100 Free High-Resolution Bible Maps and Chronology
High precision Biblical cartography
Bible based Satellite imagery using GPS locating which are archeologically precise.
“When you get the cartography, chronology
and archeology right,
you get the inspired Bible story right!”
Free Bible Maps! Download below!
Download here for free or Buy the Map/Chronology book 230 full color maps, chronology and archeological graphics.
The maps you can download below for free can be purchased in a book form here. |
High accuracy Bible maps and Chronological time-lines:
a. This collection of free Bible maps and chronologies are the most accurate in the world available today.
b. Why pay big money for bad maps, when these maps are free!
c. Even maps in Logos Bible software, for example are highly inaccurate and full of mistakes, errors and misplaced cities.
a. Most important, the Bible is taken as the error free, inspired word of God.
b. The maps and chronologies were created by taking the Bible as a true record of earth history.
c. Many Bible maps are produced by PhD professors who do not believe the Bible is real history and reject the creation story, the flood, the tower of Babel, the Exodus, the Conquest. Further they reject inspiration of the Bible and view David and Solomon as mythical people who never lived. The atheism of these Bible map creators lurks in every city the place on their maps.
3. CARTOGRAPHY: Map creation
a. Great care has been taken in utilizing satellite imagery to get a perfect, distortion free map of topography.
b. Most commercially available maps today that you find in books and Bibles are highly distorted.
c. Most other bible maps come from atlases which contain huge distortions because they present the entire earth on a flat, two-dimensional view.
d. Our maps have a 5 km from the surface resolution and are almost perfect.
a. Chronology is the science of historical dating.
b. Great care has been taken into creating the most accurate Bible timelines available.
c. Most commercially available Bible chronologies are widely inaccurate. Part of the reason is that the creators of the chronologies are atheists and do not view the stories in the Bible as ever actually happening. Consequently, these atheists will never get the correct dates for events they view as fiction.
a. Knowing the precise GPS coordinates of a Bible city ensures it is marked exactly in the correct place on the map.
b. The multitude of errors of city locations in commercial maps are compounded by the topographical distortions of the base maps. So not only is the base map distorted, a city is often placed tens of kilometres from its true location.
c. With our correct base map, we can then locate a city exactly where really is on that map ensuring the highest level of precision.
6. Archeology: Interpretation
a. Steve Rudd the author of these maps and chronologies, is a Bible believing, weekly church attending, staff archeologist at Shiloh Israel.
b. Most places on the map are marked with their Bible name AND the archeological site name. ie: Gath (Bible name) = Tell es-Safi (Archeological name)
c. Archeology is a critical tool in creating Bible maps and chronologies.
d. Before they begin to excavate a site, Archeologists make assumptions in advance which Bible city they are digging.
e. Years and tens of thousands of man/days are spent excavating.
f. Highly trained and experienced archeological specialists interpret and classify the pottery and objects unearthed.
g. Findings lead to either rejecting or confirming the presupposed city location.
h. We have used the latest most up to date archeological information in associating an archeological site name with its correct Bible name.
7. BIBLE UNDERSTANDING: Interpretation
a. Bible based Satellite imagery using GPS locating which are archeologically precise.
b. “When you get the cartography, chronology and archeology right, you get the inspired Bible story right!”
8. Author and creator of maps and chronologies: Steve Rudd: Contact author with comments or questions
Copyright and usage notes about this map web site:
1. Free but copyrighted:
a. We wanted to provide high quality Bible maps that were reproducible by you the seeker free of charge!
b. www.bible.ca reserves the right to revoke the free use of any materials hosted on our website, including these maps, and prevent or forbid any possible use, for any reason, without explanation.
c. In other words. Enjoy our free maps, but don't abuse the privileges.
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3. Forbidden use:
a. Special permissions: Maps and Chronologies by Steve Rudd: Contact author with comments or questions
b. You are forbidden to put any of these maps on your website or post them online in whole or in part, including smaller sections.
c. You are not permitted to sell these maps or charge any money in their distribution.
d. You are not permitted to alter the maps in any way. The original copyright and the link to this web site (www.bible.ca) must remain on all the images.
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Master Archeological Bible Study Map |
Master alphabetical index Over 350 Bible cities, wildernesses, places |
See also: |
55 Free Bible Chronology and Timelines |
Chronology/Timeline: Creation to Exodus: 5554-1356 BC
Chronology Creation-Flood |
Chronology Abram-Joseph |
Chronology Moab,
Edom |
Chronology Egypt,
Exodus |
5554-3298 BC |
2166-1446 BC |
1900 BC |
1446-1356 BC |
Chronology/Timeline: Judges to Zedekiah: 1356-587 BC
Chronology of
Judges |
Chronology of
Ruth |
Chronology Eli-Solomon |
Chronology Kings & Prophets |
1355-1004 BC |
1300 BC |
1186-931 BC |
931-587 BC |
Chronology/Timeline: Babylon, Persia, Greece Rome: 623 BC – AD 135
Chronology of Babylonian Captivity |
Chronology Babylon-Persian Kingdoms |
Chronology of Greek Kingdom |
Chronology of Roman Kingdom |
605-536 BC |
623-333 BC |
333-31 BC |
49 BC – AD 135 |
Chronology/Timeline: Elijah, Elisha, Assyrian & Babylonian Captivity
Chronology of |
Assyrian Captivity |
Babylonian Captivity |
870-795 BC |
723 BC |
587 BC |
coming |
Chronology/Timeline: Eschatology
Chronology Daniel’s 70 Weeks |
Book of Revelation |
Chronology of end times and last days |
458 BC- AD 33 |
AD 66-70 |
0-20,000 years |
SERMON OUTLINE MAPS: Flood to Exodus: 3298-1446 BC
Noah’s Ark |
Egypt |
Migration of Abram from Ur |
Abram, Lot Melchizedek War of kings |
Gen 6-9 |
Gen 12:10 |
Gen 11-13 |
Gen 12-14 |
3298 BC |
2500 BC |
2085 BC |
2085-2075 BC |
SERMON OUTLINE MAPS: Conquest of Joshua: 1406-1399 BC
Conquest |
The Twelve Tribes |
Conquest of Joshua in the Amarna Tablets |
1406-1400 |
1399 |
Joshua |
Joshua 1-14 |
Joshua 13-22 |
1404 - 1340 BC |
Canaanites |
Land Divided |
Archeology |
SERMON OUTLINE MAPS: Judges: Ehud, Ruth, Deborah, Gideon, Jepthah, Samson: 1350-1078 BC
Othniel, Ehud, Ruth |
Deborah |
Gideon |
Jephthah |
Samson |
1350-1204 |
1204-1144 |
1191-1144 |
1118-1094 |
1118-1078 |
Judges 3, 17-21, Ruth |
Judges 4-5 |
Judges 6-9 |
Judges 10-12 |
Judges 13-16 |
Mesopotamia, Edom |
Hazorites |
Ishmaelites, Midianites |
Ammonites |
Philistines |
SERMON OUTLINE MAPS: Eli, Samuel, Saul, Jonathan: 1094-1025 BC
Eli and Samuel |
King Saul before David |
1128-1094 BC |
1052-1025 BC |
1 Samuel 1-8 |
1 Samuel 9-15 |
Philistines capture the Ark In 1088 BC |
Moab, Ammon, Philistines, Zobah, Edom, Amalek. |
Shiloh goes extinct |
SERMON OUTLINE MAPS: King David: 1025-970 BC
David in Saul's Palace |
Saul Hunts David |
King David in Hebron |
David Fulfills Abraham’s Land Promise |
King David in Jerusalem |
1025-1018 BC |
1018-1010 BC |
1010-1003 BC |
1003-1001 BC |
1003-970 BC |
1 Samuel 16-20 |
1 Samuel 21-31 |
2 Samuel 1-5 |
1 Kings 1-11 |
2 Samuel 6-7 |
Saul: the Psychotic king who drove himself insane. |
David on the Run 4 years + 4 years at Ziglag |
Civil War Righteous Abner Wicked Joab |
Abraham's Land promise fulfilled |
David's New Spiritual Order |
SERMON OUTLINE MAPS: Absalom, Solomon, Jeroboam, Rehoboam, Shishak: 990-910 BC
Absalom |
Solomon's Wives |
Rehoboam King of Judah |
Jeroboam King of Israel |
Shishak King of Egypt |
990-979 BC |
967 BC |
931-914 BC |
931-910 BC |
945-924 BC |
2 Samuel 13-22 |
Song of Solomon |
2 Chronicles 10 |
Judges 18:30 |
2 Chron 12:2-9 |
The Satan Child |
The Love Triangle |
Divides kingdom Shishak attacks |
Pagan Altar At tel Dan |
Attacks Israel in 926 BC |
SERMON OUTLINE MAPS: Abijah, Asa, Elisjah, Elisha, Hazael
Abijah King of Judah |
Asa, Elijah, Elisha, Ahab, Jehoshaphat, Joash, Jehu |
Hazael King of Aram |
Assyrian Captivity |
914-911 BC |
870-795 BC |
841-800 BC |
795-723 BC |
2 Chron 13:1-22 |
Lk 4:24-27 |
2 Chron 22:5-7 |
Turned to the dark Side |
Elisha the type of Christ |
"House of David" inscription |
coming |
SERMON OUTLINE MAPS: Samaritans, Josiah, Jehoiakim, Zedekiah, Babylonian Captivity
Samaritans |
Josiah |
Jehoiakim |
Zedekiah |
723 BC- AD 70 |
640-609 BC |
609-598 BC |
598-587 BC |
John 4:7-43 |
2 Samuel 13-22 |
Jer 36 |
2 Kings 24:17 |
The Pagan half-Jews who converted to monotheism |
The Promised Child |
The Bible Burner |
Israel’s last hope |
SERMON OUTLINE MAPS: Babylon, Gedaliah, Return from Captivity, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ezra, Esther
Babylonian Captivity |
Gedaliah |
Commentary on Daniel |
605-536 BC |
587 BC |
605-536 |
2 Kings 24 |
Jer 39-44 |
Daniel |
Deportation |
1st Governor |
Prophet |
Daniel Commentary Dan 2: 5 kingdoms Dan 7: 1260 days Dan 8: 2300 days Dan 9: 70 weeks Dan 12: 1290 days |
SERMON OUTLINE MAPS: Commentary on Revelation
Commentary on Revelation |
66 AD |
Book of Revelation |
Destruction of Jerusalem |
Preface: Completely understand Revelation in 5 minutes Intro 1: Ezekiel Decodes Revelation Intro 2: Jerusalem = Babylon, Sodom, Egypt, The Harlot Intro 3: Coins, Dead Sea Scrolls & Song of Sabbath Sacrifice Intro 4: Moses’ Sunset Clause & the extinction of Judaism Intro 5: The role of Archeology in understanding Revelation Intro 6: “Days of Messiah” 1st century Jewish eschatology Intro 7: Why Revelation was written to 7 churches in Asia, not Jerusalem Roman warfare: Hail Stones = Ballista. Scorpions = Catapult. Josephus Chronology of destruction of Jerusalem: AD 62-74 |
Panorama photo gallery of Israel
of all panorama photographs |
Maps of the Promised land, Israel:
The Exodus from Egypt: 1446 BC See also: |
Encyclopedia of Exodus Route Maps Old, Ancient, Antique, Vintage and Modern maps |
Synagogue Map Site Maps of Ancient synagogue location sites
See also: Museum of Ancient Synagogues |
The United Kingdoms of David and Solomon 1000 BC |
The Divided Kingdoms. 900-722 BC |
Successive world Kingdoms: Persia, Babylon, Assyria 640-500 BC |
Israel at the time of Jesus 33AD |
Jerusalem at the Time of Jesus, 33 AD |
The Ministry of Jesus 30-33 AD |
Paul's First Missionary Journey |
Paul's Second Missionary Journey |
Paul's Third Missionary Journey |
Paul's Journey to Rome Acts 20-28 |
Paul's Fourth and Fifth Missionary Journeys Acts 29! |
Paul's last instructions to his fellow preachers! 2 Timothy |
Middle East Today |
Israel Today |
Roman empire in 116 AD |
Roman empire in 150 AD |
Growth of Christianity from 33AD - 1100AD. Eastern and Western division of church between Rome and Constantinople |
Index of early church fathers and apologists with their theological views. 200AD |
Churches in 325 AD during Nicene era. |
The three schools of theology 300AD |
Division of territory for the 5 patriarchs 600AD |
550 AD: The Madaba map Missing entirely from the Madaba Map is the Red Sea, Mt. Sinai and Petra/Kadesh Barnea. It would certainly be on the map, but was vandalized by the Muslims in 700 AD. Most notably, however, is that the modern choice for the location of Kadesh Barnea at Ein el-Qudeirat, should be in a section of the map that is fully intact. Qudeirat should be located close to the large red text, "lot of Simeon". This means that Kadesh is located in one of the damaged areas and proves Kadesh is not at Qudeirat. The Madaba map was based upon the Onomasticon by Eusebius, and Jerome. More: The Madaba map, 542 AD |
See also: |
55 Free Bible Chronology and Timelines |
Download here for free or Buy the Map/Chronology book 230 full color maps, chronology and archeological graphics.
The maps you can download below for free can be purchased in a book form here. |
Maps and Chronologies by Steve Rudd: Contact author with comments or questions