Should you believe in the
A Satanic booklet
used by Jehovah's Witnesses to deceive the public into thinking that Trinity is
a pagan doctrine.
Start here: Top Ten List: "Worst of the worst" of satanic quoting in the booklet!
Reviewed, documented and
exposed! |
Encyclopaedia of Anti-Trinitarian Deceptive quoting!
Satanic quoting practices exposed:
witness approach" misused by the Watchtower in: "Should You
Believe in the Trinity"(Watchtower booklet)
Top 10 List |
Start here: A quick short summary! Top Ten List: "Worst of the worst" of satanic quoting in the booklet! When a Jehovah's Witness reads our top ten list, they either conclude the Watchtower organization engages is satanic quoting practices, or become dishonest themselves! |
The Main Exhibit: (Click either Part 1 or Part 2)
Part 2: Trinity not biblical section: Hyper-Text refutation of "Should you believe in the Trinity: Bible section" using upper and lower frames! (Non frames version) |
can the Watchtower continue to get away with deceiving
their own people? Analysis of Watchtower footnoting policy and master footnote list. |
25% Bible Trashers |
Statistical Analysis of Watchtower quotes they used to trash the Trinity. Did you know that 25% of their quoted sources not only trash the trinity, but the whole of Christianity as well? |
The "Decepto-meter". 1. Learn the process of how we cataloged and evaluated all the quotes using the "Decepto-meter" 2. Satanic quoting practices exposed: "Hostile witness approach" misused by the Watchtower in: "Should You Believe in the Trinity"(Watchtower booklet) |
Go to the quotes! |
Master alphabetic listings by author and book. We have documented every source the Watchtower quotes in their deceptive little booklet! |
Written By Steve Rudd