Islam Is Paganism In Monotheistic Wrapping Paper.
Islam Is Paganism In Monotheistic Wrapping Paper. But Muslims may not like what they see when they unwrap the box. |
It is clear, from a historical point of view, that Muhammad, as a youth
participated in worshipping all the 360 pagan gods in the Kabah in Mecca owned and operated by the Quraish tribe to which Muhammad was member in good standing. As Muhammad grew up, he was influenced by Christians (monotheists) who condemned the polytheism at the Kabah. At some point in Muhammad's life, he was convinced by the Christians that Polytheism was wrong and sought to reject the 360 pagan gods he had grown up with. Muhammad was converted to the concept of monotheism through the influence and teachings of Christians. However, being a proud "nationalistic cultural Arab", bent to preserve his traditions, Muhammad, decided to "reform" his native pagan religion, rather than adopt a completely different religion like Christianity. So Muhammad took the top pagan god of the Kabah in Mecca (called Hubal and/or Allah) and chose it to be his new monotheistic god. This god was already considered the top god among other gods at the Kabah. Muhammad's strategy was simple. Rather than converting all the Arab people to the monotheism of Christianity, Muhammad merely banished the other 359 pagan gods and chose the one remaining to be the one and only god... what Muslims refer to today as "Allah". Thus Islam was born.If Muhammad was trying to convert one of his fellow pagan Arabs to monotheism, the conversation probably went something like this: Muhammad: "You know, worshipping all these pagan gods is really silly. There must be a supreme god, a "THE GOD". (the god is what Allah actually means) We already refer to the chief or head of the Kabah as "Allah", lets continue to worship that god, but do away with all the others. I don't want to discard the Allah, the Lord of the Kabah that we already worship, rather I only want to remove his wife and his daughters and all the other gods. And lets never refer to Allah again as "Hubal" or call him the moon god, because Allah, being our new monotheistic supreme god, created the moon.
We have identified many elements of pagan worship that Muhammad grafted directly into Islam virtually unchanged. The symbols, the temples and the rituals of modern Islam were practiced by polytheists before Muhammad was born. Islam is Repackaged Polytheism. "Polytheism with a monotheistic veil"
Muhammad and "Pharaoh Akhenaton the monotheist" (1379 BC). Like Akhenaton, Muhammad chose one god, from among hundreds of pagan gods, to be his one monotheistic god. Both merely repackaged polytheism and called it monotheism. We have identified 12 key similarities between the religious reforms of Akhenaton and Muhammad.
The Library of Islam's Pagan Past |
Master index of 133 books on Islam that document the pagan origin of Islam. |
Library of Non-Muslim scholars quotes on the pagan origin of Islam. We have collected about 115 complete books and quotes from scholars that document the polytheistic origin of the symbols, rituals and temples of Islam. |
Library of Muslim scholars quotes on the pagan origin of Islam. We have collected quotes from 17 different practicing Muslim scholars that document the polytheistic origin of the symbols, rituals and temples of Islam. This is a must read for those Muslims that think Christians are misrepresenting the true history of Islam. These Muslims say that the ritual in Islam was corrupted from its purity and that Muhammad restored the religion practiced by Jesus and Abraham. We merely point out that this theory cannot be true, for there is only a pagan history to all the rituals and rites of Islam. |
Practicing Muslim admit the following about the origins of Islam:
Written by Brother Andrew