The Exodus Route: Dophkah (Stage 1 of 2)
Dophkah (stage 1) |
Exodus locations:
1. Dophkah and Alush are both staging locations between the wilderness of Sin and Rephidim.
a. Little is known about them except that they are located in difficult terrain between the wilderness of Sin and Rephidim.
b. From Goshen to Mt. Sinai the topography was flat, wide and easy except between Dophkah and Alush, which infers it was canyon travel through the mountains.
2. Bible texts:
a. "They journeyed from the wilderness of Sin and camped at Dophkah. They journeyed from Dophkah and camped at Alush." Numbers 33:12-13
b. "Then all the congregation of the sons of Israel journeyed by stages from the wilderness of Sin, according to the command of the Lord, and camped at Rephidim, and there was no water for the people to drink." Exodus 17:1
3. Early Christians created metaphoric messianic meanings for Dophkah:
a. “And they set out from the desert of Sin and came to Raphaca [Dophkah].” Raphaca translates as “health.” You see the order of the progressions, how when the soul is once made spiritual and begins to see heavenly visions, it arrives at health, so that it deservedly says: “Bless the Lord, my soul, and all that is within me, [bless] his holy name!” Which Lord? The one, it says, “who heals all your infirmities, who redeems your life from destruction.” For there are many infirmities of the soul: avarice is an infirmity of it, indeed the worst one; pride, anger, boasting, fear, inconstancy, timidity and the like. When, Lord Jesus, will you cure me of all these infirmities? When will you heal me so that I may say: “Bless the Lord, my soul, who heals all your infirmities,” so that I may be able to make a stage at Raphaca, which is healing? It would take too long if we wanted to go through each of the stages and explain one by one what is suggested by contemplating their names. Nevertheless, let us run through them in a brief and summary fashion, not to offer you a full exposition, since time certainly does not allow that, but to offer you opportunities for understanding.” (Origen, Homilies on Numbers 27.12.1–2, 400 AD)
A. Journeying in Stages:
Expected difficulty of Terrain of Exodus Route They Journeyed by stages between the Wilderness of Sin and Rephidim: Ex 17:1 |
Route |
Terrain expected from Bible narrative |
Terrain encountered Steven Rudd1 |
Terrain encountered Gordon Frantz2 |
Terrain encountered Glen Fritz3 |
Goshen to Red Sea camp |
Easy |
Easy |
Easy |
Difficult and narrow before Nuweiba |
Red Sea camp to Wilderness of Sin |
Easy |
Easy |
Easy |
Difficult and narrow |
Easy |
Easy |
Easy |
Easy |
Difficult and narrow |
Difficult and narrow |
Easy |
Difficult and narrow |
Alush to Sinai |
Easy |
Easy |
Easy |
Easy |
Sinai to Kadesh |
Easy |
Easy |
Difficult via Ezion Geber |
Easy |
Assessment |
1: Rudd: Red sea crossing is at Tiran, Mt. Sinai is Lawz, Kadesh is at Petra. 2: Frantz: Red sea crossing is at Ballah, Mt. Sinai is Sin Bisher, Kadesh is at Qudeirat. 3: Fritz: Red sea crossing is at Nuweiba, Mt. Sinai is Lawz, Kadesh located inside Judah 32 km due west of Ein Hatzeva and 12 km SE of Sde Boker. |
B. Timing and distances:
times, distances, days of the week
1. Israel left the Wilderness of Sin on day 14 (from Red Sea crossing) as a single unit, but once they arrived at Dophkah, they shuttled through the mountain canyons in stages through Alush over 2-3 days to reach Rephidim.
2. Sunday, day 39 from Goshen, day 14 from the Red Sea: All 3 million Hebrews leave the Wilderness of Sin and arrive at Dophkah to camp the night.
3. Monday, day 40 from Goshen, day 15 from the Red Sea: Stages of small groups of Hebrews depart Dophkah and begin the 23 km canyon travel and camp at Alush that night. The remaining Hebrews camp a second night at Dophkah.
4. Tuesday, day 41 from Goshen, day 16 from the Red Sea: The last of the Hebrews leave Dophkah and camp at Alush while the lead group journeyed ahead 30 km to reach Rephidim.
5. Wednesday, day 42 from Goshen, day 17 from the Red Sea: Amalekites attack as more Hebrews arrive from Alush.
6. Thursday, day 43 from Goshen, day 18 from the Red Sea: Israel defeats the Amalekites as his hands are held up on the top of a hill. Moses builds an altar (Ex 17:15). Jethro arrives and eats a meal with Moses at Rephidim (Ex 18:12).
7. Friday, day 44 from Goshen, day 19 from the Red Sea: Moses Judges Israel all day at Rephidim (Ex 18:13).
8. Second Sabbath, day 45 from Goshen, day 20 from the Red Sea: Jethro offers his advice as Israel celebrates their second sabbath at Rephidim.
9. Sunday, day 46 from Goshen, day 21 from the Red Sea: Moses implements Jethro’s advice and leaves Rephidim for Mt. Sinai: Ex 18:27. Israel arrives in the Wilderness of Sinai after sunset day 47 from Goshen.
10. Ex 19:1 Sivan 1, Monday, day 47 from Goshen, day 22 from the Red Sea, day 1 at Mt. Sinai: Moses strikes the rock at Mt. Horeb creating the massive water supply for 3 million Hebrews who will camp in front of Mt. Sinai for 11 months and 5 days.
11. Tuesday, day 48 from Goshen, day 23 from the Red Sea, Day 2 at Mt. Sinai: Moses makes his 1st ascension up Mt. Sinai and comes back with an oath for the people (Ex 19:3-8).
C. Calendar of events from Goshen to Sinai: Days 1-47
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
- |
- |
- |
Nisan 14: Passover lambs killed before sunset and eaten on Nisan 15 Wed evening. |
Day 1 Nisan 15: Departed in Daylight Num 33:3 |
2 |
3 Start counting 7 Sabbaths for Pentecost |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 Succoth Overnight camp |
10 day 8 of Pentecost Nisan 24 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 Migdol |
16 Etham: Nisan 30 |
17 Iyar 1 |
18 camped at Red Sea |
19 Iyar 3 at Red Sea |
20 camped at Red Sea |
21 camped at Red Sea |
22 camped at Red Sea |
23 camped at Red Sea |
24 camped at Red Sea |
Iyar 9, saved and Shadow of First Fruits Lev 23:10-12 |
Day 1 after crossing |
28 Marah Day 3 after crossing |
29 Elim |
30 Iyar 14 Day 5 from Red Sea Crossing |
Wilderness of Sin. Ex 16:1. Day 6 from Red Sea Crossing |
32 camped at Sin, 1st Manna |
33 camped at Sin |
34 camped at Sin |
35 camped at Sin |
36 camped at Sin |
37 camped at Sin. Day 12 from Crossing |
38 camped at Sin. 1st Sabbath |
39 Iyar23 Day 14 Leave wilderness of sin for Dophkah |
40 Dophkah, Alush (small stage groups) Day 15 from Red Sea Crossing |
41 Alush, Rephidim (small stage groups) Day 16 from Red Sea Crossing |
Israel grumbles for water: Ex 17:6 Amalek attacks |
Moses hands held up to win war. Moses’ altar: Ex 17:15. Jethro arrives, eats meal Ex 18:12 |
Moses Judges the people all day: Ex 18:13 |
45 Iyar 29 Rephidim 2nd Sabbath. Jethro’s Advice: Ex 18:17 |
Sun |
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
D. Photos and maps:
Aerial view between Marah and Alush |
Dophkah: Stage 1 of canyon travel to Alush. |
Arial of Dophkah to Alush through mountain canyons. |
Journeyed by stages because the terrain was narrow and uphill. |
Slow narrow canyon travel. |
A view looking back from Alush After Alush. they went on in relative easy terrain to Rephidim. |
View up final canyon to Alush |
By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections.