Happy Family Life!
Dr. Bible: Personal Advice by email! |
Dr. Bible: Personal Advice by email! |
How to Solve Family problems the Bible way!
What foundation is your home built upon?
The Family & Material Possessions
12 Principles of wholesome Recreation for a Christian
Taking your own Revenge Is NOT So Sweet!
How to Strengthen Your Family!
Is your home built with Bible Blueprints?
Dr. Bible: Personal Advice by email! |
Ladies! He's great as a date, but how about as a mate?
Strengthening Your Marriage before it fails!
Your marriage is sent to an early grave by a series of little digs!
The Bible & 8 Basic Causes of Divorce
Defining Marriage from the Bible: creating a family unit!
Marriage self evaluation test for couples: Print this and spend an evening evaluating yourself and your spouse and see each others results!
Divorce, Remarriage and the Bible
Is Divorce Really the Answer to my marriage problems?
Bible Help For Troubled Marriages
Man and Woman: Equal but different in 19 ways!
What kind of LOVE do you love others with?
Should I really expect my spouse to forgive my sin?
Dr. Bible: Personal Advice by email! |
Ten Commandments for Husbands!
The Husband's Responsibility to his Wife & the Bible!
Husband! Are you Taking your Wife for granted???
Dr. Bible: Personal Advice by email! |
The Wife's responsibility to the Husband
Have women been overlooked?
May a woman "Speak in the church"? 2 Tim 2:11-12 + 1 Cor 14:34-35
How one woman put her husband in his place!
What does the Bible say about submission to another?
Dr. Bible: Personal Advice by email! |
The Children's Responsibility to the Parents
Consider this after you have chosen to quit attending church
The Bible and Treating the Elderly with respect
What Teenagers Need to Understand About Dating!
11 Rules of life that your school won't teach you
Teens! Use Your Freedom Wisely!
Teenage Marriage: Weigh it carefully!
10 Bible passages for Teenagers!
True love is more than skin deep! Amazing true story!!!
10 Things young people can do for God.
When young people finally leave home for good.
The Bible story of the boy who ran away from home!
Is running away from your parents home the answer?
Dr. Bible: Personal Advice by email! |
Major study on how to raise children.
Why School shootings? Littleton and others: Thought you won't find in the newspapers!
How to Properly Discipline your Child The Bible Way!
Daddy, How much do you make? Touching story of a boy and his dad!
Daddy, Please attend church with us! Touching Poem and a chart that maps the effect Fathers have on their children.
A Guide to surviving church services with small kids!
Poem: When your child quits attending church.
The results of NOT Disciplining Children the Bible way!
How to Teach your Child The Bible!!!
Reasons why you SHOULD NOT send your kids to day care!
Sex education in schools and Abstinence
Teaching Children To Work without Complaining!!!
How to show your children you love them!
Parent's Responsibility to Children & the Bible
How To Understand Your Teenager & the Bible
Could my children's faith in Santa destroy their faith in God?
Dr. Bible: Personal Advice by email! |
Secret Of Personal Contentment at home
Grieving death: Why did God kill my loved one?
You can minister to someone who is suffering!
Bible help to Overcome Personal Depression!
Bible Help to Overcome Loneliness!
Bible Help to Fight Temptations!