changed when a person wills to make a
change. Twelve step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), have a 97%
failure rate because the person is relying on outside forces to make the
change for them, when the only factor involved in stopping drinking, is a
firm choice of will. 97% of people in AA really don't want to stop
drinking. If they did, they would already have stopped. Those who really
want to stop drinking or smoking, do so on their own, without any outside
help. This is how you "cure" madness.
- Insanity
is a pattern of human behaviours others dislike, object to, find offensive
or annoying. In church, these behaviours would get you labeled a
"sinner" and you would be told to repent and change your
behaviour. In chemical psychiatry, you are labeled "mentally ill"
and given drugs which are theoretically supposed to modify the unwanted
behaviours on your behalf, independent of your personal effort or free
will. Neuroleptic drugs change behaviour the same way a lobotomy or
alcohol stupefies. Psychiatric drugs are called a "chemical
lobotomy" because of the way they "dumb you down" and
emotionally "numb you down" into a condition of lethargic
- For
psychiatrists to label simple behaviours as mental illness and then ask
for a cure, is entirely misguided. It is like Christians viewing sinners
as mentally ill, then seeking to drug and shock their brains and chain
them against their will in the church basement, until they are cured and
stop sinning and agree to start attending church! In fact, taking a page out
the DSM-5 manual, atheistic chemical psychiatrists could be diagnosed with
a delusional disorder because they believe the delusion that they evolved
from monkeys and do not believe in the very God who created them, before
whom they will stand before in judgement. Atheism is a delusion that will
cause you a lot of harm in hell! Perhaps atheists should be arrested,
drugged against their will and jailed in the church basement until they
are cured of their atheism and start believing in God! This direct parallel
illustrates how utterly absurd it is to speak of curing someone of
- "Question
to Szasz: What do clients find most difficult about the therapeutic
process? Answer: Assuming responsibility for their contribution to the problem
they seek to resolve.
... Liberation from painful, constricting relationships or situations
can be achieved only by assuming responsibility for one's own
contributions to them and by extricating oneself from them. The only
person who can change a person is that person himself. ...being able to
help a client set himself free by assuming more, not less, responsibility
for his behavior and feelings." (Seven Questions for Thomas Szasz,
Psychology Today, 28 Jan 2009)
- Jesus
Christ is the cure!
Every answer you seek about your life and how to live a happy, normal joy
filled, purpose driven life is in the Bible.
Four ways to "cure" mental illness: A change in will
There are
four ways to bring about a change in the behaviours of mental illness or
insanity. How do you bring about a change in behaviours that others find
sinful, offensive, annoying and illegal? There needs to be a change in will.
How do you bring about a change in will?
A major change in
outlook or beliefs, like conversion from atheism to Christianity. This is well
A structural change or
personal commitment: People change behaviours by making New Year's resolutions.
Marriage vows, swearing an oath of conduct for a job, joining the army will get
you out of bed at 4 AM every day.
The punishments in
criminal code like jail, fines and public humiliation modify behaviour.
Remember the time you drove by the guy who got a ticket for speeding. Next time
you drove by that same location, you were doing the speed limit for fear the
policeman had set up a radar trap. Fear of punishment modified your behaviour.
Torture and confinement in an asylum were the
most common methods psychiatrists used between 1500-1900 AD to bring about a
change in behaviours for the insane. This is really a parallel criminal code
for moral behaviours. The only way anyone changes any behaviours, is when they
decide to do so.
B. Mental Illness Self-Test and
1. You can use our free self-help,
self-counseling method to find real and practical answers.
2. Your problems need to cause others
trouble as well. Before you take your problems to someone else and cost them
time and money, why not solve your own problems yourself!
3. If you honestly answer all three
parts to our "Do it yourself Psychiatry" test, you will know what
your real problems are and how to solve them.
C. If you feel you still need a
If you still feel you
need another to help counsel you with your problems, we have pioneered "The
free, three session, Biblical counseling system".
Simply print the forms,
answer the questions and then select your counselor.
Why pay $125 per
session when you can get better advice for free!

Choose your Counselor!
free, three sessions, Biblical counseling system
for Change" percent of improvement: spontaneous improvement: 40%. Common
non-specific factors: 30%. Placebo effect: 15%. Specific treatment: 15%. ... Based on this, one could
conclude that 85 per cent of clients would improve with the help of a good
friend and 40 per cent without even that.
Many similar studies have supported the overall conclusion that most of the
improvement attributed to psychotherapy is due to the general effects of
talking to a warm, kind person and the effect of just naturally eventually
feeling better anyway. (Manufacturing
Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 117)
D. You
can counsel better than a credentialed professional therapist:
- Using
drugs to cure someone of "mental illness" is like trying cure to
a chemical psychiatrist of his "atheistic personality disorder"
so he suddenly believes in Jesus. Imagine popping a pill in their mouth
and they suddenly, for the first time in their lives, have the urge to
read the Bible and attend church every Sunday. This is the fictional idea
that people have about psychiatric drugs. Just take the drug and it will
change what you believe, what you think, how you act and what you say. The
truth is, that drugs to not make a liar tell the truth, a thief stop
stealing, an adulterer to feel guilt, a drunk to go sober, a selfish
person to serve others. Drugs and alcohol clearly modify behaviour, not by
changing the will, but by making the will indifferent.
- Although
insanity and mental illness are precisely interchangeable terms, they are
often viewed differently. Depression is a "mental illness" but
schizophrenia which often includes delusion, paranoia and "salad
talking", is insanity. Chemical psychiatrists "treat" them
in the identical way with the identical drugs and electric shocks to the
- If you
have had any contact with the psychiatry industry, you already know they
have no idea what is really wrong with you or how to cure you. They offer
you two things that don't work: talk and drugs. Neuroleptic
and anti-psychotic drugs are seen as the primary cure of mental
illnesses by the public. This is in spite of the fact that psychiatrists
know these drugs do not cure, only control you. There are a surprisingly
limited family of drugs that are used to treat a wide range of mental
illnesses. Here is a summary page of the drugs used for any given mental
illness that psychiatrists prescribe: Prescription
drugs for mental illnesses index sheet. Psychiatrists and the staff at
mental hospitals know that these drugs are society's way of drugging into
quiet submission, otherwise unruly and disruptive people. While they
indeed achieve their goal, they do not fix anything. They provide
temporary relief, like a topical pain killer for a severe and painful sun
burn. If you are on prescription drugs under the care of a doctor or
Psychiatrist, never stop taking them, unless you discuss this with them in
their offices.
Although these drugs do cause harm to the body, even inducing mental
illnesses rather than curing them, they can also kill you if you stop cold
turkey. Discuss any changes in your medications with your medical doctor!
- "Therapy
has also been shown to be more effective than drugs in helping patients
diagnosed with their first "schizophrenic" break. Nowadays it is
argued that these people must have drugs and that psychotherapy is futile;
yet nothing could be further from the truth. In controlled studies, untrained therapists
in a home-like setting have proven more successful than drugs and mental
hospitals in treating patients
diagnosed with their first episode of schizophrenia. A key factor was the
caring, noncoercive approach of these therapists." (Your
Drug May Be Your Problem, Peter Breggin, David Cohen, 2007 AD, p 59)
F. Psychiatry, psychotherapy or
professional counseling won't help.
Psychiatry only
prescribes drugs and shocks to dull and damage the brain. "I once shared a
conference with a fine Christian psychiatrist whose lectures were very true to
the Word. "The trouble with psychiatry,"
he told me, "is that it can only deal with symptoms. A psychiatrist can remove a patient's feelings of guilt, but he
cannot remove the guilt.
It's like a trucker loosening a fender on his truck so he won't hear the motor
knock. A patient can end up feeling better, but have two problems instead of
one!" When a sinner trusts Christ, his sins are all forgiven, the guilt is
gone, and the matter is completely settled forever." (W. W. Wiersbe, The
Bible exposition commentary, 1989, Heb 10:11)
Psychotherapy is
useless! Professional Counseling or psychotherapy with Psychiatry, psychologist
or trained and certified counselor won't do any good. You can read the details
of various non-Christian counseling
and therapy methods everyone is familiar with today and why they are wrong.
There are two reasons why their talk cannot help you: First, their methods and
foundational theories are based upon evolution, atheism, junk pop social
science. Second, most formal paid counseling today is modeled after Carl Rogers
style, where you talk and talk and talk and they merely listen without ever
passing judgement or giving you any formal advice, moralizing or things to actually
change in your life. Basically you would be better to save your money and talk
to a tree. Better still, why not talk and talk and talk to God about your
problems and ask him for some help!
Locust of control and
DSM: "In psychology there is a useful concept called "locus of
control." People who seek help from mental health professionals often
believe that the locus of control in their lives lies outside themselves. They
may feel at the mercy of their spouse or parents, or even their own children.
They may feel helpless in regard to work. Or they may feel overwhelmed and no
longer in charge of themselves or their lives. Too often, all this is made
worse when people seek help from a psychiatrist. First, they receive a
medical-sounding diagnosis. Often they are told that they have "panic
attacks" or "obsessive-compulsive disorder" or "major
depression" or "manic-depressive (bipolar) disorder."
Immediately, this label confirms their feelings of helplessness. The locus of
control moves further away into the hands of "the doctor."" (Your
Drug May Be Your Problem, Peter Breggin, David Cohen, 2007 AD, p 114)
G. The cause of your mental
illness is sin!

Sin can make you physically sick and
cause Mental Illness!
- The idea
that sin can make you physically sick is accepted by every health care
professional in the world, including the chemical
psychiatry industry.
- Click here for a
detailed outline on the etiology (cause) of mental illness.
- Click
here for a detailed outline on how sin can make you sick.
- "For
I am
ready to die, And my depression is
continually before
me. For I confess my iniquity; I am full of anxiety because of my sin. " Psalm 38:17-18
H. Tips on how to cure those
labeled as "mentally ill":
- Tell them the problem is spiritual, not physical. Mental patients have nothing
wrong with their bodies. Chemical imbalances are as mythical and unscientific.
The entire world has been deceived into believing chemical imbalances are
scientific facts. Chemical imbalances are like the "missing
link" of evolution, but a lot of people believe in them, but the
specific chemical that is supposed to be missing has never been found.
Anti-psychotic drugs are powerful tranquilizers that merely control
symptoms but never address the cause. "The only evidence that makes
mental illness a disease "are the symptoms used by professionals to
label someone mentally ill. But the symptoms used to diagnose someone as
mentally ill (despair, hopelessness, sadness, anger, shame, guilt ...) are not biological
markers. There is no evidence that
these expressions are physical in nature. They all point to a hurting soul." (Ty C. Colbert, Rape of
the Soul, Hour the Chemical Imbalance Model of Modern Psychiatry has Faded
Its Patients, 2001, p. 237-238)
- Stress personal responsibility for their thoughts, actions,
conduct, words and speech.
There is no exception for sinful behavior in the bible. PERIOD! Recently a
preachers wife shot her husband in the back and killed him, claiming
abuse. The courts excused her sin and immediately put her back out on the
street where she worked a full time job as a dry cleaner employee until
her trial. Do not tolerate or turn a blind eye to a "mental
patient" behaving in a sinful or socially unacceptable way. They need
to know that they have no one to blame but themselves for their current
mental condition.
- Deny they are victims.
Jesus tells Christians we will be persecuted for living perfect godly
lives. Historically, this persecution included execution of one's family
before your eyes to get you to deny Christ, confection of property,
beatings torture, public scorn and ridicule.
- Identify their sins:
Mentally ill people have an infestation of sins in their lives that need
to be fixed. They are often selfish narcissists, have high
self-esteem and a feeling of entitlement like they deserve the best to be
given to them, lazy, spoiled, unwilling to work, have no self-discipline,
cannot hold a job down, are high school drop outs, illogical, smoke
cigarettes and drink and do drugs, are in terrible physical fitness, are
angry, throw temper tantrums, they have learned that welfare and social
assistance pays a lot more than the allowance their mother gave them when
they were living at home, etc. They have been living this way for a long
time and it has become a habit that must be broken. Specifically question
them about sexual misconduct of every kind. Look for narcissism
(ultra-selfishness), laziness, rebelliousness. Ask them to tell you what
secret sin they have committed... the sin no one knows about. There is
almost always some hidden sin that is causing their bizarre behavior.
- Expect them to repent and confess their sin. They will not improve until
they release the guilt by asking God and man to forgive them. "By the
way they respond to life's problems in difficult situations, sinners
develop sinful patterns from the beginning of their lives. We should
expect this because that is all that unconverted sinners can do. Those
patterns may pay off for a while, but they will not continue to do so
forever. The Scriptures speak of the temporary pleasures of sin (Heb.
11:25). Eventually, however, sinful living gets people into trouble.
Sinful responses to life's problems begin to pile up and complicate the
original problems. Problems grow, sometimes so much so that people don't
know which way to turn next, and they give up, or blow up, or crack
up." (The Big Umbrella, Lecture, Jay Adams)
- Do not tolerate selfishness and narcissism:
- Many
mentally ill people are self-centered narcissists. This may come as a
shock and surprise to some, but those who work in mental hospitals know
how truth this is.
- Contrary
to popular belief, mentally ill people are able to control their thoughts
and actions. Remember there is no exception for sinful behaviour in the
Bible on the basis of mental illness.
- Here are
a few true case examples of narcissism in "mental patients":
A 23 year old man is in
the mental hospital and when he not allowed to play with his hand held video
game, he throws a temper tantrum of erratic behaviour that lands him in
isolation room. In an act of retaliation, he smears his poop all over the walls
and floor of the room. This disgusting act cost the hospital a lot of time and
money to clean up and was used in court of his mental illness. Yet the man is
not mentally ill, he is just a spoiled self centered 2 year old who threw a
temper tantrum when he did not get his own way. The sin of narcissism is front
and center. It was all about his personal needs. He felt he was so important
that nobody has the right to deny him his desires!
A 40 year old man
dresses in strange combinations of clothing style and colour. This is viewed as
proof of his mental illness. In fact, it is his narcissistic way of attracting
attention to himself. "Look at me".
- Expect them to make immediate changes in conduct. They don't need hours of
laying in a shrinks couch, they need to start living the way God wants
them to live RIGHT NOW! "Psychiatrist and best-selling author Scott
Peck says that ultimately there is one great impediment to spiritual growth "and that is laziness. If we overcome laziness, all
the other impediments will be overcome. If we do not overcome laziness,
none of the others will be hurdled.... Spiritual growth is effortful, as
we have been reminded again and again." (Exley, R., Galli, M., &
Ortberg, J. Dangers, toils & snares, 1994, p 52)
- Forget the past and live in the present. Ok, they really messed up
their life, caused harm to both themselves and others. Get over it and
live one day at a time. Each morning is a new start. "In their
unsuccessful effort to fulfill their needs, no matter what behavior they
choose," writes psychiatrist William Glasser, "all patients have
a common characteristic: They all deny the reality of the world around them" (Reality Therapy, p. 6).
refusing to live in the past
and by honestly facing reality, Job took a giant step in maturity and
integrity. (W. W. Wiersbe, Be patient, 1991, Job 30:1)
- Humble themselves and accept who they are today. They are 25 years old with
only grade nine education, they have few job skills and their prospects at
making a lot of money in the near future is low. Accept they are "a
loser" and work hard at making themselves a brighter future.
- Let your mind dwell on goodness: "Finally, brethren, whatever is true,
whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is
lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if
anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. The things you have
learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and
the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:8-9
- Have low-self esteem and selflessly consider all others are
more important than yourself.
"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of
mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely
look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests
of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ
Jesus," Philippians 2:3-5. Some people commit suicide because they
say, "I deserve better than this. I am worth more than I am getting.
People are undervaluing me. Nobody cares for me, when they should be
caring for me because I am important. I will retaliate and hurt them all
by killing myself. I will make them regret not paying me more attention
and making my life better."
- Anxiety
and depression are sinful behaviour choices forbidden by Jesus Christ: Anxiety,
depression and mental health
- Be content with what you have and what you are. Contentment and
mental health. Be content in whatever life situation you find
yourself: You may look at yourself and notice you are working a minimum
wage job because you never finished high school. That's where your life is
right now. Be content with this. However you can take steps to work
harder, more responsibly, even taking night courses to better your
condition. The key is that you accept your current failures and take steps
to make the changes you want.
- Never violate your conscience. The conscience is the foundation of your good
mental health. A bad conscience is a bad feeling you get when you do that
which you have been taught is wrong. "Cognitive Dissonance" is a
modern fancy term invented and used by psychologists. They plagiarized the
idea directly from the Bible without giving God any credit.
"Cognitive Dissonance" is a bad conscience and is a primary
cause of mental illness.
- Enjoy the hope of heaven!
Become a Christian and you will have the hope of eternal life and riches
laid up for you in heaven! "The eminent American psychiatrist Karl
Menninger called hope
"the major weapon against the suicide impulse." Hopeless people feel
that life is not worth living
since they have nothing to look forward to but suffering and failure. They
conclude that it is better for them to die than to live and be a burden to
themselves and to others." (W. W. Wiersbe, Be patient, 1991, Job
I. Expect them to get off welfare and work: "If a man won't
work, neither let him eat"
- “For even
when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not
willing to work, then he is not to eat, either. For we hear that some among you are
leading an undisciplined life, doing no work at all, but acting like
busybodies. Now such persons we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus
Christ to work in quiet fashion and eat their own bread.” (2 Thessalonians
- Since
insanity is not a medical condition, it is an enormous waste of money to
treat them with doctors in hospitals.
- Society
has five ways of teaching you to behave yourself and not do harm to
- your
- your
- your
- the
- a
- When a
person chooses to become completely irresponsible for even the basic care
of himself, society has to make choices what to do with such an individual
who resembles a mental vegetable with a what medical doctors have
determined is perfectly normal functioning body. Four options are
- First,
care for him at tax payers' expense for the rest of his life in an
expensive mental hospital.
- Second,
perform the moral treatments of the
1800's and disrupt his physical peace and tranquility so he starts
making choices to return himself to a more pleasant state.
- Third,
put them on welfare where they are cared for at tax payers' expense by
minimum wage earning caregivers.
- Fourth,
tell him he is on his own and drop him off at the bus stop or a park
where he will need to make choices when cold and hunger kick in for his
own personal survival. The key is that the insane are always in full
control of their own destiny, even if they appear otherwise. The more you
allow them to be dependent, the more dependent they will become.
Governments know that if you want to get more people off welfare, make
welfare less comfortable and cozy.
- Involuntary
committal to a mental hospital must be abolished. If someone wants to
commit suicide, that is their own right to chose. If someone wants to harm
others, they should be charged and sent to jail. If someone who is in
perfect physical health has chosen to become a unresponsive vegetable,
they should be put in an unlocked room of a halfway house where they are
free to leave when they finally choose to do so.
- If while
in the half-way house, the "vegetable" assaults others or causes
public disturbances, they should be charged with and sent to jail. If they
assault people in jail, they should be placed in solitary confinement.
Ignore the label of "mental illness" and apply the law without
- Abolish
mental hospitals which are glorified full service hotels that allows
people to be lazy and dependent under the guise of medicine. We have a
legal system to jail those who hurt others or commit crimes.
- If we
closed all the mental wards and expelled all the "mental
patients" from the group homes, we would suddenly have a lot of
lazy, listless people roaming around town who have used the label of
"mental illness" to gain disability cheques and relieve them of
the need to work and support themselves.
- Living
in a group home as a mental patient with a disability pension, is a much
higher standard of living than most enjoyed before 100 years ago. You
have a warm, dry, clean place to live, with nutritious your meals made
for you and enough spending money for cigarettes and all the coffee you
can drink! You get to do whatever you want all day and night without any rules
or structure! What a life! The alternative is working 6 days a weeks at
the coffee shop where you have to clean your own house and cook your own
meals. People are smart and have calculated this into their choices!
- So if the
state no longer supported mental patients, they would be out on their own
on the street. Those that refused to work would die from starvation... but
after all the Bible says, "If a man won't work, neither let him
eat". There is no exception for mental illness in the Bible for sinful
conduct. Being lazy, some would resort to crime, but then they would end
up in jail where they belong as criminal, not "club mad-fed".
Some of them would die of starvation, kill themselves or whatever, but at
least they are taking personal responsibility for themselves and making
choices. If they want to kill themselves, advise them against that, but
that is their own choice to make. Just as they may have weighed the
options of working full time vs. being fully supported in a group home and
doing what they want, so too they may weigh working full time or
committing suicide. For a large number of mental patients, laziness is the
chronic problem. The Bible solves this: "If you refuse to work, don't
eat (die)." If this sounds harsh, take your argument up with God!
- All
psychiatric patients should be treated on a voluntary, consensual basis.
If some refuses treatment, let them fend for themselves! They will starve
to death, end up in jail or get a job. It is time to stop catering to
sinful behaviour choices with public money under the guise of psychiatric
J. Bible solutions to the
behaviours of mental illness:
- How to deal with raging anger:
- "Be
angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger," (Ephesians 4:26)
Releasing genuine righteous anger at the end of the day to God is a
- The idea
of "madness" literally refers to a person who is angry (mad).
When you say someone is in a state of madness, he is throwing an out of
control temper tantrum. When a Christian has been angry for a year at
someone who sinned against him, we ask them why they are disobeying the
commandments of the Bible.
- How to deal with anxiety:
- When a
Christian comes to us and tells us they have been suffering from an
anxiety disorder for 2 years and are on neuroleptic drugs, we ask them
why they are disobeying Jesus and order them to repent!
- Jesus
commanded us "do not be anxious"
in Matthew 6:25-34
- "Not
that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever
circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also
know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have
learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having
abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who
strengthens me." Philippians 4:11-13
- "Make
sure that your character is free from the love of money, being
content with what you have; for He Himself has said, "I will never
desert you, nor will I ever forsake you," so that we confidently
say, "The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What will man do
to me?"" Hebrews 13:5-6
- "be
content with your wages" Luke 3:14
- How to deal with depression:
- "Be glad and leap for
joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven." (Luke 6:23)
- When a
Christian tells us they have been under the care of psychiatrist for 5
years for depression, we ask them why their faith is so weak that they
are not rejoicing.
- How to deal with financial windfalls and disasters:
- "If
we have food and covering, with these we shall be content. But those who want to get rich fall into
temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires
which plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of
evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves
with many griefs."
1 Timothy 6:8-10
- Both
financial windfalls and disasters have a long history of triggering
insanity. Money is not evil, but the desire to get rich is a sin that
leads to insanity as well as financial loss:
- How to deal with harsh treatment from others:
- "Therefore
I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with
persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak,
then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10.
- "Servants,
be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are
good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable." 1 Peter
- A wife
who must submit to a harsh and unloving husband was the etiology of
hysteria. Till death do us part is a long time. Hysteria was when a woman
gave up, became utterly lethargic and lay disabled in bed unable to
function. But scripture has the answer:
- How to deal with past traumas, failures and future
- "Brethren,
I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one
thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I
press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in
Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14
- "So
do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day
has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
- We are
commanded as Christians to forget the past, ignore the future and live in
the present.
- Solution: There
are things that happen in our lives that will make us anxious, sad, angry
etc. For example, the Christian is commanded be angry, but to release that
anxiety by faith to God before we sleep. Likewise, there are things that
will make us anxious and we need to release that anxiety to God at
sundown! The prayer of faith that places your life, bad circumstances and
destiny into the hands of God's care, is a powerful cure for mental
illnesses like anxiety and depression. Drugs only remove the feeling
without fixing the problem and are worthless.
- Set your mind on heaven, not the earth: "Therefore if you have
been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ
is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above,
not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is
hidden with Christ in God." Colossians 3:1-3
- Happiness & Selfless love are unconditional:
- Selfless
love is unconditional, in spite of being mistreated: ""If you
love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners
love those who love them." Luke 6:32
- When
someone feels like they are unappreciated, being attacked, mistreated by
others, this should not affect a persons overall happiness.
1. "For this people's heart has
become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their
eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts and turn, and I (God) would heal them." Acts
2. Christian hope brings joy
and peace! "Now
may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you
will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13
3. Look forward, forget the
past: "But
whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake
of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the
surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the
loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not
having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is
through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the
basis of faith, that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the
fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may
attain to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained it
or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of
that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not
regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind
and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for
the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:7-14
- This
passage is centrally critical to having "good mental health".
- Notice
that Paul has just discussed how he was once living the high society life
in a position similar to Moses! But he gave it all up and is not
homeless, hungry, poor, disrespected, dishonored and in physical pain.
- Notice
that he forgets the past, which includes both the high life he gave up
and the extraordinary sufferings he has suffered as an apostle.
- Anyone
having past personal failures or traumas, are commanded by God to FORGET
THEM and look to their future in heaven.
- It is a
sin to continually dwell on your past traumas. Going to endless
counseling sessions where you keep "dredging up the past" is a
violation of Christ!
- Chemical
psychiatry is founded in paganism, atheism and the "doctrines of
demons" because it wrongly believes that the only way you can be
happy, is to talk about all the things in the past that have made you
4. “A Psalm of Asaph. Surely God is
good to Israel, To those who are pure in heart! But as for me, my feet came close to
stumbling, My steps had almost slipped. For I was envious of the arrogant As I
saw the prosperity of the wicked.
For there are no pains in their death, And their body is fat. They are not in
trouble as other men, Nor are they plagued like mankind. Therefore pride is their
necklace; The garment
of violence covers them. Their eye bulges from fatness; The imaginations of
their heart run riot. They mock and wickedly speak of oppression; They speak
from on high. They have set their mouth against the heavens, And their tongue parades through
the earth. Therefore his people return to this place, And waters of abundance
are drunk by them. They say, “How does God know? And is there knowledge with
the Most High?” Behold, these are the wicked; And always at ease, they have
increased in wealth. Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure And washed my hands in
innocence; For I have been stricken all day long And chastened every morning. If I had said, “I will speak
thus,” Behold, I would have betrayed the generation of Your children. When I
pondered to understand this, It was troublesome in my sight Until I came into the sanctuary of
God; Then I perceived their end. Surely
You set them in slippery places; You cast them down to destruction. How they are
destroyed in a moment! They are utterly swept away by sudden terrors! Like a
dream when one awakes, O Lord, when aroused, You will despise their form. When my heart was
embittered And I was pierced within, Then I was senseless and ignorant; I was
like a beast before You.
Nevertheless I am continually with You; You have taken hold of my right hand.
With Your counsel You will guide me, And afterward receive me to glory. Whom
have I in heaven but You? And besides You, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh
and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion
forever. For, behold, those who are far from You will perish; You have
destroyed all those who are unfaithful to You. But as for me, the nearness of God is my
good; I have made the Lord God my refuge, That I may tell of all Your works.” (Psalm 73)
5. "Draw near to God and He will
draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you
double-minded. " James 4:8
By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or
Send us your story about your
experience with modern Psychiatry