Development of Trinity Doctrine: 100-325 AD
Post-Biblical development of Trinity Doctrine: 100 AD - 325 AD Nicene era
Also see outline on: Progressive revelation between the Old and New Testaments.
Watchtower Hypocrisy: Doctrinal development of Jehovah's Witnesses
Jehovah's Witnesses, like Catholics firmly believe in the false doctrine called "doctrinal development". Both groups promote and believe things that are not found in the Bible. Both are "salvation by organization" religions whose leaders have exclusive direct channels to God. Jehovah's Witnesses have a "new light" or "brighter light" theology where God reveals through the Watchtower new things never before understood. But herein lay the hypocritical paradox for Jw's in regard to Trinity doctrine. How can Jw's reject "doctrinal development" of the first 3 centuries yet teach they have the doctrinal development in the 20th century? JW's have shot themselves in the foot so often in the last 75 years, their only escape from absolute ridicule is to claim Doctrinal development like the Catholics! Why did God only start "new light getting brighter" when Charles T Russell proclaimed it so in the late 1800's. In other words, Jw's firmly believe in doctrinal development in the 20th century, how can they deny it at Nicea in 325 AD? We of course maintain that doctrinal development is a false teaching and believe the Bible is all sufficient and complete! Therefore, we do not defend the Nicene creed or the Athanasius creed, but are content to simply prove the deity of the uncreated Christ and the personality of the Holy Spirit. But for Jw's the rejection of Catholic doctrinal development, while teaching the identical thing themselves, is typical of the wild contradictions that exist within Watchtower theology and in the end is utterly hypocritical!
The "slight of hand" tactics of Jehovah's Witnesses. This slight of hand tactic is missed by most first time readers (and all JW's) of their book of deceptions, it is quite obvious to the true students of the Bible. |
We must take this time to make an important observation about the "slight of hand" tactics of Jehovah's Witnesses as they try to convince you trinity is not taught in the Bible.
Why Trinity Doctrine developed from 100-325 AD?
Further discussion about Watchtower's use of False Dilemmas!
In absolute deception, the Watchtower writers, who understands the difference between economic and ontological trinity, create a false dilemma in the mind of the reader by projecting the thought that if the Ontological trinity is not in the Bible, that Jesus is therefore a creature and the Holy Spirit is nothing more than electricity! (The average Jehovah's Witness has never even heard of the terms "economic and ontological trinity" but the Governing body knows better and aims at deceiving by deliberately leaving that important qualifying term out of the quote.
Trinitarians agree! Surprise! Trinity is used in this quote to refer to the creedal definition of the trinity of the Nicene era 325 AD. All theologians (except for Arians/Jw's and modernists) agree that the New Testament and the earliest Christians viewed Jesus as God.
Although Christians correctly says that the "Nicene concept of Trinity" is not in the Bible, they would say that early Christians and the scriptures clearly taught that Jesus was both pre-existent and fully divine!
The deception is in creating a false dilemma that attempts to say: If Nicene trinity is not taught in the Bible then that proves the Bible doesn't teach Jesus is divine.
But we could just as easily say this to Jw's: "The doctrine of the prohibition against blood transfusions did not form part of the apostles' preaching, as this is reported in the New Testament, but developed only in the 20 century, when transfusions were invented!"
"The doctrine the church being governed from one world headquarters did not form part of the apostles' preaching, as this is reported in the New Testament, but first developed in 606 AD in Rome. (1300 years before Brooklyn and 2000 years to late to be in the Bible!) Jw's use this quote to create a false dilemma: They think that this quote proves trinity wrong. Actually the quote is right and the same encyclopedia openly states that Jesus was considered God in the Bible!
Trinitarians agree! Surprise! We also argue that Baptism, the Lord's supper and the second coming of Christ was not revealed to the Jews!
But that does not mean that there were not pieces of Trinitarian theology that could only be discovered under the light of New Testament revelation. For example Trinitarians could say, "It seems unquestionable that the revelation of the mystery of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, as the Rock that followed the Jews through the wilderness, was not made to the Jews."
They dishonestly and irresponsibly imply that if a doctrine is not found in the Old Testament, that it must be borrowed from the Pagans. Using their own logic, they must conclude that the Lord's Supper and the second coming were borrowed from the Pagans!
Also see outline on: Progressive revelation between the Old and New Testaments.
By Steve Rudd