20th Century Tongues... Faith or Fake? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Paul could have been thinking of me when he wrote this verse to a young man named Timothy. I was born into a Pentecostal family of many years. My grandfather preached "fire and brimstone" from the time I could remember until his death in 1968. He was some-what an intimidating individual who was demanding and abrupt. I was taught that only those who were "chosen" or "called" could ever enter into the "faithful" ministry of our Lord. I never challenged his thinking or his preaching. What he said was like a direct command from Jesus Christ himself. With this in mind .. at the age of 12 .. I was told I was being called into the ministry and preached my first sermon shortly thereafter. I spent a total of 18 years preaching as a "Pentecostal" preacher. I taught the "Jesus Only" doctrine known as the "Apostolic Faith" (United Pentecostal Church).
To this day, my family fully believes that if one is not of the "Lord's true church" that being, saved in baptism in Jesus Name, and filled with the "Holy ghost" with the evidence of "Speaking in Tongues" ... one is not a Christian and headed for a "Devil's hell". My Grandfather (before his death) preached this 54 years ... my step-father has preached this in excess of 50 years ... my brother-in-law and sister "Pastor" a very large Pentecostal church in the Cincinnati, OH area. I have two cousins that are "Pentecostal" preachers. I have been accused of being "In a den of thieves and a pit of vipers", because of my stand on the Word of God and my faithfulness to the Lord's church. My wife and I have been publicly chastised and the atmosphere is very tense when we are visiting with my family. We are shunned by most of my family. We are reminded regularly of (2 Tim 3:12) ... "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."
It was the first Thursday night of October, 1984, at the age of 42 when I realized that all that I had been teaching for 18 years as a "Pentecostal" had been "false doctrine" and that I was like the "blind leading the blind." That Thursday night of October, 1984 changed my life, my thinking, and my understanding of the "Word of God." I was invited to a "Gospel Meeting" at the Sandstone Drive Church of Christ, Little Rock, AR ... (I had never been to a Lord's church in my life.) Chris Bullock, of Kansas City, MO was to be the speaker. I consented to go with the attitude that I would be able to shed some light on his teaching and thus convince others of their wrong. Something happened: what was preached was what I had secretly believed all my adult life ... One did not have to come to an "altar", cry out, beg and plead for mercy to receive forgiveness ... one did not have to come again to the "altar" to "seek for the infilling of the Holy Spirit", which was promised to believers, one did not have to "utter" confusion in an attempt to show one has the gift of "speaking in tongues."
All one had to do was hear the simple word of truth, believe it, confess Christ as the Son of God, repent of ones sins, and be baptized into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for remission of sins. The Lord not only forgives completely but adds one to the church. This I did in obedience the following Sunday evening ... I became a "born again Christian." I gave up my life ... my music ... even my future dreams to follow Jesus for the first time in my life ... on the right path.
It was not until October, 1987 when I met Louis Sharp in Little Rock, AR, that I really understood what "faithfulness" really means. As we began to study and learn... I began to realize that the Lord had work for me, as a Christian, to do. I then began to teach and preach the Gospel of Christ, it has now become my life. My desire is to teach those who are in error ... the truth ... that they to might become part of this body of Christ.
I. Let Me Tell You Why I Am A Member of The Lord's Church.
A. Pentecostalism traces itself back no further that, New Years Eve, 1899. (Topeka, KS.) This is when a small group of people supposedly received a "Divine Revelation" for the first time ever recorded.
1. The Lord's church dates back to 33 AD when the 12 disciples received the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit." (Acts 2:4)
2. This was a result of the fulfillment of the promise Jesus gave to his disciples. (Acts 1:8)
3. The Pentecostal church cannot show authority from God's word for its beginning!!
B. Pentecostalism teaches that the "power of the Holy Spirit" fell first on the 120 gathered in the upper room.
1. The Bible teaches that only the 12 disciples received first the "Holy Spirit". (Acts 1:26-2:1)
C. Pentecostalism believes that this power is received today because of the "New Revelation of God". in 1899.
1. The Bible teaches in no such thing. (2 Tim 3:16-17) ...
2. The scripture holds all that man needs to know for his salvation. There are no new revelations...
D. Pentecostalism teaches that in 1914 .. another revelation was received .. revealing that being baptized in "Jesus Name" became tenets of faith. (Law) ... a formula!
1. That is not what the Bible says ... (Mat 28:19-20)
E. We find that in the early half of this century (1900 - 1944)... several Pentecostal groups were established: Two being ...Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ, Inc. and the Pentecostal church, Inc. In 1944 these two bodies became known as the UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH ... The authority is: (Pentecostal Church Manual, pp. 8-10, Foreword.)
1. The Bible teaches that the Lord established only one church ... (Mat 16:18)
2. This is the only church that Christ and the Apostles ever speak of.
II. What are some of the Pentecostal practices?
A. They claim that through the instrument of the Holy Spirit .. miracles and healing incurable diseases occurs daily. (Silver fillings become Gold ... Poor become miraculously rich ... Dead are raised ... Sick people instantly healed) (I never seen anyone miraculously healed in all the years I was "Pentecostal".)
1. I will not limit God ... He has the power if he so chooses .... Man does not have that power.
2. If he does ... where is the proof? "They call it lack of FAITH".
3. When does the Holy Spirit give to one man this power and not another? That is unscriptural.
a. Only the disciples and those they laid hands on had this power .... They are all dead.
B. Pentecostalism teaches .. a person may speak in "tongues" while under the influence of the "Holy Spirit" ...just like Peter and the other Apostles at Pentecost.
1. The only others who were able to do this were Cornelius and his kinfolk (Acts 10:44-46)
2. And those whom the apostles laid there hands on.
3. Don't we all have the continued influence of the Holy Spirit ... through the word: Can any one of us speak in an "unlearned" language?
1. There will be more on this tomorrow night! .. Stayed tuned ......
C. "Pentecostalism" espouses religion as a "romantic" philosophy .. that the heart of man has reasons which his mind knows not of. Man's feelings are the highest authority.
1. The Bible is truth. (John 17:17) ... the truth is not subjective ... it does not originate with a person's own thinking ... Religion is not on based on a "feel" good experience.
a. I get excited sometimes because of the truth .. that is natural.
2. The Bible must be read ... studied and obeyed. (2 Tim 2:15) .. (John 8:32)
3. The Bible is the absolute, inspired and authoritative Word of God. (2 Tim 3:16-17) (2 Pet 1:20-21)
4. When a man regards his feelings as the basic authority ... he is on the wrong path.
5. To reject the Word of God and do "that which is right in our own eyes" is to reject God. (1 Sam 15:22-26) (Mat 7:13-14)
6. I feel good about the truth but my feeling good is not authority!
D. Pentecostalism believes and teaches that women may participate in leading in prayer .. teaching .... and preaching in public ... doing the work of an evangelist and teacher.
1. The Holy Spirit contrasted the duties of men from that of women in public prayer. (1 Tim 2:8-15)
2. Women are to learn in silence. (1 Cor 14:34) ... They are not to teach in any capacity over a man.
3. Woman may teach younger women (Tit 2:4) ... they may teach a man in private. (Acts 18:25)
a. Timothy was taught in private .... Apolos was taught in private.
4. Women many not "teach" (deliver discourses) ... women are forbidden to preach. (1 Cor 14:34)
5. There are many things women can and should be doing.
E. "Pentecostalism" teaches that instruments of music are used to "glorify" God in worship.
1. True worship is according to "Spirit and Truth" (John 4:24) .. the word of God ... not Moses ... not our feelings ... not what we believe to be right ... Jesus will judge us in the Last Day. (John 12:48)
2. Vocal music was repeatedly specified as the kind of worship God wants from Christians. (Col 3:16) (Eph 5:19)
3. Christians are to abide in the teachings of Christ .. not in man. (2 John 9-10) .. we are to follow the pattern given by God (Heb 8:5) ... without adding, subtracting or altering according to our own desires or opinions.
I had read the Bible all my life .... I preached that which I had been taught .. when I doubted I was always told of "new revelations" received from God. In the "Pentecostal" church one is taught that the "Pastor" is the authority within the church .. and only knowledge is gained by adherence to "God's man" and in the leading of the "Holy spirit" directly. Accept that which you doubt with your faith.
Only until I realized that in order to understand the "Gospel" one must study with an open heart ... prepared to accept the truth of the "Gospel" ... and with this truth ... obey the word of God. The Bible really is a simple book to understand ... but when man attempts to add to it ... his opinion ... his feelings .... he begins to lose the truth and believe a lie.
Trust this word completely .... obey it! It contains all that man needs to get him into eternity with Jesus Christ.
For many hundred years great and learned men have researched and discussed this topic. I am not a scholar and do not know the answers to all the questions on this subject, yet I feel that the Bible does make certain things concerning this subject very clear and we need to understand as much as possible concerning The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
I. The Holy Spirit does Dwell Within Us Today.
A. It is not the same measure as Christ had (without measure).
B. It is not the "baptism" of the Holy Spirit which the Apostles had.
C. It is not the "miraculous" measure that the Apostles could give.
D. Yet, it does dwell within us.
1. The Holy Spirit was promised to those who would be baptized for the remission of their sins ... first on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 2:38)
2. He is given to all those who will obey God. (Acts 5:32)
3. The Galations received the Holy Spirit by the hearing of faith. (Gal 3:2,3)
4. The Holy Spirit dwells in those who make up the church. (1 Cor 3:16,17)
5. The Spirit dwells in our bodies. (1 Cor 6:19,20)
E. God and Christ are also said to dwell in the Christian.
1. If we love one another ...God dwells in us. If we will confess that Jesus is the Son of God ... God dwells in us. (1 John 4:12-15)
2. By our being rooted and grounded in love ... Christ dwells in our hearts by our faith. (Eph 3:17)
a. We have the Holy Spirit within us by our faithfulness to God's word. ... By our love ... example ... by our very being part of the "body of Christ."
b. Our Faith is made alive by the Word of God. (Rom 10:17)
II. How Does the Holy Spirit Dwell in the Christian?
A. I have read several writings of scholars and they do not give any satisfactory answers .. yet all affirm as does the Bible that the Holy Spirit does dwell in a person ... born into the family of God.
B. How does your Spirit (Soul) dwell in your mortal body?
1. Have you ever seen it .... Have you ever felt it? ... You accept the fact that it is in your body. BUT HOW?
a. The Bible tells us that God breathed into the nostrils of man the breath of life ... man became a living soul. (Gen 2:7) ... What more proof do you need?
b. We know we have a "living" soul because our bodies live!
C. I don't think anyone can tell you haw the holy Spirit dwells in a Christian ... but, we can tell that our Spirit lives in our body ...
1. We can tell that the holy Spirit dwells in the Christian by the results ... that is he lives spiritually. .. The proof is in your fruits of the Spirit!
III. The Principle of the Seed. (1 Pet 1:23)
A. Seed regardless of the kind .. bears in it the spark or essence of life.
1. Seed itself is not life ... yet it bears in it the power to produce life.
2. Conditions must be just right ... before a new form will come forth with life in it... Fertile Ground .. Ground prepared .. Watered .. Weeded
B. The Bible says that .. "The seed is the word of God." (Luk 8:11)
1. The Bible, "The word of God" is not life itself. ... Yet it contains in it the ability to produce life.
2. Certain conditions must be met before this life can be produced. ... Hear .. Believe .. Confess .. Repent .. Baptized.
C. New life come about in the spiritual realm the same as in the physical realm.
1. The seed must be planted in good soil ... there must be a coming forth .. "birth" .. to produce life. .. Nurtured .. Feed .. Weeded.
2. The seed is planted in our minds ... we are born of the water and the Spirit to enter into the kingdom. (John 3:5)
D. The Word of God is living and powerful. (Heb 4:12) ... What makes it living and powerful if it is not the Spirit of God that is therein?
1. In physical birth we receive a "human" spirit ... in the spiritual birth ... we receive the "Holy Spirit".
E. We cannot find where the Holy Spirit separate and apart from the Word of God .. the seed ... ever changed the character of a person.
1. Through the means of the Word ... the Holy Spirit operates on the heart of a person.
2. When that person becomes obedient ... meets the conditions ... the Spirit enters and a new life is the result.
a. This life then becomes part of the body of Christ ... and Christ adds this new life to the church. (Acts 2:47)
IV. How Can We Know That the Spirit Continues to Dwell in Us?
A. We know that the Holy Spirit enters our lives when we "obey the Gospel" because God has given the Spirit to us. (Acts 5:32)
1. We need no other evidence than this. ... We need no special sign from God. .. No Tongues .. Dance .. Shouts .. Tears .. Demonstrations.
B. We can know that the Spirit continues to dwell in us by the signs of life.
1. When the Spirit leaves the body ... the body dies. ... When the Holy Spirit leaves the body ... we die spiritually.
2. We know that the Spirit lives within by the "fruits of the Spirit". (Gal 5:22,23)
a. When we live ... our bodies need food to sustain life ... So it is with the Holy Spirit within ... we need "Spiritual Food".
C. Are we actively engaged in "Spiritual things"? ... Or are we barely hanging on "spiritually" ... at the point of death with the "Spirit" about to leave the body?
D. Are we vibrantly alive ... feeding on "Spiritual food" and giving our "Spiritual" bodies needed exercise? ... Bible Study ... Prayer ... Teaching the lost ...
1. It is not hard for us to look at our "Spiritual" live and see whether we are alive or dead!
1. The Holy Spirit does dwell in a person who has been born into the family of God.
2. The instrument that the Spirit uses in bringing about life is the "Word of God".
3. For that life to continue (Holy Spirit abiding) ... we must continue to feed on the "Word of God" and exercise Spiritually.
4. Have you been born into the family of God (Biblically) ... If not ... the Spirit of God does not dwell in your life.
The "Holy Spirit" was promised to the people of God. First, by God through his prophets. Then by God through John the Baptizer. Then Jesus came and promised the Holy Spirit to all believers. The problem many religious people have is understanding just what God promised and how these promises are fulfilled. There are many errors concerning the promise of the Holy Spirit. In this lesson we would like to look at two of the promises and consider what was promised and how these promises were fulfilled.
I. The Promise of Holy Spirit Baptism.
A. John the Baptizer gave the promise of Holy Spirit Baptism. (Mat 3:1-11)
1. John was not promising the baptism of the Holy spirit to everyone.
2. The promise of the baptism of the Holy Spirit was to be a sign of the coming Messiah who would follow after John and be greater than John.
3. The greatness of the Messiah would be seen in his authority to baptize in the Holy Spirit and to baptize with fire as punishment.
B. Some men say that "you" in John's promise in (Mat 3:11) equals "all".
1. Notice that the "you" who would be baptized with the Holy Spirit would be that same "you" baptized by John with water.
2. Who here was baptized by John with water?
3. Not all "you" were baptized by John with water. "But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him." (Luk 7:30)
4. Not all "you" were baptized with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:2-8) (Acts 1:26-2:4)
5. "You" does not include all Christians today! The promise was made to those John baptized and Jesus specified who the "you" were.
C. Men must limit "You".
1. No one believes all that came to John were baptized of him! Therefore, the "you" must be limited.
2. Prophecy must be understood in the light of its fulfillment. For example:
a. Seed of Woman (Gen 3:15) .. Was this ALL of woman? ... No
b. Seed of Abraham (Gen 12:1-4) .. Was this ALL of Abraham? ... No
c. Deed of David (Sam 7; Psl 89) .. Was this ALL of David? ... No
d. Seed of Mary (Luk 1:30-33) .. Fulfillment limits the prophecy.
3. We must look to the fulfillment of John's prophecy to understand who "you" included.
4. Jesus limited the "you" to the apostles in (Acts 1:4,5)
II. The Promise of the Baptism of Fire.
A. Some denominations, particularly the Pentecostals argue that the "fire" mentioned by John is to accompany the Holy spirit baptism.
B. Let me ask some questions on the Baptism of Fire.
1. Is baptism with fire part of new birth as you say water and holy Spirit baptism are?
2. What is the "initial evidence" of fire baptism?
3. Since one may receive water and Holy Spirit baptism at separate times, may one also receive fire baptism at a separate time?
4. May one be baptized in fire more than once?
5. Doesn't this then make three baptisms?
C. Let's look at the Baptism of Fire (Mat 3:10-12).
1. The Baptism of Fire is ...
a. For the fruitless (v. 10) ... For the purged ... (v. 12) ... For the Chaff (v. 12).
b. (John 15:6) (2 Thes 1:7-9)
2. Now lets look at the use of "Chaff" from the Bible.
a. (Job 21:17-18) .. ".. wicked put out! ... destruction ... They are .. as chaff.."
b. (Psl 1:4) .. "The ungodly .. are like the chaff .."
c. (Psl 35:1-5) .. "as chaff .. let the angel of the Lord chase them.."
d. (Isa 5:20-25) .. "the wicked .. fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff .."
e. God's Word = Wheat ... False words = Chaff (Jer 23:16-28)
f. (Zec 1:14-2:3) .. Speaks of the Lord's wrath being near ... ".. the day pass as the chaff .."
III. Jesus' Promised the Holy Spirit to Believers.
A. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to all believers. (John 7:37-39)
1. There are those who erroneously use this passage to argue that all believers are:
a. Saved by the Holy Spirit.
b. Baptized in the Holy Spirit (Some will argue that the "rivers of water" refer to Holy Spirit baptism.)
c. Have miraculous gifts by the Holy Spirit.
2. There is no mention of: Holy Spirit baptism ... Miraculous gifts ... nor that all believers perform miracles as in the NT.
3. There are conditions to receiving the Holy Spirit:
a. Come ..... Drink ..... Believe.
4. The Holy Spirit is a promise following salvation, it is not a means of salvation.
a. Jesus promised those who meet the conditions that they would ... Receive the Holy Spirit and the abundant blessings of salvation.
b. Jesus made a similar promise to the woman of Samaria: (John 4:10-14)
1. The living water here describes a complete spiritual satisfaction .. refreshment and fulfillment.
2. "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." (Mat 5:6).
c. This complete spiritual fulfillment is only found in Christ. (Eph 1:3)
B. Of course .. all believers receive the Holy Spirit!
1. The Holy Spirit is received "because ye are sons" (Gal 4:6) ... not to become sons!
2. The Holy Spirit does not come upon one to save him .. but comes as a promised blessing to those who have been saved.
3. The Holy Spirit leads sons by "the law of the Spirit" (Rom 8:1-14) .. producing the "fruit of the Spirit" (Gal 5:16-25).
4. The Holy Spirit will resurrect the sons of God. (Rom 8:11-25)
5. The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God (Rom 8:14-17).
6. The Holy Spirit intercedes for sons (Rom 8:26,27).
7. The Holy Spirit leads :into everlasting life" (John 4:14).
8. Having the Holy Spirit does not mean a believer can perform miracles.
C. Evidence of the holy Spirit in Believers ... the Fruit of the Spirit ... not Miracles!
1. "He that abideth in me, and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit .. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you ... ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples ..." (John 15:1-14).
2. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." (Gal 5:22-25).
3. "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." (Mat 7:20)
Yes ... Jesus promised all believers would receive the Holy Spirit. No ... believers are not promised the baptism of the Holy Spirit or the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit. We should not deny the great promise we have and the great spiritual blessings that follow from that promise.
One of the "Tenets" of the Pentecostal movement is the belief in the infilling of the "Holy Spirit" with the evidence of "Speaking in Tongues" or an "Unknown Tongue". There own interpretation of this is the Spirit of God ... "The Holy Ghost" ... is speaking through them. They will further explain that sometimes they do not know what they are saying and the those present do not know what is being said. Many times they will rely on an interpreter to explain what has been said. The Bible speaks of no such thing! Many of these believers are deceived and are not speaking in any tongue .. let alone an unknown tongue. Those who are present may become confused for all they here are sounds of "gibbering" and "jabbering". Those who sincerely believe in "speaking in tongues" believe that this is necessary for an individual to be completely saved to the "uttermost". All this "seeking" for the "Holy Ghost" takes place after being baptized in accordance with (Acts 2:38) .. in the name of Jesus for the remission of their sins. (Turn to: 1 Cor 14 ... let's begin there.)
I. The Bible Speaks of an Unknown Tongue. (1 Cor 14:2)
A. Even then it is unknown (the language) to the individual being spoken to.
1. The speaker at times understands what he is saying but those he is speaking to .. do not. ... His understanding in unfruitful.
2. As a result, he speaks to God and he alone is edified (through understanding) ... To those present it is meaningless ... because his language is "unknown" to them.
a. What good has he done for the those he is speaking to?
b. What good had he done for himself? (1 Cor 14:4) ... (PURPOSE OF PREACHING!)
II. We Know That By "Tongue" ... Paul Has Reference To Words That Can Be Understood. (1 Cor 14:9) (1 Cor 14:14,15)
A. "Unknown Tongue" here refers to an "Unknown Language" ... to those who are listening.
1. If Paul would be praying in an "unknown tongue" ... those listening would find his pray to be meaningless ... What good would this accomplish?
B. If I were to speak in another language ... those of you who do not know that language .. would not benefit from what I had to say. (INTERPRETERS WOULD HAVE TO BE USED.)
1. If the "song leader" were to lead in songs .. in another language .. those who do not know the language .. could not be edified. (You would not understand the words.)
C. We need to determine that in praying .. in preaching .. in singing .. in teaching .. we need to do all things in "Spirit and Understanding".
1. We are not to "edify" ourselves .. but we are to "edify" one another in "Spirit and in Truth."
III. When Paul Speaks of "Unknown Tongues" .. He is Speaking of "Unknown Languages". (Glossa .. Noun.) (1 Cor 4:16-19)
A. Some here .. possibly speak two or more languages .. We could very well converse with one another in two or more languages ... We have learned them!
1. What about the rest of the congregation .. are we edifying them? NO! .. Is it right NO!
B. I try very hard to speak with words that all may understand what is being said.
1. When words come up that are difficult to pronounce .. I make every effort to speak correctly .. many times with an explanation.
2. I want everyone to hear and by hearing .. understand. ... I want men .. women .. boys .. girls to know what the Bible says .. It could change their lives.
IV. Look Further Into Our Lesson .. "LISTEN TO IT!" (1 Cor 14:21,22)
A. What is the purpose of Tongues? (EXPLAIN) ... Remember this!!!!
1. (1 Cor 14:27,28) ... did you understand that? (DEAF INTERPRETATION)
B. The "Unknown Tongue" is a "language" unknown to the "unlearned listeners!"
1. If there be one who speaks in an unknown tongue .. there should be with him an interpreter ...so that all could hear and understand!
2. If no one is there who can interpret ... Paul says .. "... let him keep silence in the church..."
a. There is no profit for him to speak ... for anyone but maybe oneself .. as each one should speak alone with God.
V. Let's Go Back To Our Text. .. (Acts 2:1-4)
A. Who had the "power" to speak in "Unknown Languages?" .. (Hetero Glossos) which means ... "Strange Tongues". .... Only the 12 Apostles ...
1. The Lord promised to them and them alone .. the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit."
2. One of the "resulting" signs was that they were able to speak in "Strange Tongues" (Hetero Glossos)
a. Which is "Unknown Languages" ... they were each able to speak in a "tongue" (Glossa) they had not learned .
b. Every man could "understand" in his own language (Acts 2:6-8).
1. This was not "gibberish" .. it was the tongue in which they were born.
2. A "tongue" that the Apostles had not been taught.
B. Cornelius and his household received the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit". ... Why?
1. To show that the Gentiles had been accepted of God too ... and they spoke in "tongues" (Glossa). (Acts 10:46)
C. Then those on whom the Apostles laid their hands on received the "Holy Spirit" ... and they too spoke with strange tongues (Hetero Glossos). (Acts 19:1-7).
D. Were there others? ... The Bible is silent .. no further record anywhere!
1. Why did these men receive limited power of the 'Holy Spirit"?
2. To have the ability to go into foreign nations .. preach the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ ... without need of an interpreter.
E. How long did it last? ... Until the New Testament could be written and given to the world.
F. Paul preached that the time would come .. tongues and miraculous gifts would cease. (1 Cor 13:9,10)
a. (Jam 1:25) .. "But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed."
b. I submit to you that this ... Bible ... is perfect.
G. There are no "miraculous tongues" .. being spoken today. There is no need o such .. This word of God is truth .. for God is true. (John 3:33)
VI. What About Those Who Claim To Speak In "Unknown Tongues" Today?
A. In their :zeal" .. they over look several important "facts".
1. The "Baptism of the Holy Spirit" ... (Speaking in Tongues) ... has not been promised to them.
a. It was promised to the Apostles ... ONLY. (Acts 1:4,5)
2. Since only the Apostles could "lay their hands" on others so that they might receive the "Laying on Hands Measure" of the "Holy Spirit" ... since all the Apostles are dead .. no one could have that measure today.
3. "Speaking in Tongues" always had reference to "Speaking in Strange Languages". (Hetero Glossos)
4. "Speaking in Tongues" was for the benefit of unbelievers .. never was it intended for believers.
a. Today it is practiced in churches for the benefit of believers as a "prayer language "and an evidence of the "Holy Spirit".
b. Where is the authority? .... surely not in the Bible!
5. If the "claimants" do not know what they are saying .. those who hear do not know what is being said ... how could they expect God to be worshipped acceptably?
a. This was not the way of the first century worship or practice.
6. Those who claim to speak in "tongues" .. are not able to speak like the Apostles did on the day of Pentecost ... they have no "miraculous" gifts.
7. God does not speak directly to man today ... If anyone teaches this ... he is a false teacher and the truth is not in him.
a. "Satan" is a sly "Old Fox" ... "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walking about, seeking who he may devour." (1 Pet 5:8)
Many people have been deceived because they have not studied their Bibles. If one would only study .. diligently .. with an honest heart .. a searching mind .. they would be able to see the truth of the Gospel. Satan is alive and well and rejoicing in their unbelief. (2 Tim 2:15) Let me leave you with these words of wisdom ... "Do not depend on others to teach you what you need to learn for yourself. If you put your faith in man .. man will deceive you. Just because a preacher tells you .. that does not make it right."
(Gal 1:8) ... "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, Let him be accursed."
We want to follow up on this morning's Bible Study lesson and talk about the "Work of the Holy Spirit" today in our lives and his work during the first century. The Bible has a lot to say about the Holy spirit in that he had a specific purpose to complete. Look at (John 16:8). Three distinct functions he was to complete ... First of all .. what is the definition of reprove? Webster's New World Dictionary says that reprove means ... "to rebuke or express disapproval of." So basically, the Holy Spirit came to express disapproval of sin .. to rebuke false ideas of righteousness and to proclaim the coming judgment. Most people misunderstand the purpose of the Holy Spirit and his work and as a result have evaded to false truths and the purpose of the coming of the Holy Spirit. Let's begin with a simple explanation why Jesus came.
I. The Coming Of Christ.
A. The story of Zacchaeus is an excellent example of why Jesus came. (Luk 19:1-10) .. READ
1. Jesus came to save the lost of the world. .. He said to Zacchaeus .. "This day is salvation come to this house ..." ... Zacchaeus was a very rich Jew .. a tax collector .. and a sinner.
2. Look what Peter had to say in ...(Acts 3:25,26) .. It was fitting that Jesus go to the home of this sinner ... the crowd did not understand.
II. Jesus Came To Do A Great Work .. But He Could Not Do It Alone.
A. Jesus chose very carefully .. twelve men .. to be His disciples. .. He chose them and he taught them .. Then sent them out on limited duty .. telling them to ".. go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Mat 10:6)
1. Their primary work .. there purpose .. would come after his death .. after his resurrection.
2. Jesus promised his disciples that he would send to them the Comforter. (John 16:7-15)
III. Only After The Death Of Jesus Christ .. His Resurrection .. Did The Holy Spirit Come As Promised.
A. In the book of Isaiah we find the prophecy of the coming of the Holy Spirit. (Isa 2:2,3)
1. The Holy Spirit would come to reprove the world of sin. .. The Holy Spirit convicts the heart of man .. reveals righteousness through the truth of the gospel.
B. The Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4) .. There were the twelve disciples assembled together .. Matthias had just been numbered with the eleven (Acts 1:26).
1. When the Spirit came .. he brought with him miraculous gifts that were given only to those twelve.
a. This is where many sincere hearts have been led astray .. they have been taught error!
2. The disciples were given the ability to speak with other tongues .. a language that they did not learn .. as the Spirit gave them to speak
a. This was for the purpose of teaching (Jews) from other nations in their own language. (Acts 2:6-8)
C. The work of the Holy Spirit included .. To guide the apostles in all truth ... To confirm the word of the Lord .. and to guide men in the writing of the New Covenant (N.T.)
1. In doing this .. the fulfillment of the Lord's promise in (John 16:8) would be complete.
D. With the coming of the Holy Spirit .. Great Mysteries were revealed ...
1. Mystery of the new birth (John 3:8) .. the mystery of the future when all will be changed (1 Cor 15:51) .. the mystery of Christ and His church (Eph 5:32) .. the mystery of Christ in His Godliness .. (1 Tim 3:16) .. and the mystery of sufferings to come and the fruit of righteousness (Heb 12:11).
IV. When The Spirit Came It Was Not For Everyone At First.
A. Remember the Spirit only fell upon the 12 .. Later in (Acts 10:44,45) we find the Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius and his kinsmen .. and they were astonished!
1. They began to speak in "strange tongues" and magnify the Lord. (Acts 10:46)
B. The work of the Lord began to spread and there was need for others to teach as well.
1. The Apostles laid their hands upon others so that they might have the power to help teach as well. (There will be more on this tonight.)
2. The apostles laid there hands on Stephen .. Philip .. Prochorus .. Nicanor .. Parmenas .. and Nicholas (Acts 6:6) .. In (Acts 19:7) .. Paul laid hands on twelve.
3. Timothy was cautioned not to neglect the gift he received by the laying on of hands (1 Tim 4:14) .. He was told not to lay hands on those by partiality and to keep himself pure(1 Tim 5:21,22).
4. This was not a work to be done by popularity .. They were to choose wisely and only those of good report. .. Those who accept the truth .. obey the truth .. and are determined to spread the truth where ever they are!
C. What about the gift of the Holy Spirit today?
1. All who obey the gospel in baptism .. receive the gift of the holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)
2. They do not receive the miraculous gifts that were evident in the first century. (Again .. we will speak on this in more detail tonight.)
V. With The Coming Of The N. T. .. The Need For The Direct Guidance Of The Holy Spirit Was No Longer Needed.
A. The N. T. would do what the Holy Spirit had been doing. (John 20:30,31)
1. With the death of the Apostles and those they laid hands on .. miraculous deeds ended.
2. For one to claim to have the miraculous gifts today .. including "speaking in tongues" .. they would have had to been alive during the early days of the church.
3. The Bible clearly teaches that for those to have the miraculous gifts .. they had to be chosen and hands laid upon them.
4. All other teaching is false teaching without any Biblical Authority to support it.
VI. The Holy Spirits Work Was Specific And Instrumental In Establishing The Lord's Church.
A. This is a very simple subject if we accept the Bible's teaching ...
1. Man in his wisdom in trying to make a simple subject more difficult .. has led many honest and sincere souls astray.
2. Yes .. there was a gift of tongues and miraculous miracles for the apostles first .. then others .. for the purpose of teaching and performing signs and wonders of Christ's teaching.
3. They ceased when the need for demonstration of powers was no longer needed. .. We now have the N. T. in its fullness to teach us.
4. Yes .. the apostles were able to heal the sick ...
a. Yes .. they were able to raise the dead ...
b. Yes .. they were able to make the blind to see ... lame to walk ... speak in "strange in strange tongues."
5. Each and every time a miracle was performed was for the purpose of giving Jesus Christ all honor and praise. ... There is no record of miracle just for the sake of performing miracles.
6. Take note of this .. please: Just because miracles are not being performed today .. that does NOT limit God.
7. This is God's way ... He has the world in his control ... He created all things for good.
VII. We Need To Put Our Trust In The Word Of God .. Not Man.
A. When we take our eyes off of the things of Christ .. we are treading in areas on our own.
1. When this happens ... we will be disappointed with the final results.
B. The Holy Spirit Has Done His Work Well ...
1. He has given to us all we will need to see our souls to a crown of righteousness and our "hope" for eternity in heaven.
C. The Holy Spirit .. the third person of the God-head .. equal to God in deity .. is alive and well.
"Tongues have Ceased" |
There is a rather large, growing number of people who are claiming to perform miracles today. None, I might add, with any scriptural authority to do so! In fact television is filled with so called, "faith healers." The question should be raised and I raise it now .. "Is this legitimate?" Exactly what does the Bible say about miracles?
The Bible in itself is a book of miracles! From Genesis to Revelation, there are many recorded miracles. Some of the greatest stories in the Bible involve miracles. No one can deny this! Certainly they did happen .. (Acts 2:22) .. "Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you .." The question is, "Are they still happening?"
What is the definition of a miracle? The word "miracle" is used in a very loose and broad sense today. The biblical usage of the term "miracle" encompasses more than just a great and wonderful thing. The biblical use of the term involves an event that takes place in this world that goes against or beyond the laws of nature. "Webster's New World Dictionary" describes "miracle" as "an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws."
What was the purpose of "Biblical Miracles?" To make believers of unbelievers. Today men say, "No faith - no miracle," but the Bible taught that miracles were performed to produce faith, (Jhn 11:45) .. "Then many of the Jews which came to Mary, and had seen the things which Jesus did, believed on him." (2 Kings 5:1-15) ..tells of a captain of the host of the king of Syria, an honorable, and mighty of valor. He was a leper. His maid said to her mistress that her Lord would recover him of his leprosy. Naaman came to the prophet Elisha for healing. Elisha sends a messenger to tell Naaman to wash in Jordan seven times and his flesh would be clean. This angered Naaman and he went away. Only when he went to Jordan, dipped seven times did he become whole. A miracle, yes. Did Naaman then believe, yes.
"Biblical Miracles" were also to confirm the word. (Mrk 16:20) .. "And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord worketh with them, and confirming the word with signs following." With the completion of the Bible, miracles were no longer needed to confirm the spoken word of the apostles and prophets. (Rom 10:17) .. "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (Jhn 20:30,31) .. "And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: but these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name."
When did "miracles" cease? They were to last until, (Eph 4:13) .. "Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." (1 Cor 13:9,10) .. "For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away." (Jam 1:25) .. "But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work.."
Yes, the apostles could perform miracles and did. They had only the spoken word. We have the written word for all mankind to see. This written word is all sufficient to make believers from unbelievers and to confirm the word, just as they did in the first century. (2 Tim 3:16,17) .. "All scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." Biblical miracles" are not evident today because they are no longer needed.
Do not be misled by those who quote (Heb 13:8) .. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever" as authority for miracles the same today as in the first century. They claim we only take part of the Bible .. no .. we take the whole of the scriptures, not just those scriptures that appear to support ones belief.