Bible Only Revelation Commentary: FREE PDF DOWNLOAD |
Main Revelation Commentary text 325 pages |
Josephus Chronology text 56 pages |
Daniel commentary: 18 page |
Full-Preterism Refuted 94 pages |
Revelation Commentary: 1. Revelation written in AD 66 2. Flee Jerusalem or be destroyed in AD 70 3. The central synchronism is the Ezekiel’s account of the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC. |
Bible Only Revelation Commentary Steven Rudd Feb 2018 QUICK LINKS |
Preface: Completely understand Revelation in 5 minutes Intro 1: Ezekiel Decodes Revelation Intro 2: Jerusalem = Babylon, Sodom, Egypt, The Harlot Intro 3: Coins, Dead Sea Scrolls & Song of Sabbath Sacrifice Intro 4: Moses’ Sunset Clause & the extinction of Judaism Intro 5: The role of Archeology in understanding Revelation Intro 6: “Days of Messiah” 1st century Jewish eschatology Intro 7: Why Revelation was written to 7 churches in Asia, not Jerusalem |
Dating and Chronology Dating Revelation to AD 66 and Gospel of John to 98 AD |
Josephus Josephus Chronology of destruction of Jerusalem: AD 62-74 |
Daniel and Revelation Book of Daniel: 1260 days. 42 months, 70 weeks and 490 years |
Full-Preterism Refuted |
By Steven Rudd, Feb 2018: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections |
By Steve Rudd February 2018: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections.